Chapter 33
The god in the pot was made by Lin Xiao.

With a strict contract, the collected divine power is the purity guaranteed by the way of heaven.

But as a god, there will always be a lot of incense power that does not go through the contract.

Lin Xiao didn't intend to use these incense powers at all, but chose to refine Tianyin and release divine magic to feed back to the believers.

Used to determine cause and effect.

In this way, the resource cycle envisioned by Lin Xiao is basically complete.

It's a pity that because of the matter of supreme wealth, the court of gods has recently strictly investigated all kinds of evil gods, prostitutes, and illegal trading places.

Lin Xiao's Huzhongxian's wishing contract, after all, wiped out the edge of showing the saint in front of others.

So don't be too presumptuous.

Lin Xiao returned to Qingfeng Mountain after dealing with the affairs of the servant boy.

Previously, the Heaven Realm Inspection Department had no idea that the six keys given by Chu Xiangming hadn't been used yet, and Chi Li also said that it was best to go to Shenting Zangshuge to have a look.

So Lin Xiao planned to wander around Shenting Library Pavilion and read the Taoist spells in it.

As the center of Shinto in the current world, the Heavenly God Court only needs a stick of incense to communicate with the gods.

Just like Yizhuxiang dialed the report number before, you can also connect to Shenting's library with Yizhuxiang.

After getting ready, Lin Xiao took out a copper incense burner and put it beside him.

The curling smoke rose, and Lin Xiao's spirit rolled up the key, and escaped into Qingming with the smoke.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the gate of a palace and wrote three divine inscriptions in Langhuan Pavilion.

Open the door and enter, but it is an empty space, surrounded by twinkling stars.

When Lin Xiao was wondering, a voice came.

"What kind of books and documents are you looking for here?"

Turning around, he saw a strange-looking old man.

"Who is this fellow Daoist?"

The old man stroked his beard and said.

"The old man is the God of Books in the Langhuan Book Pavilion. He is in charge of all the books and documents in the Langhuan Pavilion. Fellow Daoists can just ask for any kind of books they want to find. The old man will help you find them much faster."

Hearing this, Lin Xiao took out the three keys he had brought.

"I don't know what these keys mean, how many secret scripts can be exchanged for each one?"

"The key is just a proof of entry. Every time you enter, you consume one. You can read all the Daoist books in the bookstore. If you want to take it out, you can only copy it."

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up slightly.

"Unlimited time?"

Lang Huan said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist has just ascended to the heavens. Only the keys issued to the lower realms are time-limited. This heavenly secret key is not time-limited."

Lin Xiao was taken aback when he heard the words, it seems that the key Chu Xiangming gave was the highest grade, so that Lin Xiao, who is not a member of the God Court, can also enjoy the treatment of the God Court.

"In this case, please ask the old book master to help guide the location of the classics on luck and causality."

Langhuan Shushen heard the words and pulled a nebula from the void.

"This nebula is all related to luck and karma. There are mortal poetry collections, immortal supernatural powers, divine mysteries, monster blood mysteries, etc."

"Thank you, Mr. Shu."

After Lin Xiao bowed to Langhuan Book God, he began to check this nebula.

The main purpose of the consultation is to manifest the secret technique of the cause and effect of luck, and how to accumulate the method of suppressing luck.

Ever since Lin Xiao entered the Yuanshen Realm and cultivated the Dao Principles of the Universe, Kyushu was not very big to Lin Xiao.

It is possible to cross several states between thoughts.

Since becoming a weapon spirit, Lin Xiao has traveled across several states.

Not to mention the unnamed mountain range where the body is buried, Chu Chengzhi in Yunzhou, and running across several states to collect incense.

But in Yuzhou, Lin Xiao ran back and forth between Qingfeng Mountain, Yandu, and Guangdu.

The whole route is completely east to west with a hammer, like a headless chicken.

But this time, the matter of supreme wealth seems to be broken by Lin Xiao accidentally, but after careful investigation, it is actually closely related to Lin Xiao.

When looking through the classics to sort out this incident, Lin Xiao suddenly woke up.

There is one more thing I forgot!
During the Yuhu Dharma Assembly, in order to run smoothly, Lin Xiao invited some older monks.

Most of these monks don't have much lifespan, and there are two or three people from Yuzhou among them.

Among these two or three people, it is hard to guarantee that there is no connection with Supreme Cai.

So he was targeted as soon as he achieved Yuanshen?

It shouldn't be some fairy god, if it was a fairy god, Lin Xiao would have been refined.

That's... God.


There are quite a few Yuanshen monks in Kyushu, even if you don't count Shinto monks, they are in the thousands.

Lin Xiao opened an article "Dao Yuanzi on the Way of Heaven and Luck", and sighed after reading it.

The novel misunderstood me!
Because of the myth of the novel in his previous life, Lin Xiao has always tried his best not to get involved in cause and effect.

Every time I go to a place, I don't stay too long, so as not to get involved too much.

But according to this Daoyuanzi's theory, the less cause and effect, the easier it is to be favored and calculated by the Dao of Heaven.

It is easier to become a tool of Heaven without knowing it.

Cause and effect are like a net, one hair will move the whole body.

If it is a person with great cause and effect, such as the lord of a country.

Tiandao wants to guide him to do something thousands of miles away, the difficulty and scope of influence are much greater than guiding an anonymous person.


Lin Xiao thought of this word for the first time. Many people who are entangled in cause and effect are troublesome for Tiandao.

A slight movement will involve many people, perhaps it is not a big deal with the computing power of the heavenly dao.

But for a rational existence, a person with less causal involvement and lower consumption is undoubtedly a better choice.

There are many ways to solve this matter.

The easiest way is to marry a wife!

It is best to be the daughter of a rich family, the head of a big sect.

Marry ten or eight of him, so that the whole world will have a father-in-law, and no one will dare to calculate.

Others include heavy treasures to suppress the cause and effect of luck, secret techniques to gather the cause and effect of luck, and so on.

Marrying a wife is definitely not suitable for Lin Xiao. If Lin Xiao wants to refine the treasure that suppresses luck, he still needs to find some spiritual materials with enough weight. it really useful to suppress the luck of the magic weapon with the magic weapon?
Finally, there are secret techniques, and there are many such techniques.

It's just that there are not many people who fit Lin Xiao's eyes.

At the top of the list is a method of contemplating luck in the court of God, which can be regarded as the standard spell of the court of God.

However, there is obviously incense on it, and the operation of the spell will also gather the mind of the caster's incense.

Lin Xiao studied it a bit, and couldn't help being a little startled.

This secret technique was created to unify the luck of Kyushu.

Qi luck is extremely idealistic, and the same secret technique is used to observe luck.

Some people see red, white, blue and purple color luck, some people see all kinds of beasts, some people see the long river of luck, etc., and so on.

And the luck observed by this secret technique has been processed, and they are all the same.

And it will absorb the thoughts of the watcher to affect the luck of the world, and force the luck of the world to change into the appearance he set.

It should be to create a commanding god.

Lin Xiao put down this secret technique and turned to other secret techniques.

(End of this chapter)

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