Chapter 78
This Tongtianjing website has only advantages and no disadvantages for Lin Xiao.

After all, what Earth Immortal needs is resources. Originally, Lin Xiao could only get some mid-to-low-end public resources by opening a ceremony.

Now with this, there are anonymous sales by various bigwigs.

Lin Xiao can obtain more resources.

For example, this 'anonymous' boss named Star Lord.

Put a bunch of star resources, star cores, star dust, star crystals, etc. in your own space.

There are also quite a few exercises of the star system.

Although he didn't put his real name on it, but he dared to call him the star master, he must be the big boss who had been hidden for hundreds of thousands of years.

Shenting really had a lot of blood.

There is no starry sky in the heavens, which means that this boss has not joined Shenting at present.

I don't know what price I paid for being able to please this person.


"No price at all?"

Today's new god emperor Tai Yuan asked in a little surprise.

Chu Xiangming has been helping and busy since his uncle Taiyuan ascended to the position of God Emperor.

Chu Xiangming was also puzzled when he heard that the handing of the Tongtian mirror to the star master Tianxingzi Taoist this time was his leg.

"Yes, Senior Tian Xingzi seems to have known that I was going for a long time, and he also seemed to have known about the Tongtian Mirror. He accepted it without saying anything, and now he is putting up the materials for the stars."

Tai Yuan frowned slightly upon hearing this.

"Xingchen Dao... Xingchen Dao is very good at deduction, but..."

It was expected by Shenting that Xingzi refused to agree this day, but now that he agreed to Taiyuan, he began to have doubts.

Although Shenting is prosperous on the bright side, coercing Kyushu.

But just like 50 years ago, during the discussion, this God Emperor should be the Dragon Ancestor.

But since the signing of the agreement, that Long Zu has never been in charge of Shenting's affairs for a day.

And apart from this Dragon Ancestor, there are no other true immortal gods who are regarded as ancients.

The one who lived the longest was Xuanxu, the first god emperor, with a lifespan of only about 8 years.

And those who the court wanted to recruit hid far away when the court was established.

Neither prevent nor participate.

The only demon ancestor, after discussing with Xuanxu for several days, sat down directly.

Xinghai is the territory of Tian Xingzi, and it can be suppressed by gathering all the true immortals in Shenting.

But that kind of old monster that has lived for tens of thousands of years, who knows if it has any cards.

Then there is only the old loach.

This old loach has also lived for more than a century, and knows a lot.

A gleam of light gathered in Taiyuan's eyes.

"Continue to pass on the decree, fully implement the Tongtian Mirror on top of the golden core, and increase the number of training places in the Taoist Academy, and give priority to filling the vacancies of the inspectors of the four outer states."

Chu Xiangming's expression was shocked, and he began to assist his uncle in drafting an order.

Then Taiyuan smiled and casually mentioned something.

"If you have time, let the cat of your inspector go to Qiongzhou more often. There are more fish there."


"There are a lot of fish in the newly enlightened form."

Lingshen boy can only act in Yaochi recently, without the soil for him to escape, the whole person is listless.

I had no choice but to stare at the monster newbies who had transformed into new forms.

Although the first one to be cultivated was not the Aquarium, the Qizhi Xiaoyao who has more than a hundred clam girls in the Aquarium still has some advantages in cultivation.

So the new batch of transformations are a group of fish girls and some shrimp and crab wrestlers.

Because these fish girls are in natural form, they have more aura than those clam girls.

Their temperaments are also different, generally speaking, they are more lively and clear.

Although there were more than a hundred clam girls before, most of them were dignified and elegant, even shy.

That's why the entire Yaochi is relatively quiet, those clam girls are in groups, chatting quietly.

She looks like a dignified lady who came out of a rich family with etiquette carved into her bones.

And these newly transformed fish girls are more lively.

He often jumps and plays in the fairyland, and when he encounters Jin Zhuhuan and other well-known maids under Lin Xiao's command, he sticks out his tongue and jumps directly into the fairyland to hide as a prototype.

The water pavilions and white jade corridors are entrenched in today's Yaochi.

There are also many lotus and other aquatic spiritual flowers and spiritual grasses in the pond.

But even though there are a lot more things, since the inability to meet, the number of these clam girls is still slightly more.

"We have to find a way out for these clam girls."

With the Celestial Mirror, it will be difficult to hold future Fa conferences.

Lin Xiao, who has experienced it, understands that this shopping method crushes traditional stores.

Even if there are Fa conferences to be held in the future, they will not be based on transactions and auctions.

These clam girls are enlightened, and their lifespan is about 500 years.

And the potential is exhausted, and if you want to continue to practice, you must supplement a large number of extremely rare spiritual things to make up for it.

Either there must be enough opportunities to carefully extract and refine the external qi to balance the three treasures with high-level exercises.

There are not many rare spirits Lin Xiao who can make up for the potential. Pantao is one of them, and a large number of Jiaoli Huozao can also make up for it.

But the amount needed is not what Lin Xiao can afford now, so the best way is to find a good enough exercise.

If he deduced it by himself, Lin Xiao had no inspiration for a while.

So I took out the Tongtian Mirror and entered the Tongtian Spiritual Realm to see if there was a suitable technique.

Although the current Tongtian Lingjing has just been established, there are still a lot of people online under the multiple effects of the boss and Shenting.

And there are indeed many good things in it.

It's just that it's still in its infancy, and it's messy and chaotic inside.

There are not a few people who buy and sell human skin, human bone, soul and blood. After all, there will always be a place for magic arts at any time.

In addition to these dead things, there are also many living slaves who are also being trafficked.

It was also through this Heaven-reaching Spiritual Realm that Lin Xiao realized that those who cannot be robbed once in 100 years to make trouble are small characters.

The real demon masters all have their own spiritual realms to support human beings, which is enough for their own practice and at the same time they can sell the rest for money.

Of course, apart from the human race, many monster races are on the list for sale.

Some aliens like three-eyed people, feathered people, and sharks are also sold.

However, Lin Xiao's current spiritual realm is still small, and there is no extra space to raise these alien species.


While walking around, Lin Xiao saw a dragon specialty store.

It is not surprising that the Dragon Clan got the Tongtian Mirror, Lin Xiao has seen it a long time ago.

Moreover, the dragons are all taking the high-end route, with all kinds of rare materials in their hands, and treasures and magic weapons emerge in endlessly.

But it was the first time Lin Xiao saw such a high-end one.

The slough of the ancestral dragon scales, the qi of the ancestral dragon, the marrow essence of the dragon's blood, the art of transforming the dragon...

The word Zulong was laid out carelessly, for fear that people would not know who opened the shop.

And this Dragon Transformation Art is actually free.

Anyone can copy at will.

It is possible to travel with spiritual consciousness in the Tongtian Lingjing, so information products do not need to be shipped.

As long as the seller agrees, it can be bought and sold at will.

Lin Xiao copied a copy at random, and the level of this Dragon Transformation Art is obviously higher than all the dragon transformation techniques that Lin Xiao has seen before.

Lin Xiao's idea looked very familiar.

Everything turns into a dragon.

Seeing these four words, Lin Xiao's first reaction was.

Does this TM Shenting know?
(End of this chapter)

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