Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 64 Human beings are inherently evil

Chapter 64 Human beings are inherently evil

Yan Kingdom, Yandu Imperial Palace.

Yan Xun's army rushed into the palace, and the whole palace became a sea of ​​blood and fire.

Yan Si sat in the dragon chair with no expression on her face.

He had seen this scene three and a half years ago, but he was the one who led the troops to attack the palace at that time.

The ear-piercing sound of fighting, the various states of life in imminent disaster.

Yansi just sat on the highest place in the world, on this golden dragon chair, looking at the one below.

I can't help but wonder in my heart, will those immortals sitting high on the clouds see the feelings of this life, will they be the same as his current mood.

Perhaps, for a moment, he and those immortals had the same idea for a moment.

However, he, the Son of Heaven, the Supreme Being in the world, is just a small role in this drama after all.

It's just a high-level performance.

Now it's time for the curtain to close.

The sound of fighting got closer, and Yan Si saw a group of soldiers supporting a young man walking towards the main hall.

It seems to be the fourth son of his good emperor brother.

Looking at Yan Xun's dull eyes, he was surrounded by people like a marionette.

Yan Si looked carefully, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but raised, and then she laughed louder and louder.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha, it turns out that even a fool can do it, so even a fool can do it hahahahahahahaha."

The generals who supported Yan Xun didn't give Yan Si a chance to say more, and directly pierced his heart with an arrow.

The arrow was nailed to Yan Si's dragon robe, Yan Si's voice stopped abruptly, and then blood gushed out, staining the dragon robe red.

And Yansi fell off the high dragon chair, fell heavily on Dan Bi, and slipped off the Dan Bi with the five-clawed real dragon embossed on it.

Not long after the blood-stained dragon chair and Danbi were scrubbed, Yan Xun ascended the throne on the same dragon chair and became the emperor of Yan Kingdom.

After ascending the throne, Yan Xun went to Luojiang to offer sacrifices with the highest guard of honor.

And changed Luo Jiang's sacrifice to the highest sacrifice under the heaven, earth, sun and moon.

The big tripod made of bronze was sunk into the Luo River, and there was a lot of luck that went in together with the tripod.

There is not much luck in this part, but it belongs to the spot, which belongs to Lin Xiao.

And Nu Mi used this sacrificial ceremony to entangle her luck with that of the Yan Kingdom.

Originally, Yan Xun was supported by her alone, and there was a child between the two of them in her stomach, and now such a big sacrificial ceremony was held.

The entanglement between Nu Mi and Yan Guo's luck is deeper than she imagined.

The current state of Yan has broken away from Chen Ke and ushered in a new life.

Therefore, luck is also full of vitality, which has brought a lot of help to Nu Mi.

Lin Xiao has long realized the benefits of luck.

After refining the magic weapon, although Lin Xiao became the Primordial Spirit Realm overnight, his cultivation almost completely stagnated.

However, since he began to collect his luck, under the blessing of luck, Lin Xiao's cultivation began to improve slowly.

Although compared to the previous 300 years of Jindan's nine-turn speed, it is like a tortoise, but it is better to climb than not to climb.

As long as it can go on like this, Lin Xiao still has a chance to reach the consummation of Yuanshen Realm within a thousand years.

After the sacrifice was completed, the affairs in Yan's country had really come to an end.

The only thing left for Lin Xiao at present is the war between Mu State and the Holy Pot. The situation in Mu State is much more complicated than that of Yan State.

The royal family of the Mu country has been corrupted, and without the restriction of the royal blood, dozens of groups, large and small, have rebelled against the king in the entire Mu country.

Moreover, the state of Mu is much larger than the state of Yan, and dozens of anti-kings are supported by monks behind them.

Although not all of them are supported by Yuanshen forces, most of them are, and there are also real immortal forces.

Although the true immortals are basically all in the heaven, the heaven and the human world are not completely isolated.

If there is a true immortal in a sect, no matter where the true immortal is, as long as it does not fall, it can continue to prosper forever.

Most of the people in the Mu Kingdom today are praying to the Pot Immortal, although they may not know what the priesthood of the Pot Immortal is.

It is not necessarily known which god the Immortal in the Pot is, nor does it necessarily know the gods and goddesses.

But as long as you pray to a certain level, you will be able to appear, and you can exchange for food and protection.

Such gods spread to the entire Mu country like a virus.

In order not to be eliminated, the other gods had no choice but to intensify their manifestations.

But these expressions are not assisted by Kunlun, and can only be added to grant some magic.

Give some spells of water, spells of gods and so on.

Due to the exchange list given by Lin Xiao, the exchange of spells and spiritual objects is very expensive.

So relying on these mysterious talisman water gods, it still attracted a considerable number of believers.

However, there are many problems that follow.

"Xu San'er, don't go to work."

Xu San'er lazily cast a glance at his fellow villagers.

"Don't go, the demons are raging outside, I just pray to the fairy in the pot at home."

The villager shook his head, it was just a polite gesture.

Although the Immortal in the Pot can conjure food, it is a little bit more, and most of the villagers still maintain a simple mind.

But there are also quite a few who give up working because they can exchange food for food as long as they concentrate on praying.

And after a shrewd and careful trial, I chose to pray for other things, and I made a lot of money by buying and selling.
This is a total of two or three years, most of which are less than two or three years.

But this pot of fairy panels has penetrated into the lives of these people and has become an indispensable part of their lives.

Even for some people, if they lose this panel, they may even die.

In the same way, some people began to squeeze other people's beliefs through this kind of thing.

Control some people and let them exchange for things after praying, and then collect them.

Over time, I turned these people into my own money-making machines, machines for extracting incense points.

Lin Xiao stroked the edge of the magic mirror, feeling more and more cold in his heart.

At the beginning of human beings, nature is inherently evil.

A newborn child doesn't understand anything.

They can pour boiling water on ants, dig out bird eggs, and kill small bugs.

Naive and cruel.

Some people say that this is ignorance, ignorance of good and evil, how can it be said that nature is inherently evil.

But isn't ignorance of good and evil a kind of evil?
Those foolish people who don't want to work are like uneducated children.

They are not necessarily evil.

And those who harvest other people's incense are obviously educated, but they have become worse.

Upbringing did not make them be kind to others, but taught them how to persecute others better.

It is not scary to have no virtue or talent, but Dingtian is an incompetent villain.

But if a person has talent but no virtue, it is terrible.

Without the restraint of morality, his talent will become a tool for evil.

Especially in this world where power is paramount.

(End of this chapter)

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