Chapter 62
Two years later.

Yandu outside.

The two teams that had been prepared for a long time met.

On the battlefield that is ready to fight, the flags are flying, and the two armies are facing each other.

The sergeants were facing each other, as if they could fight with their lives for their monarch in the next second.

But above the battle formation of the two armies, there were four figures sitting together discussing.

Behind the four figures is a female mi who followed the two armies to fight and the disciples of Huangtian Pavilion in Fuxianlou.

These four figures are naturally Lin Xiao, Cuiyun Lake God, Fuxianlou, and Huangtian Pavilion's two primordial spirits.

The primordial spirit of Fuxian Tower is named Lou Cheng, and the soul of Huangtian Pavilion is named Yanwan.

In the Yuanshen Realm, it is actually rare to fight to the death, or in this world, basically few people fight to the death.

Generally, the big bullies the small.

The four were arguing about the final ownership of the Emperor Yan, but they were not entirely arguing about the ownership of the emperor.

After all, what is at stake is profit.

It doesn't matter who the emperor is.

But how to divide the vacant positions along the way after Yan Kingdom was defeated, and how to divide the positions in the spiritual realm in Yan Kingdom in the future.

All are more important than an emperor.

It is true that the emperor's position is the most suitable position to intercept luck, but the most suitable position is not the only one.

Add two to one and make five, if there is less here, make up for the other, there are only a few of them in the Yuanshen realm in the entire Yan Kingdom, and they can be divided no matter what.

Not contrary to Lin Xiao's expectation, Nv Mi and Cuiyun Lake God cling to the throne and don't let go, paying a lot of gods for this.

Now it's time to argue over the position of the newly established monastery and inspector in the spiritual territory.

Of course they don't have the ability to directly accept their fate for these positions, but these two sects are local sects within the territory of Yan State, and they can definitely send a large number of disciples to fight for them.

The final result was actually not too different.

After the first disciple of the sect enters it, the subsequent attempts to enter will have much less resistance.

Even if the resistance to entry is the same, at least there are people in the court who are easy to handle, more or less a helper,

Even if there is no help, they are from the same sect, this is a relationship in the first place.

Officials in the mortal world are divided into factions because of their hometown background, the same scientific examination, and being an official under a certain adult, etc.

What's more, monks who originally came from the same sect, even if they are officials in the court, their first allegiance is to the sect instead of Shenting.

The Taoist Academy is to solve this problem, and the monks cultivated by the Taoist Academy do not belong to any sect.

But the Taoist Academy was first established, in other words, the teachers in the Taoist Academy still come from various sects.

So it can be seen that these places will be the stage where various factions compete in the future.

However, Qingfeng is the only apprentice under Lin Xiao's seat, and it is impossible to send him to fight for these if he doesn't want to.

So he directly stated to several people that he should not be considered in the division of this part.

The four sat on the clouds and drank tea, and the subsequent division was also implemented in sevens and eights.

Not all warring countries ended as quickly as Yan, because not all countries were as small as Yan.

Although the division has been completed, there is still a fight to be played.

Because not only does it take a battle to determine whether each other is really eligible to participate in the partition, but also because other people are watching the battle.

These people are those demon cultivators who have been following not far from the battlefield.

Whenever there is a war, these demon cultivators are like vultures who have asked about the smell of blood, standing not far away and waiting for the corpse to appear.

Of course, they don't mind creating corpses by themselves if there is a mutual injury.

The Taoist soldiers prepared by the two sides fought each other, and the killing intent and blood, and the souls of the corpses left behind were actually to feed these demon cultivators.

In the future, in peacetime, whether these demon cultivators will be safe or not depends on whether they have enough to eat this time.

This is an unwritten unspoken rule.

When they are full, they can go to butcher the pig and debone it.

If you don't eat enough, most of it will become the inspector's performance.

Most of the cases of the Inspectorate during the peaceful years, except for those who occasionally turned into demons and did not know the majesty of the heavens, were these demon cultivators who were unwilling to be lonely.

The four of them looked at each other, and left Yunding together, heading straight out of the Gangfeng layer.

When you reach Yuanshen Realm, you can leave the Gangfeng layer, but outside the Gangfeng layer is the starry sky, and outside the starry sky is the inner chaos.

Yuanshen monks are not capable of resisting internal chaos, and the starry sky is said to be the domain of an ancient true immortal.

Except for some monks who are not very well-off and want to hunt for treasure in the starry sky, generally no one enters it on their own initiative.

As soon as the four of them entered the Gangfeng layer, they separated the two sides.

Lin Xiao stood with Cuiyun Lake God, while Lou Cheng and Yan Wan stood together.

The two sides shot almost at the same time.

As soon as Lin Xiao made a move, he divided the space, dividing Lou Cheng and himself in a space.

When Cuiyun Lake God and Yan Wan shot, although it could be seen that one was a water god and the other was a monk of immortality.

But both of them were covered with bursts of sandalwood, accompanied by divine music and spiritual singing.

Huang Tiange is a rare cultivator who enters the Tao with the power of incense and fire, and his hands are very similar to gods.

But the Fuxian Building that Lin Xiao was facing entered the Tao with rhythm.

I saw that Loucheng summoned the magic weapon of his life, the Qingyu Liuxianqin, and stroked the strings.

In an instant, the sound of the piano sounded from Lin Xiao's heart.

Before that, Lin Xiao had already set up a space barrier between himself and Lou Cheng. Although the sound of the piano did not cross the space barrier, it was transmitted to Lin Xiao's heart through Lin Xiao's vision.

But the moment the piano sounded, Lin Xiao immediately re-isolated the space.

Then he swiped the jade floating dust fiercely, and the floating dust flung it on the space that blocked Lou Cheng, and the space locked by Lin Xiao like frosted glass was thrown out immediately.

Like a kicked ball, it slid 10,000+ miles away along the space channel.

But even though Lou Cheng was thrown away, the annoying piano sound still didn't stop.

It was still echoing in Lin Xiao's heart, and even began to become stronger and stronger.

Lin Xiao felt that if he didn't deal with it, Lou Cheng would be able to return soon with the help of the piano sound in Lin Xiao's body.


Although he was slandering in his heart, Lin Xiao didn't dare to neglect.

"There is no self in all directions."

The eight directions are up, down, east, west, south, north plus the door of life and the position of death, which are all directions in the sense of space.

If you add the past and the future, you get the ten directions that represent all directions in the world.

Eight directions without self is to detach oneself from all directions in a short period of time.

Not here, not there.

Neither life nor death.

At that moment, Lin Xiao was neither here nor there, but just here was there.

It is to detach oneself, but also to integrate oneself.

Integrating into the eight directions of one universe.

It was deduced by Lin Xiao from his own Dao of Transformation Tribulation. There is actually no difference between Lin Xiao and Dao of Transformation who entered this state.

So using this spell can be regarded as an early experience of the Taoist Tribulation.

(End of this chapter)

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