Chapter 5

"Quickly state your wish."

The second time Lin Xiao was much more proficient than the first time.

"I...I want...I want...I want to become a fairy!" Chu Chengzhi saw that there was really a fairy in the pot, his eyes rolled and he immediately changed his wish.

"Don't you want revenge." Lin Xiao raised his brows, why did he change his wish, "You don't want revenge?"

"You can take revenge as if you were a fairy." Chu Chengzhi's eyes were burning. This is a fairy fate. "I heard that you will definitely fulfill your wish, right?"

"Of course, I'm an immortal, an immortal in a pot." Lin Xiao curled his lips slightly, "Do you think so?"

"Yes." As soon as Chu Chengzhi heard that there was something going on, he immediately put the matter of revenge behind him, "Come on! Come on!"

"Okay." Lin Xiao clapped his hands, "As you wish."

A stream of mana came out from the mouth of the pot, rushed directly to Chu Chengzhi, circled around Chu Chengzhi, and then grabbed his soul and got into the pot.

Lin Xiao struggled out of the pot, and the translucent lower body of Chu Chengzhi was sucked by the spout, and he looked at Lin Xiao in a daze.

"Okay, now you are also the Immortal in the Pot."

Then Lin Xiao stuffed Chu Chengzhi's soul back into his body without waiting for Chu Chengzhi's reaction.

"I... vomit... you... cheating!" The feeling of being out of the body was uncomfortable, Chu Chengzhi supported the table, "What kind of immortal is this!"

"You admit it, I said I am a fairy, I am a fairy in the pot, you are right, so turning you into a fairy in the pot is also a fairy." Lin Xiao spread his hands, "But you didn't say you want to be a fairy. How long, I will make my own decisions and let you be the Immortal in the Pot for a while."

"you you…!"

"The wish has been fulfilled, see you later." Lin Xiao didn't wait for Chu Chengzhi to speak harshly, and returned directly to the realm of the pot.

Human beings are greedy, but fortunately, Lin Xiao was a lawyer in his previous life, and whether such a wish is fulfilled depends on the laws of Shinto.

Take advantage of loopholes, professionally.

Lin Xiao created the priesthood of Immortal in the Pot himself, and of course there are backhands and secret doors in it.

Lin Xiao had already foreseen this kind of desire to become a fairy or a god.

So it is obvious that the Immortal in the Pot is a god, so he is still called the Immortal in the Pot.

It is because no matter whether you want to become a god or a fairy, it can directly make you become a fairy in the pot to fulfill your wish.

Lin Xiao was the first Pot Immortal, and can be called the originator of the Pot Immortal. Just pull someone into a kettle and teapot and admit it verbally, and a new Pot Immortal will be born.

After all, the originator himself admitted it.

After returning to the Huzhong Realm, Lin Xiao directly explored the divine power of the Star-Moon Realm with his divine sense.

Sure enough, the wish came true, because the mechanism of Immortal in the Pot is not like other gods, which needs to collect the power of incense for a long time.

Instead, use various pots to collect incense first, and then trigger the divine deed after arriving, and start praying for judgment.

When the wish is fulfilled, the collected incense will be converted into divine power, which will be taken away by Lin Xiao directly.

If the incense is not achieved, it will still be accumulated in the pot.

The tasks at the bottom of the white jade list are all pots that have made a wish before and accumulated the power of incense.

However, these incense sticks are easy to be missed by wild gods and ghosts if they are kept for a long time.

Lin Xiao took out the white jade list and flipped it down, and found that these days it might be because of the legend of the fairy in the pot that has been spread these days, and there are quite a few pots that have accumulated the power of incense.

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao still took an amphora, and collected all the incense into the pot one by one.

Because they are all shallow believers who believe that the wind is rain, so there is not much incense, only a thin layer of bottom.

This is also because Lin Xiao didn't like the divine way of incense, so he set up a restriction. The power of incense could not penetrate the inner realm of the pot, so Lin Xiao had to collect it himself.

Ordinary gods, even if they are in the blessed land of gods, can still receive incense.

Taking advantage of the time to collect incense, Lin Xiao put some food for wishing like little beggars, and then collected it.

Because there is no contract process, even if the wish is fulfilled, only one-third of the pure divine power will be refined, and the remaining two-thirds will still be collected in the form of incense power.

In the end, the gambler asked for the money back, and the gambler was on the scene when it was collected.

Although Lin Xiao didn't show up, the kettle exploded in front of the gambler, and 30 taels of silver jumped out of it. He was judged to fulfill his wish, and that share of incense was directly transformed into divine power.

After finishing all this, Lin Xiao threw the incense jar aside, and collapsed on the rocking chair.

"I'm too tired. I'd better take in two boys who serve incense in the future, and go to collect incense."

"Is this the power of incense?" Lingshen boy had already cleaned up his room at this time, "You are still a god."

"I'm still a monk." Lin Xiao glanced at Lingshen boy, and directly activated the golden core in the sky, and there was a faint restriction in the sky, "Did you see it?"

"Gold...Golden Core?!"

That's all for the golden elixir, this golden elixir is also integrated with the secret realm, and the surrounding restrictions, etc., all show that this is a secret realm refined by oneself.

The secret realm refined by myself is different from the spiritual realm of the gods. The spiritual realm is built on the basis of temples and Shinto incense, and those gods know what it is and don't know why.

Refining it yourself means that it can be copied and mass-produced as a magic weapon in the secret realm, so how much money and mana does it cost.

However, this golden elixir seems to be different from ordinary golden elixir, there seems to be some lines on it, and I don't know if it is because of the prohibition.

"Hehehe, Lingshen'er was ignorant before." Lingshen boy put on a flattering expression, "Master, what's the matter with you, you, a golden core monk, how could you hide in such a small secret place?" .”

Lin Xiao glanced at Lingshen Boy, "Have you ever heard of the name Xiao Yunzi?"

"No." Lingshen boy said shyly, "I have learned the Tao, so I naturally avoid people. I don't know Yunzi."

"Then you don't understand even if I tell you." Lin Xiao lay back on the rocking chair again, "Kunpeng and Anyu have their own troubles."

After speaking, Lin Xiao made a trick, and a piece of jasper flew out of the refining warehouse and landed in Lin Xiao's hand.

Then the golden elixir from the sky dropped the real fire, burning the jasper, and Lin Xiao controlled it with an easy and freehand pinch.

After a while, the jasper turned into a command arrow, about one foot long, with a word command on it, surrounded by clouds, rain and dragon patterns, and a small mark on the tail of the command arrow, which was the word Xiaoyunzi.

"This command arrow can communicate with the golden core to prohibit gathering clouds and summoning rain, and it can also drive clouds and control water." Lin Xiao threw the command arrow to Lingshen Boy.

"Magic Artifact!" Lingshen Boy's eyes lit up, he took the command arrow and practiced it a little bit, "There is still a complete sacrificial practice method!"

"Wait until you have practiced all 72 earth-shattering spells, and then come to me to choose the spirit lock." Lin Xiao hooked his hands, and the spirit ginseng boy leaned forward, "My set of magic spells can be practiced all the way to the treasure lock. Become a magic weapon."

"A magic weapon?!" Lingshen boy breathed out rapidly, exhaling out the light green medicinal gas.

Seeing Lingshen boy like this, Lin Xiao finally felt a little refreshed.

But then immediately retreated tactically, pretending not to care.

(End of this chapter)

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