Chapter 309

The eyes of Zhang Kui, Chi Li and others fell on the young man who suddenly appeared in the middle of the room. He looked very young, with long hair draped over his shoulders, and a warm breath flowing between his brows, which seemed to be able to resolve all troubles.

However, on him, Zhang Kui and Chi Li felt a sense of oppression, as if there was an unfathomable aura flowing through him, which was soul-stirring.

Especially Chili, when his gaze met the young man, he felt a slight dizziness, as if there was some inexplicable connection.

This young man was none other than the Sun God Jing Ang who had been incarnated by Lin Xiao.

At this moment, he is completely gone from the domineering and overbearing that day when he was in the Earth Immortal Realm, and his aura is more peaceful and mysterious than before, but the golden light hidden in his deep eyes reveals a frightening killing intent. Chilling.

Although Jing Ang's face did not show the slightest emotional fluctuations, it seemed that there was only himself and no other existence.However, Chi Li seemed to be targeted by a poisonous snake, and the blood in his whole body seemed to be coagulated.

At this time, the female monk also came out from a passage, standing behind Jing Ang like a well-behaved maid.

Although the other party's words were a bit inexplicable, but Zhang Kui thought about the purpose of this time, he still bite the bullet and said: "I don't know the senior's name, it's really wrong for us to take the liberty to break into the senior's mansion. But our companion Injured by the girl behind senior, I owe senior a helping hand to help treat our companion."

"It seems that you don't know my identity yet?" Jing Ang stared at the two people in front of him indifferently, and said flatly, "I am the True God of Shenting—Jing Ang, the Sun God."

Hearing this, Zhang Kui was not too surprised. He had already guessed that there should be people from Shenting here when he sensed the imprint of Shenting on the female monk, but he did not expect that the other party was actually the true god of Shenting. His heart couldn't help but tighten.

But in Chili's heart, there were waves and waves. He had learned from his master Lin Xiao that the power in his body came from the sun god Jing Ang of the God Court, and he had sworn with the true spirit to replace him with the other party. .

However, Chi Li obviously hasn't prepared the equipment to face Jing Ang at this moment. After all, with his deep scheming, he naturally hopes to make a decision before making a move, and only challenge the opponent when his strength is on the same level as the opponent.

But what Chili didn't expect was that the majestic God of Shenting, the Sun God Jing Ang, would hide in the Kyushu Realm, which is almost a celestial place, and hide in a spiritual realm. It just happened to be such a coincidence that he entered Kyushu for the first time The world will be able to meet him.

Although Chili is of the fire attribute, he feels the icy cold all over his body at this moment. After all, his own strength is only in the Yuanshen realm, while Jing Ang on the opposite side is a true immortal.He didn't think that the other party would not know his existence, and from Jing Ang's words just now, he could know that he had been waiting for him, and it was very likely that he had already been perceived by the other party when he entered this spiritual realm.

"It turned out to be Senior Jing Ang. I'd be offended if it was true. But I still want to ask Senior or this girl to help our companion." Zhang Kui naturally has no way of knowing Chi Li's thoughts, but the situation is extremely delicate now. , he could only carefully test the attitude of the other party.

"You want me to save your companion?" Jing Ang didn't look at Zhang Kui, but stared at Chi Li with a playful expression, "Then what are you going to exchange?"

Chili gritted his teeth, knowing that Jing Ang was playing with his group with the mentality of playing cat and mouse, but the situation was stronger than others, and his team was only monks in the Yuanshen realm, how could they deal with the true god of Shenting? ?
Zhang Kui obviously also saw something, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he continued: "If you have any requests, senior, please feel free to speak up!"

Jing Ang sneered, staring at Chili without blinking and said, "You should know what I want, whether you want to save your companion or not, it's up to you to decide."

Chi Li didn't say a word, but his brain was running fast, trying to find a way to escape from Ascension, but now that the back road is blocked, the other party obviously set a trap long ago, how can he escape? ?

Zhang Kui also noticed the strangeness between Chi Li and the god of the day, Jing Ang, but the other party was too powerful, they had no chance of winning at all, so they had to keep their mouths shut and observe, and the monks behind were also people who had practiced for many years, so naturally Seeing that the situation was inappropriate, they kept silent and waited for Zhang Kui's order.

All of a sudden, there was no sound in this room, and a needle could be heard.

In the end, it was Jing Ang who broke the silence here. He has long developed a domineering and flamboyant temperament in the court of God. Although he has restrained his temper for hundreds of years due to the retreat from the world and recuperating, he is by no means the kind who is good at forbearance. people.

What's more, here, Jing Ang's strength far exceeds that of everyone present, so there's no need for him to suppress his own nature, all his actions just now are just to play tricks on this guy who has obtained a little bit of his power of law, but has a big rebellious delusion.

Thinking that his tens of thousands of years of cultivation was wasted because of this little guy in front of him, the golden glow in Jing Ang's eyes became even colder.

Sun God Jing Ang lost all playful interest in his eyes, like a glacier in the cold winter, ruthless.He shot at Chili without hesitation, the only purpose was to refine Chili into his own puppet.

Chi Li wanted to struggle, but in front of Jing Ang, his struggle was like an ant dancing wildly at the feet of a giant, it was dimmed.

Jing Ang's divine handle condensed into a giant golden hand, and grabbed Chili.

Chili struggled hard, his body twisted involuntarily, but he still couldn't break free from the powerful force, he could only watch helplessly as he was caught in the air by Jing Ang's giant golden hand, and at the same time a scorching energy flowed from the giant hand He rushes towards Chili's body, obviously wanting to refine Chili into a puppet here.

Seeing this, Zhang Kui and the others had no time to think, and immediately attacked Jing Ang.

They all know that Shen Jingang is very powerful today, but they will not just give up like this, and obediently bow down to be slaughtered by the other party.

Zhang Kui took the lead, and the huge ax in his hand flashed a cold light, and he slashed directly at Jing Ang.

Jing Ang sneered, and Shengang once again condensed a golden giant hand to meet him.

The other two immortal cultivators Futu and Yixiu who were at the peak of Yuanshen Realm in the team saw Jing Ang's offensive power, and immediately helped. Blast at Jing Ang's big hand.

A trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the female monk standing behind Jing Ang, but she remained motionless, with no intention of helping Jing Ang at all.

(End of this chapter)

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