Chapter 44
Previously, the realm in the pot was still small, so Lin Xiao bought a spirit vein and put it in the realm in the pot.

Now that the realm of the pot has a certain area, it's time to consider whether to promote the spirit vein or create a few more.

Although one spirit vein is enough to support a village or even a town.

But this thing is forbidden after all, and it is not something that can be obtained in a short time.

Still have to prepare in advance.

In case the space really expands to a certain extent, without sufficient aura, the spiritual plants cultivated in the realm of the pot will degenerate instead.

It's better to go the right way for things like Lingmai, so as not to be caught.

In fact, if one can be promoted to a true immortal and let the world of the pot give birth to the wind layer, the energy of chaos can be refined in the small chaos of the star sea to generate the power of stars.

Turning into the spiritual energy of stars is much better than the spiritual energy produced by the spiritual veins.

However, it is still based on Yin Yang and Five Elements.

Judging from Lin Xiao's practice for so long, plus what he saw and heard in his previous life,

There were also Yin-Yang and Five Elements in previous lives, so Yin-Yang and Five Elements should be relatively stable.

But there was no aura in the previous life. Aura is the foundation of practice, but not the foundation of the world.

If Lin Xiao wanted to open up and build a cave without aura, maybe a technological civilization would appear in his cave in the end.

However, Lin Xiao didn't have this idea. In the world of cultivation, it's better to be with the light and the dust.

Reiki is a good thing.

With aura, the mountains will be greener, the water will be clearer, and the flowers, plants, birds, and animals will be more spiritual.

It also looks more pleasing to the eye.

As a man-made cave, of course, it must be based on the owner's will.

So Lin Xiao started the second round of the past life fairy fruit cultivation plan.

The result of the first round was flat peaches.

In fact, what Lin Xiao wanted to cultivate was ginseng fruit, but he couldn't find the prototype of ginseng fruit.

And flat peaches are much easier to cultivate. Find some spiritual peaches with nourishing effect, and you can start to cultivate them.

First choose one of the big and plump ones, and then use the refining method to refine a part of the peach tree into the formation pattern restriction.

A peach tree that has been refined into the formation pattern restriction will only bear one peach in its lifetime, and this peach will be suppressed by the formation pattern restriction to concentrate and absorb the essence as much as possible.

When I can't absorb it anymore, I will let go of the restraint and guide the peaches to ripen.

After ripening, the essence of the whole peach tree and peach should be refined into the peach pit.

In fact, this whole process also refers to some cultivation techniques.

After all, cultivating to become a fairy is the greatest bloodline promotion, and what Lin Xiao did was to help these peach trees cultivate.

After reaching the end of their aptitude, they will turn the cultivation results of this life into peach pits.

Improve the aptitude of its descendants, and then continue to help it cultivate and improve its life level.

Ordinary plants can also become spiritual plants when they are placed in an environment with abundant aura.

Lin Xiao's method originated from here, but it is more efficient than this kind of natural generation.

In the past five years, due to the small area of ​​the pot, and the existence of a whole spiritual vein.

Therefore, under the environment of high concentration of spiritual energy, many promoted spiritual plants appeared.

Then the offspring of these few plants were planted.

Of course, in order to ensure diversity, Lin Xiao did not completely replace them.

In the beginning, Lin Xiao didn't choose to buy the spiritual seeds by himself because of the variety of tastes.

What to breed next?

Lin Xiao looked at what he had here. Although there were not many spiritual species, there were basically all mortal species.

In addition to the flat peach, there are many other famous spiritual fruits in the previous life.

What Huang Zhongli, fairy apricot, and ginseng fruit are all well-known, and by the way, Jianmu will also bear fruit.

But these are too high-end. Lin Xiao can only cultivate one youthful version of flat peaches, and only nine of them can be produced in 30 years.

The next level is Jiaoli, Huozao, and jade lotus seeds.

'Yuli Jinjiang, Jiaolihuozao, this is the medicine of Feifei, which is not comparable to Jindan. '

It's decided, let's fire dates.

If you want to have a banquet, you have to find some spiritual fruits with large quantities. Once the jujubes bear fruit, they will become a tree. Maybe one plant is enough to hold a banquet.

Jiaoli can also be cultivated first, at least to lay a good foundation.

The reason why Lin Xiao's flat peaches sell so well is because they can prolong life.

The other spiritual fruits are just some spiritual energy, no matter how high the level is, they cannot be named without their own characteristics.

Jiaoli Huozao Lin Xiao also planned to cultivate some of his own characteristics.

Otherwise, how could he be worthy of the status of the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

You can't simply pile up aura, if you want to cultivate useful characteristics, Lin Xiao has to adjust carefully, which is why Lin Xiao can't cultivate together.

After the decision was made, Lin Xiao went to arrange a formation for the jujube tree in the pot in the world, refining it into a restriction.

When Lin Xiao entered the restriction, Lingshen boy watched with great interest.

"After breaking into the restriction, the aura of this jujube tree is running like the line of exercises in my inheritance."

Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

"Do you need Master to refine a restriction for you?"

Lingshen boy shook his head hastily.

"The exercises in the inheritance are more advantageous in terms of health preservation, and I don't need fighting skills, as long as I have enough realm."

Lingshen boy didn't want Lin Xiao to be reluctant, in fact, this formation restriction can only help absorb aura, but aura is not enough for the realm of cultivation.

Without enough soul state of mind, there is no way to control the huge aura, and without comprehending enough dao rhymes, there is no way to carry and utilize the huge aura.

After setting up formation restrictions for Jiaoli Huozao, Lin Xiao fell into a situation with nothing to do for a while.

So Lin Xiao began to look through the records of magical powers in his library.

I plan to find out the universe in my sleeves.

Now that he has become the 'Ancestor of the Earth Immortal', shouldn't he also have to learn the signature supernatural power of the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

But before Lin Xiao could research anything, he received a summons from his apprentice, Qingfeng.

When Lin Xiao came out of the Huzhong Realm and came to Qingyun Temple, the first thing he saw was Qingfeng's resentful eyes.

In the past five years, Qingfeng did not choose Tongzifa.

Now he has grown into a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy.

Because forging the body and building the foundation and nourishing the spirit and strengthening the soul are successful.

The current Qingfeng is strong and healthy, and his eyes are bright.

However, when the Taoist robe is covered, covering the flesh of the body, it still looks a little elegant.

Seeing Qingfeng's resentful eyes, Lin Xiao felt a little guilty.

Although Qingfeng was accepted as a disciple, in the past few years, in order to study the secret art of luck, Zhang Luoyuhu Dharma will be held.

It's completely stocking the breeze.

Now that Qingfeng has reached the peak of nourishing energy and strengthening his soul, he is about to start preparing for his soul to leave his body, so he called Lin Xiao to protect the law.

"Master, you only give the exercises to the peak of the strong soul, and there are no follow-up exercises. The apprentice only knows how to get out of the body, but he doesn't know how to get out of the body."

Lin Xiao coughed lightly in embarrassment.

Not only to the peak of the strong soul, but only to the peak of the strong soul.

(End of this chapter)

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