Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 71 Love is hard to break, love is easy to break, where do you stop?

Chapter 71 Love is hard to break, love is easy to break, where do you stop?
Lin Xiao didn't expect that Jiaoxian would really throw himself directly into the Luo River.

Looking at the bare island, Lin Xiao unconsciously thought of when he first came to Qingfeng Mountain.

He and Wen Renyi were arguing on Lun Dao Cliff, and Jiaoxian hid behind a tree curiously to peek.

At that time, the horn fairy looked like a half-grown child in his mind, and spoke like an elf who didn't know much about the world.

Born with a pure heart, he lives in a cave by himself and helps Lin Xiao dig a cave.

The advent of what love is.

Although Jiaoxian threw himself into the Luo River, the entire Qingfeng Mountain was violently turbulent.

But fortunately, Lin Xiao was working hard to suppress the spirit veins and land veins, and there was no devastating blow.

However, the entire Qingfeng Mountain tilted [-] degrees in the direction of the Luo River.

This [-]-degree inclination is proof that Qingfeng Mountain had a crush on Luo Jiang.

After all, the love of gods is different from that of mortals, leaving at least an island and a [-]-degree inclination.

These traces can last tens of millions of years without fading away. Perhaps when Qingfeng Mountain has a new mountain god and Luojiang has a new water god, these traces will not disappear.

Seeing Jiaoxian throwing herself into the river because of love, Qingfeng also had a slight fluctuation in her heart.

Not much, but like a grain of sand in your shoe.

Lin Xiao had been paying attention to Qingfeng for a long time, and seeing that his mind was fluctuating, he made an excuse for him to go back to Yandu.

The relationship between Yan Pingting and Qingfeng probably isn't a love affair.

It's more like a fate with nowhere to rest.

Because of my childhood experience, this fate is a little more than a friend, but a little less than a lover.

It resembles love only because the age at which the two reunited was too coincidental.

It happened that the boy with curly hair met Jiji's year.

It is not difficult for Qingfeng to find a mortal, but the difficult thing is to meet her after finding it.

But fortunately, the near timid feeling lasted for a moment, and Qingfeng overcame it.

Afterwards, Qingfeng met the little girl who was nearly thirty years later in a house in Yandu.

She had combed her woman's hair in a bun long ago, and she has both sons and daughters, and these daughters have reached the age when they parted from her in Yanchuan County.

Qingfeng didn't go in, but only took a look from a distance.

Then he called out a water mirror, and looked at his appearance as a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy in the water mirror.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and the grain of sand that had been lying around for a long time went away with the wind.

Sometimes it's that simple to let go, because time will always let you see clearly how you should choose.

For example, Lin Xiao is now choosing where to run.

After sending Qingfeng away, Lin Xiao stayed in Qingfeng Mountain to deal with the land veins affected by Jiaoxian.

However, he never expected that the Immortal Yanbu, who had been away for several years, would actually deduce another wave of Lin Xiao.

When it was deduced this time, Lin Xiao was not in the pot in the world, so Qingfeng Mountain, which had been in business for a long time, was touched just like that.

And Lin Xiao was also bitten because of the time difference, although he was not caught directly.

The real immortal chased after Lin Xiao so hard that he couldn't even shake him off.

"Big brother, senior, boss!! It's been 13 years!! You're never finished!!"

Lin Xiao didn't expect that after such a long time, this one still wouldn't give up.

The red raccoon is really right when he said that this guy likes to stick to the horns.

Ji You answered Lin Xiao's venting sound transmission very seriously.

"Shenting doesn't need to ask you to solve technical problems for a long time, but I want to catch you, so if I can't catch you, it will be endless."

Lin Xiao: "..."

This may be the most speechless thing Lin Xiao has encountered in hundreds of years of travelling.

Lin Xiao understood that if Ji You couldn't catch him, he would really keep pestering him.

So relying on the special nature of Yu Dao, Lin Xiao stopped immediately.

"I admit defeat, you have caught me."

Seeing Lin Xiao admitting defeat directly, Ji You's face turned red and white.

"You! You... you can't!! This is not counted!"

Of course, Lin Xiao didn't directly surrender and admit defeat, when Ji Yu was furious.

Lin Xiao escaped directly into the pot in the realm that had been sent away earlier.

Huzhongjie and Lin Xiao are one body, Lin Xiao can return to Huzhongjie from anywhere at any time.

It was because Ji You counted the body of Huzhongjie before that Lin Xiao kept bringing Huzhongjie with him.

I didn't expect to be blocked in the pot in the world and the human body at the same time.

That's why Lin Xiao stayed behind while sending Huzhongjie away.

As for admitting defeat or something.

How can it be!

Lin Xiao has practiced for so many years, but he did not get it by compromise.

Lin Xiao still has the awareness not to hand over his wealth and life to others.

The moment Lin Xiao disappeared, Ji You was not angry but happy, and quickly pulled out his fortune-telling lottery, tortoise shell and other things.

Enthusiastically began to count up.

In fact, it was a surprise to be able to block Lin Xiaojiyou this time.

For so many years, you have long regarded Lin Xiao as a symbol, a good helper for practicing divination and deduction.

Compared to catching Lin Xiao, in fact Ji You hoped that he would not be caught.

After all, Yanbu's work is really boring.

Shenting does not need the help of Yanbu to deduce, especially the task of finding people.

Simple subordinates can find it, rare ones are almost nonexistent.

Usually, it is a task of prohibition maintenance that has been done for hundreds of years, or a task of deducing a new prohibition.

Compared with innovation prohibition, Ji Yu prefers to find out the truth and find hidden things.

It has not been such an interesting event for hundreds of years, and of course Ji Yu doesn't want it to end too early.

If he had caught it from the very beginning, Ji You would certainly not be so hopeful that he would never be able to catch it.

But it was the chasing battle over the past ten years that made Ji Yu discover the joy in it.

That's why I started to enjoy the process of reckoning and chasing.

In fact, in Ji You's eyes, this oolong was completely due to Lin Xiao's dereliction of duty!
It has been tacit understanding for more than ten years, why is it suddenly pulled like this.

Just when Ji You was thinking about whether he should put some pressure on Lin Xiao's life or death, Lin Xiao played a clever trick and escaped from Ji You's eyes.

Hiding in the endless fog and folds of space again, and the coordinates kept beating.

The whole person is also covered up in something, and the deduction becomes very laborious.

And Ji Yu said, "It's really great!"
After getting rid of Ji You, Lin Xiao used a set of escape skills almost instinctively.

First there is a random space jump, followed by a large amount of trace coverage.

The star circle and the like are all turned on, and other things like space nesting, shrinking the inner circle of the pot into a mustard seed and nesting it into other small spaces.

Then from time to time, some spatial folds were induced to cover up his own traces.

After getting rid of Ji You completely, Lin Xiao directly collapsed on the cloud bed.

In fact, this time is much more thrilling than before. No matter how you fought against this real fairy before, at least you didn't communicate face to face.

After this face-to-face meeting, Lin Xiao understood the gap between himself and the true immortal.

I have to find a way to quickly become a real fairy.

Otherwise, if you have been hunted down all the time, how can you go to waste.

Now it is really only possible to farm in the Huzhong Realm...

 Alas, it's too difficult, Huang Wen wrote a chapter and then couldn't bear the old face.

  Honest people like us can't eat this bowl of rice at all. . .

(End of this chapter)

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