Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 54 The Holy Pot War

Chapter 54 The Holy Pot War
With Lin Xiao's support, Shemin County became more stable for a while.

But there is no such treatment around Yandu.

But because of the Holy Pot War started by Lin Xiao, there were no monks to slaughter mortals.

Instead, they are busy looking for opponents.

The wish Lin Xiao promised is very flexible, so compared to other opportunities where you don't know what you will get.

This desire to be able to choose by oneself seems very rare.

Some rare, rare items that do not exceed the range of wishes can be obtained through this wish.

Lin Xiao checked the situation of the Holy Pot War and found that it didn't seem to be going well.

In order to have more people to promote the progress of the ceremony, Lin Xiao differentiated a hundred marks.

But it didn't allow the imprints to sense each other.

This is not a big deal, the imprint was made near Yandu, and with the ability of a monk, it is easy to find the person you want.

But the premise is to be within a certain range.

The problem is that some people have already started to run outside the country of Yan.

If the battlefield is spread too wide, the Holy Pot War will drag on for a long time.

Lin Xiao rubbed his chin, planning to update the version and apply a patch.

Thus, all monks who participated in the Holy Pot War received a message.

Every once in a while from now on, the friars will get the slots of all the other friars.

But if a monk kills evil cultivators and monsters, he can prevent other monks from knowing his location next time.

Along with the information came the location information of other monks.

With the location information, the speed of the competition was much faster.

At the same time, the number of demon cultivators in Yan Kingdom is also decreasing, and the speed is still accelerating.

Those who can still stay on the battlefield are not nameless people.

Some of them caught several evil cultivators, and killed one every other time their position was exposed.

Some let the demons and evil cultivators go outside, and then the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, waiting to kill those who come to catch them.

Seeing that these monks were actually in the country of Yan, they cleaned up the demons and evil cultivators who could not be cleaned up by themselves.

Lin Xiao knew that he had underestimated him, and he had played around with this Holy Pot War.

It seems that in the future, we still need to work more on Shinto, at least this Holy Pot War must continue.

With this in mind, Lin Xiao took out the spiritual water in his inventory and hooked up all the believers on the white jade list who were still praying.

Through the connection of incense, clusters of spiritual water were sent over.

In the past, I only thought that the gods of the Shinto were tasteless to eat, but it was a pity to discard them. Now Lin Xiao understands why Shenting wants to shepherd all living beings with Shinto.

Because it is convenient and highly controllable.

The degree of fit between Shinto and humanity is really too high.

Now that he decided to develop the Shinto well, Lin Xiao directly recruited all the servant boys in the shrine.

"From now on, begin to selectively answer prayers and fulfill your wishes."

When it is impossible to rob, monks are not prohibited from manifesting their gods. Of course, even if they are prohibited, there is not enough manpower to suppress them.

It's just that after a long period of domestication, those who are pure and kind-hearted and don't like too many disputes will stay behind closed doors when they are unable to do so.

And those who want to come out to play, most of them are demon cultivators.

Need to kill people to replenish the consumption of cultivation.

If these people are in peace, Shenting doesn't mind letting them have a taste of the sweetness during the five years that they have been unable to rob this area.

In addition to these demons and evil cultivators, there are also various gods who will appear holy and compete for incense during the five years.

Then harvest in peace for 100 years, and then re-divide the incense pastoral area after 100 years.

This kind of competition for incense every 100 years is a good thing for the gods.

Unlike immortal monks who need resources to cultivate, the most important thing for gods is to harvest incense safely.

A fight every 100 years can ensure enough stable time to harvest incense.

It also ensures that there is an opportunity to expand the territory and have more believers.

This is why there are few evil cultivators near some big towns.

Because in order to keep the incense believers, these gods are absolutely dedicated, at least for the duration of this unstoppable calamity.

Lin Xiao didn't think about competing with other gods for followers before, so Lin Xiao didn't care.

Now that the competition is about to start, Lin Xiao directly built a simple information channel between Xianghuo and Kunlun.

So on this day, all those who still believe in the Immortal in the Pot pray to their pots.

A strange thing appeared in front of them, and their personal information was recorded on this thing.

There is also a numerical value, which is what incense points are, and the number of points can be exchanged for things.

A believer who had seen Lin Xiao appear when Lin Xiao harvested the divine power of incense and fire, dubiously exchanged his original points for some silver.

The number of points on the translucent and illusory board decreased a little, and there was a 'clang' in the pot in front of him.

Opening the lid of the pot, a few ingots of silver really appeared inside.

Facing the money, he was not so excited. Instead, he looked at the thing called the panel in front of him with fiery eyes.

There are not only gold and silver jewels, martial arts cheats, but also fairy fruits and fairy fates!

At the same time, Chu Chengzhi, who had already married and started a business, habitually came to the secret room and prayed to a purple clay pot.

Ten years ago, he had personally seen a fairy appearing in this pot, but at that time, he was young and frivolous and didn't know what to do, and he made a wish to become a fairy.

As a result, he became a breathless fairy, and Chu Chengzhi lived in regret for many years.

If the wish could have been more rigorous at that time, wouldn't it be possible to become a fairy forever?
Later, Chu Chengzhi also prayed to the fairy pot, but he never saw the fairy in the pot again.

Now Chu Chengzhi has a family and a career, and the revenge of that year has also been avenged under Chu Chengzhi's mediation in recent years.

He also became a relative and had a child.

The only regret is that there is only this fairy pot and the fairy in the pot left.

Today Chu Chengzhi still came to the secret room and prayed to the fairy pot.

As soon as he started to pray, a translucent illusory panel appeared in front of Chu Chengzhi.

Looking at this thing that is obviously not a mundane creation, and the words on it that I don't know but can understand the meaning.

Chu Chengzhi understood that his prayers for so many years were not in vain.

God opened his eyes, no, the god in the pot opened his eyes! !
After ten years, the Immortal in the Pot finally forgave him.

It is not in vain that he has been conscientiously praying to the fairy in the pot for ten years.

With this in mind, Chu Chengzhi began to study the panel and the meaning of the various information on it.

"A missionary mission. After successfully preaching to a missionary, the incense points he gets from praying will be divided into [-]% by the missionary within five years."

 It was so uncomfortable, my whole body was sore and weak, my throat was sore and sore, my head hurt, and I had diarrhea.

  I fell asleep in a daze all day, and got better at night, so I quickly wrote a chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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