Chapter 305

As they continued to move forward, Zhang Kui and his team encountered more and more monsters and worms. Their power was not at the same level compared with the monsters and worms they encountered at first, and some of them were even higher than the monsters. Those giant worms were even more powerful this time.

Some monsters can easily knock the ground out of several feet deep pits, and some worms can even easily cut huge rocky mountains in half.

Such a situation is difficult to see even in the earth fairy world where the spiritual energy is extremely strong. How can there be so many such powerful monsters and insects in this small spiritual realm?

There was an ominous warning sign in Zhang Kui's heart, coupled with the inexplicable intuition about this spiritual realm at first, it made him even more uneasy.

However, the team of immortal cultivators under him had experienced life-and-death fights with real swords and guns several times, so although monsters and insects suddenly appeared from the dark from time to time, they became more and more comfortable.

However, Zhang Kui never let go of his vigilance.He has led troops in battle for many years, and this intuition of danger has saved the lives of himself and his subordinates countless times, so he still chooses to trust his intuition this time.

After advancing for a certain distance, Zhang Kui, the star of the Seven Killers, and the immortal cultivators from the Earth Immortal Realm discovered a large peach blossom forest.

In the peach blossom forest, the pink and tender peach blossoms bloom very beautifully, exuding a faint fragrance of flowers, which makes people feel refreshed.All the cultivators began to walk slowly, looking for a resting place in the peach blossom forest for a short rest.

Zhang Kui and the cultivators from the Earth Immortal Realm had just rested in the Peach Blossom Forest for a while, when they suddenly heard a deafening roar.They looked up one after another, only to see a huge monster galloping towards them in the distance.

This monster is huge in size, its skin is as thick as steel, and its jet-black unicorn glistens in the sunlight.Its eyes stared at Zhang Kui and the cultivators in the Earth Immortal Realm, as if looking for a target to attack.

Everyone tensed up immediately, and immediately put on a fighting stance.Zhang Kui picked up the huge ax beside him, stood upright at the front of the team, and shouted loudly: "Everyone stand back first, let me meet this monster for a while!"

Everyone followed his instructions and retreated, leaving Zhang Kui a chance to challenge the monster alone.Zhang Kui raised his giant axe and attacked the monster, but found that his ax blade couldn't cut through the opponent's thick skin at all.

The monster let out a roar, stretched out its front paws and grabbed Zhang Kui.Zhang Kui blocked the monster's attack with the axe, but was still knocked back a few steps.He immediately adjusted his posture, jumped up and swung an ax at the monster's face.

However, this attack does not seem to have had much effect.The monster didn't care, and still rushed towards Zhang Kui.Zhang Kui jumped back to avoid the monster's attack, but he still felt his scalp go numb.

Although they encountered a few monsters that were comparable to the peak cultivators of the Yuanshen Realm along the way, they were not too difficult for Zhang Kui and the others, but the defense of this monster was so strong that even his giant axe It can't be destroyed at all, and the attack power is also terrifyingly strong.

Seeing that Zhang Kui couldn't take advantage of it at all, the immortal cultivators also began to help.They fight together, using their own spells and skills to attack.Although their attacks did not cause any damage to the monster beast, they also distracted the monster beast.

Seeing that she couldn't do anything about this monster, Dai Sheng couldn't help being a little impatient. She turned over her palm, and a talisman appeared in her hand. On the back of the monster.

Hearing "Boom~", the blue flame immediately blasted a huge hole in the monster's back, and scarlet blood sprayed everywhere.

The monster's back was suddenly severely injured. Under the pain, it became fierce, its eyes were full of violence, its attack speed and strength increased a lot, and it roared and launched merciless attacks on the immortal cultivators in the earth fairy world .

Caught off guard, several people were torn into several pieces by the monster's sharp claws, and the immortal cultivators fell into panic.

They were still too young. When they encountered such a situation and faced such a ferocious monster, they were at a loss for what to do for a while, and they lost their positions.

The twisted body of the monster rushed towards them, its sharp claws pierced the air, making a piercing sound, and the companions screamed one after another. Some people were so flustered that they couldn't even take care of the protective spells, and were easily pierced by the monster's attack.

The immortal cultivators in the Earth Immortal World started a fierce battle, and they released their strongest moves one after another, hoping to defeat the monster.But the monsters simply avoided these attacks, leaving them no chance.Its every attack is full of tyranny and destruction, so that everyone can't help but panic.

The battle situation suddenly became extremely fierce, and the immortal cultivators in the earth immortal world were forced to retreat continuously, while the monsters chased them mercilessly.Its power is too terrifying. After this fierce outburst, it no longer even has the category of ordinary monsters.

Seeing that his attack had led to such tragic consequences, Dai Sheng couldn't help feeling remorseful, but he couldn't think of any countermeasures for a while.

Zhang Kui stared angrily: "No, we must find its fatal point. Everyone seized the time to attack the wounds on its back, eyes and head, trying to stop its movements." Zhang Kui remained awake despite his anxiety. mind, gave the order to attack.

The monsters continued to kill them, their ferocious faces and sharp claws made people feel helpless and hopeless.However, under Zhang Kui's continuous orders, the cultivators of the Earth Immortal Realm gradually recovered from their flustered emotions, and began to carefully look for the fatal points of the monsters, and launched attacks on the weaker parts of the monsters.

The wound on the monster's back was hit again, and it immediately let out a bloody roar, and the aura on its body became stronger and stronger.It seems that it is no longer a monster, but a demon with a sense of slaughter.

The speed of the monster became faster, almost instantaneously moving, making people wonder if it was really moving, so that most of the attacks that were originally aimed at the wound on its back and the position of the head and eyes were hit in the empty space, while its attacks It is even more ferocious, every attack is enough to make the immortal cultivator unable to breathe.

Chili's eyes shone brightly. He possessed the power of the law of the sun god Jing Ang, so he was more sensitive to the sun's energy in the Kyushu Realm.After some observation, he found that when the monster attacked, the concentration of the sun's essence in the abdomen would obviously decrease a lot.

Seizing an opportunity, Chili quickly approached the monster, a lazy donkey rolled and passed under its belly, and the Mo Dao in his hand slashed into a place in its abdomen.

(End of this chapter)

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