Chapter 28

Chu Xiangming reached out his hand and pulled out the statue of the Supreme God of Wealth and the three minions from the Xiaoling Realm.

Then he returned the empty spiritual realm to Lin Xiao.

"This thing can be modified to make a good magic weapon; besides, fellow Daoist has contributed a lot this time. I can decide to give you three chances to enter the secret vault of the Shenting, and three more chances to enter the Shenting Library."

As he said that, Chu Xiangming stretched out his hand, and six special keys appeared in his hand.

"You can enter the Zangshu Pavilion on your own, but the secret library needs you to go to the heaven."

Lin Xiao took the key.

"I also met at the right time, but the Secret Library of the Divine Court is indeed very attractive to me, so I won't refuse."


Chu Xiangming laughed loudly and patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder.

"You should have been like this a long time ago. Shenting is a big family, so why bother to be polite."

Lin Xiao also smiled when he heard this.

"It's time for me to go back."

"Wait a minute, this incident is not trivial. I can't handle it alone. I wonder if I can ask Fellow Daoist Lin to help me deal with it?"

Lin Xiao pondered for a while, and agreed to Chu Xiangming.

"Of course, this time it happened because of me."

"Okay, Fellow Daoist is really happy."

After speaking, Chu Xiangming stretched out his hand into the void, and took out a fat cat in official uniform.

"This is the red raccoon, who cultivates the way of humanism and legalism. He has the ability to distinguish between good and evil, judge and investigate cases, and has a position in the heavenly court. It will be more convenient for you to have him with you."

The fat orange cat named Chili just hugged his forearm and said lightly.

"Although you are my boss, you shouldn't humiliate me like this, meow."

Lin Xiao thought that Fat Orange's voice would be a little sharper, but he didn't expect it to be a thick and deep middle-aged voice.

And it sounds like there is a sense of righteous majesty.

Chu Xiangming threw the red raccoon on the ground.

Unlike ordinary cats that walk on four legs, this red raccoon walks on two legs, and when it landed on the ground, it just calmly patted the official uniform on its body.

Afterwards, he folded his...claws together in front of him, and bowed to the two of them.

"My official is Shenting inspector Shaoqing Chili, who is responsible for adjudicating cases, meow."

Lin Xiao didn't underestimate him just because it was a fat orange, because this cat was also a monk in the primordial stage.

Also returned the gift.

"Lin Xiao, a monk of Qingyun Temple in Qingfeng Mountain."

"Well, the Yanchuan County case you mentioned earlier, why not leave it to you and the red fox, and I will be responsible for arresting the body of the evil god."

Seeing that the two had met each other, Chu Xiangming began to arrange tasks for them.

It is said that it is arranging tasks, but it is actually giving Lin Xiao the credit.

The situation of Numi and Heijiao in Yanchuan County is generally clear, and then it is related to the contradictions between the dragon gods and other gods.

It is easy to find out by following the clues.

If Lin Xiao was the only one, it could be said to be arranging tasks.

Now a cat who is in Yuanshen Realm and still works in the Heavenly God Court has been arranged.

That is purely giving credit.

But Lin Xiao has no reason to refuse, and there is no harm anyway.

After a brief farewell, Lin Xiao and Chili left Guangdu and headed towards Yanchuan.

After leaving Guangdu, Lin Xiao took the initiative to talk to Fat Ju with a serious face beside him.

"Master Red Fox, do you need Pindao to send you there directly?"

After thinking for a while, Red Fox nodded.

"That's good too, it can save some time on the road."

With the approval, Lin Xiao directly pulled Fat Ju's paw, broke through the space and came outside Yanchuan County.

When they reached the place, the red fox drew back its paw and exclaimed.

"Friend Daoist Lin's attainments in space and dao really amaze me meow."

Lin Xiao rubbed his hands together and said modestly.

"It's far worse than the gods who created the heavens and passed down the method of opening up the spiritual realm."

In fact, what I thought was that cats in the primordial spirit state seemed to have a better pinch of fleshy balls.

Red Fox nodded.

"Palace Master Taixu's attainments in space and dao may be hard to come by in the entire Kyushu universe, meow."

The Lord of Taixu Palace is the first generation of God Emperor, the advocate of the establishment of the God Court, and the creator of the Heaven Realm.

The method of opening up the spiritual realm of the divine way of the lower realms was also passed down from this person.

In fact, Lin Xiao was able to research the Qiankun Pot so quickly, and the part related to Yudao Space referred to a lot of things in the Divine Dao and Spiritual Realm.

It can be said that most of Lin Xiao's cosmic attainments today are the wisdom of Palace Master Taixu.

The remaining part is the truth that gradually emerged during the operation of the pot in the world.

"This is Yanchuan City God Realm."

Lin Xiao has been to Yanchuan County, so the location of the teleportation is very accurate.

It directly settled at the gate of Yanchuan County, and smoothly covered the figures of the two people.

However, although they covered their figures, neither Lin Xiao nor Chi Li had any intention of covering up their aura.

After all, he came here to investigate the case dignifiedly, not to be a thief.

So when the aura of the two primordial spirit realms descended on Yanchuan County unabashedly, the City God of Yanchuan reacted immediately.

Although the City God's Spiritual Realm has not been closed, judging from the spiritual light circulating above, it is obvious that it has entered a state of defense.

Lin Xiao ignored Yanchuan City God's reaction. The gap in strength was too great, like a little milk cat baring its teeth and claws in front of humans.

As soon as he landed, Lin Xiao set his sights on the operation of the City God's Spiritual Realm.

Judging from the little spirit realm in Guangdu, the spirit realm of the Supreme God of Wealth is attached to the city god's spirit realm.

This technology is a very interesting technology, which can open up a small subsidiary space under one space.

Lin Xiao guessed that it should also have evolved from the method of opening up the spirit realm. After obtaining the little spirit realm, Lin Xiao immediately conducted research.

Not only learned this method, but also deduced how to detect these little spirit realms.

In fact, it is not difficult to know the method of this Little Spirit Realm, but it was just a blind eye before.

No one has considered that the City God's Spiritual Realm will be attached to a Little Spiritual Realm.

After all, the laws of the gods stipulated, so the spiritual realm derived from the city must be integrated into the city god's spiritual realm.

After observing for a while with the previously developed detection method, Lin Xiao quickly discovered the Little Spirit Realm anchored under the Chenghuang Spirit Realm in Yanchuan County.

So he stretched out his hand directly, probing towards the City God's Spiritual Realm, with Yu Daodao wrapped around his hand.

Like picking a fruit, I picked off the small subsidiary spirit realm very lightly.

After a little investigation, Lin Xiao gave Chi Li all the Little Spirit Realm in his hand.

"My experiment is over, it's up to you next, let's make a quick decision, quickly resolve the matter in Yanchuan County, and quickly transfer to Shemin County, catching them by surprise."

The red raccoon came to the spiritual realm and began to investigate carefully.

The Judgment Eye of the Legalist opened, and all the traces of violating the laws of the gods in the entire spiritual realm appeared one by one.

"Spiritual distraction has been withdrawn meow, but the relevant records have not been destroyed in time, and the trial can be directly based on the records meow."

(End of this chapter)

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