Chapter 303
After everything was ready, Seven Killing Star Zhang Kui led three thousand immortal cultivators into the Kyushu Realm through the passage specially set up by Lin Xiao.

"Shenting, you should pay the price for what you did back then!" Zhang Kui stared at the void in the distance, and said through gritted teeth.

The unforgettable memory hundreds of years ago resurfaced in Zhang Kui's mind:
Seeing the once prosperous empire turned into ashes overnight, Zhang Kui, a general of the Great Shang Dynasty, was filled with grief, indignation and helplessness.

At this moment, Zhang Kui suddenly felt a powerful force erupting from the depths of his soul, which seemed to swallow his consciousness.

In addition to possessing superb martial arts skills, Zhang Kui also practiced some Taoism.After feeling something strange, he immediately became alert and tried to get rid of the shackles of this force, but he couldn't get away.

Zhang Kui couldn't help but feel a trace of despair. He knew that he had fallen into an extremely dangerous situation and might fall at any time.Just when Zhang Kui thought he could no longer escape, he suddenly remembered that he had met an immortal in Xishan and got a communication jade card.

Fortunately, the jade card was always with him, and Zhang Kui immediately crushed the communication jade card without hesitation.

Lin Xiao appeared instantly, and at the same time, he immediately noticed the abnormality of Zhang Kui's body.Seeing him stretch out his hand to grab it, Zhang Kui instantly felt the power in his body roaring and screaming as if consciously.

However, that consciousness obviously couldn't resist Lin Xiao's capture, and was quickly pulled away by Lin Xiao in the strong unwillingness.

Zhang Kui, who woke up, found that his forehead was already covered with sweat, and realized that he had almost fallen just now, his face was pale, and his heart was full of throbbing.

After Lin Xiao silently explored that consciousness, he crushed it and said to Zhang Kui, "This is a mark of the remnant soul implanted in your body by Shenting, because you are the fate of the Seven Killing Star, so Shenting wants to use this imprint to occupy you, devour your consciousness, and occupy your true spirit and physical body."

Zhang Kui looked up at Lin Xiao, a trace of anger and hatred flashed in his eyes: "I must take revenge on Shenting and make them pay for it!"

For hundreds of years, Zhang Kui has worked hard in the Heavenly Court of the Earth Immortal Realm, relying on the Star Dao exercises provided by Lin Xiao and the spiritual fruits and fairy medicines of the Heavenly Court, his strength has grown by leaps and bounds, but his hatred for the Divine Court has never weakened by half. .

Soon, the team led by Zhang Kui came to a barren mountain, which was one of the several strongholds provided by Lin Xiao to the Heavenly Court, and what Zhang Kui and the others had to do was to remove these strongholds one by one.

Seven kill star Zhang Kui stood at the forefront of the team, facing Shenting's stronghold.He patted his chest lightly, a purple light flashed, and a huge silver ax appeared in his hand.

"Ready to attack!" His voice was low and majestic.

As soon as he finished speaking, the immortal cultivators in the team sacrificed their magic weapons one after another.

One after another golden rays of light flickered and shot fiercely towards the stronghold.There were deafening roars from the stronghold, as if it would be completely destroyed in the next moment.

Zhang Kui rushed out of the team and slashed at the stronghold with one axe.In an instant, his ax blade split the defense from the stronghold, and a red light shot up into the sky, like a huge blade of fire directly tore through the defense of the stronghold, cutting off the dazzling divine light, making everyone feel a flash of light before their eyes. Bright.

Now that the Kyushu Realm lacks aura, there are almost no immortal cultivators, so the guardians of the gods stationed here are also very weak. They were immediately stunned by their fierce attacks, and they were constantly harvested by spells like leeks, and they had no power to fight back.

Zhang Kui led the team all the way into the center of the stronghold of the God Realm, and finally met a powerful monk of the God Court.The cultivator of Shenting held a golden long sword, the sword energy was crystal clear, and with a swiped forward, he immediately beheaded several immortal cultivators from the earth immortal world on the spot.

Zhang Kui, the commander-in-chief, immediately noticed this scene.

After this period of training, the minimum strength of this team entering the Kyushu Realm has reached the level of the Yin God Realm, and this Shenting cultivator was able to kill several people at once with only sword energy, obviously the strength is at least the middle stage of the Primordial God Realm above.

Worried that there would be another loss of troops, Zhang Kui immediately rushed towards the cultivator.

Although Zuo Mingqian was not considered a big man in the Shenting Heaven Realm, he was also a master at the peak of the Yuanshen Realm. After being sent to the Kyushu Human Realm where the aura is thin, he was naturally extremely unhappy. In addition, there were no powerful people in the Human Realm When he came back to trouble Shenting, he was passive and sabotaged, drinking and having fun in his room.

After the shouts of killing were already loud outside, Zuo Mingqian reacted and rushed out with his sword in hand.

After beheading several intruders with a single sword, Zuo Mingqian noticed a 1.7-meter-long green-clothed man approaching him with a huge ax bigger than a human, and immediately judged from the aura of the opponent that it must be An important figure in the Invaders.

Zuo Mingqian didn't bother to ask the other party, and the golden sword in his hand condensed a sharp sword energy, and cut towards Zhang Kui.

Zhang Kui looked dignified, but he was not afraid. He swung the huge axe, and the ax flame rose, and with a bang, the ax flame collided with the sword energy, like two strings of thunder and lightning intertwined, making an astonishing sound.

The immortal cultivators in the Earth Immortal Realm saw that their commander had stopped the cultivator from Shenting, and they were not to be outdone. They used their big moves at the same time, some used Divine Fire Reverse Current, some used Dragon Chanting and Watching the Moon, and some used Star Fighting Technique In a row, the monks in the surrounding Shenting were beaten to pieces, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

In the duel between the two, Zhang Kui clearly had the upper hand. He has been practicing diligently for hundreds of years with the goal of overthrowing the court, so he is naturally not comparable to a monk like Zuo Mingqian.

As the golden sword was blown away, Zhang Kui's huge ax slashed fiercely at the opponent's body amidst the sparks flying around. The wall instantly broke into countless pieces.

Seeing that the strongest monks on the other side were easily defeated by their own commander, the morale of the team in the Earth Immortal Realm increased greatly. Under the leadership of Zhang Kui, they quickly captured the entire stronghold.

The battle lasted for several hours. Some people in the team were injured or died in the battle, but overall, their losses were minimal. Victory is also very good.

Zhang Kui has established an unshakable prestige in the team and has truly become the leader in everyone's hearts.

After cleaning up the entire battlefield, Zhang Kui used this place as a temporary base for the vanguard of the Earth Immortal Realm.

After some repairs, Zhang Kui left behind a team of guards, and then led the team to the nearby God Realm stronghold.

(End of this chapter)

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