Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 297 He Jinsheng Invites Fairy Friends

Chapter 297 He Jinsheng Invites Fairy Friends
After encouraging Lu Tong, Lin Xiao smiled at Yuan Shi and said, "Today your junior brother also became a real immortal in the East China Sea, and he lives on Jin'ao Island in your Penglai territory. You, the master, should do something about it." Penglai Jade Banquet, congratulations."

Yuan Shi knew that the master's addiction to holding a banquet came again, so he immediately responded: "I will follow the master's decree, and I will contact Junior Sister Dai Sheng and ask her to bring some fairy wine and spirit fruits over."

Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile when he saw that his disciple hit the snake with the stick and hit the stick directly on his head.

After thinking for a while, Lin Xiao said to the two disciples: "Both of you are aware of your identity as a teacher, but the relationship between Yaochi Dongtian and me should not be known to too many people. From now on, your lineage of immortality will be completely Brother Laojun, Yuanshi, and Master Tongtian, remember to pay more attention in the future."

Yuanshi and Tongtian naturally didn't know the small ninety-nine in Master's heart, but they immediately nodded to express their understanding.

Next, Yuan Shi asked Lin Xiao to rest in Penglai Wonderland, and then went to Yaochi Tongtian to find Dai Sheng.

Seeing Yuan Shi's sudden visit, Dai Sheng was also a little surprised, "Brother Qingfeng, why are you free to come to Yaochi Cave? But Master just went out and hasn't come back yet."

Yuan Shi smiled and said: "Master is now in my Penglai Wonderland. I am also ordered by Master to come here. To celebrate Junior Brother Tongtian becoming a real fairy, I want to hold a fairy feast in Penglai Wonderland. I need some fairy wine from you." Spirit fruit."

"Junior Brother Tongtian?" Dai Sheng had never heard of such a famous person under his master's sect, so he couldn't help wondering.

"It's Master's registered disciple, the old Gui Lutong. After he was promoted to a true immortal, Master accepted him as a formal disciple and gave him the Taoist name Tongtian." Yuan Shi explained.

"Then the old turtle has also become a real fairy?" Dai Sheng was surprised, but also felt a little disappointed. He is the master's direct disciple, the imperially appointed young master of Yaochi, and there is nothing to say about the master's eldest disciple Qingfeng becoming a real fairy. , Now even the registered disciples have become real immortals, but I am still only in the primordial stage.

Apparently seeing what Dai Sheng was thinking, Yuan Shi said in relief: "Junior Sister, don't take it too seriously, everyone has their own destiny, maybe when the opportunity comes one day, you will also become a true immortal."

Dai Sheng collected his thoughts, nodded, and said: "Senior brother is right, I am lucky to have the cultivation base I have today. If it is not for Master's pity, I don't know if I can live to this day."

Then Dai Sheng smiled and said: "Yaochi hasn't had a grand meeting for a long time, and I have accumulated a lot of various spirit fruit wines. Brother Qingfeng wants to use it, so just order it."

"Then thank you, Junior Sister." Yuan Shi smiled and cupped his hands, then remembered something, and said: "But Junior Sister must also remember in the future, Master ordered not to reveal Master Yun Xiaozi's identity and the relationship between Yaochi Dongtian in front of outsiders .”

"Master has indeed mentioned it before, little sister, I can wake up." Dai Sheng nodded in agreement, and then immediately ordered all the fairy maids in Yaochi to help Yuanshi prepare the fairy fruit.

In less than a cup of tea, baskets of flat peaches, Jiaoli jujubes and an altar of immortal brewed wine were piled up in the hall of Yaochi.If Boy Lingshen saw it, he would probably scold Dai Sheng again for selling his father's land, and Qingfeng should not be a son of man.

After Yuan Shi packed all the Lingguo Xianjiu, he turned back and said to Dai Sheng: "Master also told you and Junior Brother Chili to attend the Penglai Jade Banquet, don't forget it." Then he went straight back Penglai territory.

The fairies and maids on Penglai Island also followed Yuanshi's arrangement and delivered invitations to the monks on Penglai, Abbot, Daiyu, Yingzhou and other islands.

Among the six realms of Yuanshi Dongtian, except for Zhongzhou Realm, which is completely integrated into the East China Sea and carries Penglai, Daiyu and other Lingyu fairy islands, the other five realms are mainly used to maintain the balance of the entire Dongtian spiritual realm.

Penglai, Daiyu and other islands, because of their large amount of fairy aura, have indeed attracted many practitioners to settle on these islands, making this place a wonderful scene of fairy homes.

The mission Huamei received was to invite the fairy family on Daiyu Island. She rarely leaves Penglai Island on weekdays, so she felt quite novel about this mission.

After coming to Daiyu Island, I suddenly felt that the scenery here is different from Penglai: all kinds of rare plants and flowers grow against the wind in the mountains, island ports, and white sandy beaches, making people linger and forget to return.

Hua Mei came to a Sanxian Cave, cleared her throat, and said, "Baiyun Taoist, today my master held a fairy meeting on Penglai Island to congratulate the Tongtian Immortal Master of Jinbie Island on becoming a real fairy. Come to dinner on time."

Taoist Baiyun in the cave mansion heard the voice outside, and hurried out and said, "Thank you Qingfeng Immortal for allowing me to live here for many years. It is a great honor to invite me to participate in the Fairy Fair now."

Taoist Baiyun heard that some immortal friend from a nearby island practiced to become a true immortal, he was envious and jealous, but he knew his own affairs, and he was able to cultivate into a golden elixir after being taught by Mingyue Donghai, which is far from the realm of a true immortal It's too far away, but it's just a sense of loss in my heart.

Although Yingzhou Island outside Penglai is inferior to the several islands in Penglai, it has a more prosperous atmosphere than the four islands of Penglai because it contains the true heritage of Fenglin Prefecture, one of the nine states.

After traveling across the sea, several maids and boys were shocked to see countless monsters, beasts and birds on Yingzhou Island, as well as many rare fairy grass Ganoderma lucidum. Everything is available on Penglai Island, so there is no desire for greed.

Seeing the land, several people went to various places on Yingzhou Island to visit those cultivators according to Yuan Shi's instructions, and delivered invitations.

This time Yuanshi invited all the cultivators from the nearby Xiandao to participate in the Penglai Jade Banquet. Firstly, he must have followed Master Lin Xiao’s order to congratulate his younger brother Tongtian for becoming a real immortal. Spread the word widely to attract more immortals to settle or trade in Penglai Xiandao.

When Yuan Shi was still in the Kyushu Realm, the first class Lin Xiao taught him was economics, and later he also managed the blessed place of Prison Longtan according to his words, and then he went step by step to today.

Therefore, Yuanshi's way of cultivating immortals has always been closely related to business operations. He is a businessman in the immortal world at heart, so he must first consider the benefits of multiple parties when doing anything.

Although the last time the Penglai Jade Banquet was held, many bigwigs from the earth and immortal world came to join in, but the role of these bigwigs is more to endorse the Penglai Jade Banquet, so that the middle and low-level immortal cultivators who participated in the Penglai Jade Banquet can see what is behind Penglai. However, it cannot directly create value for Penglai.

If Qingfeng's Penglai domain, even the Zhongzhou boundary, and the entire Qingfeng cave want to develop, more importantly, there must be many middle and low-level cultivators.

(End of this chapter)

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