Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 81 Isn't ginseng fruit the fruit of ginseng?

Chapter 81 Isn't ginseng fruit the fruit of ginseng?

Of course it's fake.

After the law of the realm in the pot started to work, with the wrestling of the whole cave law, the wood energy in the heart of the sycamore tree has been loosened.

Lin Xiao is planning to use the wood energy to cultivate a real fairy fruit tree.

And it has been determined that it is the ginseng fruit tree of Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth immortal.

Although Lin Xiao doesn't have a ginseng fruit tree, doesn't he have ginseng at home?

Although Lingshen boy has the same feet, he is a thousand-year-old ginseng, so he still has some background.

Coupled with the nourishment of wood energy in the heart of the sycamore tree, even if it is not possible to cultivate ginseng fruit, at least a garden of ginseng can be cultivated.

The only problem is to convince Lingshen boy that although this operation is a great opportunity, it will inevitably be linked with the law of the pot in the world.

At that time, Lingshen Boy will inevitably be connected with the Huzhong Realm for life and death.

For Lin Xiao and Lingshen boy, this is a different kind of master-servant contract.

At that time, the ginseng fruit tree will sit in the Huzhongjie and help Lin Xiao suppress the Huzhongjie center.

Seeing Lin Xiao's hesitant and thoughtful look, Chi Li understood that Lin Xiao must cultivate the spiritual fruit again.

Immediately began to think about what else could be revealed to Lin Xiao.

After thinking for a long time, Chili couldn't think of any suitable news for the time being.

It's not that there are no, but I'm afraid it won't be suitable, so I can only show my role first.

"This god emperor, God Emperor Taiyuan is the uncle of Chu Du Guan, so he often sends Chu Du Guan out to handle errands."

The implication is to have access to the latest news.

Mentioning Chu Xiangming made Lin Xiao feel a little complicated for a while.

This person once tried to win over Lin Xiao, but after Lin Xiao secretly rejected him once, he broke off contact.

Until now, Lin Xiao didn't know what Chu Xiangming was trying to win him over.

"Do you know that Chu Duguan fell in love with Pindao at the beginning?"

The red fox took a sip of the flat peach wine, breathed a sigh of relief and said casually.

"Because you are a cultivator of Yudao, you are always very welcome in Shenting. As long as you reach the peak of Yuanshen Realm, you will definitely be given a fairy disc."

"Brother Yudao?"

Lin Xiao picked up the wine glass, and suddenly remembered the rows of Kongming stones cut into cubes in the secret library of Shenting.

In an instant, Lin Xiao seemed to understand something.

"Is it because of the heavens? The heavens need the laws of the universe, and the monks of the universe?"

The red raccoon was a little confused when he heard the words, but the red raccoon really didn't know about it, but...

"I don't know either, but I heard that the Department of Yan will inspect the heavens every few decades, and it seems to be to maintain the laws of the heavens."

Lin Xiao rubbed the wine glass in his hand, thinking a lot for a while.

The Celestial Realm may be... just a big cave.


After drinking this wine for a day, the red raccoon made all the flat peaches and fell asleep hugging the wine jar.

But Lin Xiao's consciousness didn't rush back to Huzhong Realm, but came to Prison Dragon Lake.

Now the mist around Prison Dragon Lake has shown some other effects, which can confuse the consciousness and disturb some space.

These fogs were transformed by Qingfeng's spiritual thoughts, which enveloped the entire Prison Dragon Lake, and gradually deepened his thoughts in Prison Dragon Lake.

When the time is right, take these divine thoughts back into the sea of ​​consciousness, and mix the original thoughts to form the original interior scene.

It's just that when the horned immortal disturbed the Qingfeng Mountain, it also affected the Prison Dragon Lake.

Therefore, Qingfeng, which had already been imprinted similarly, now had to start again, which took a lot of time.

Speaking of Jiaoxian, Lin Xiao looked at the small island in the Luojiang River down the mountain with a complicated expression.

A thin layer of grass had already grown on the island, but the turbulence kept hitting, and a yellow line spread from the small island to the Luo River downstream.

Like a trace of desperately carved.

It's a pity that this trace is engraved in the water, and the water passes without trace.

The yellow lines turned from the mud will be merged into the water within a short distance and disappear without a trace.

But the island is shrinking little by little.

There are three stages of death, and when the island disappears, the horn fairy will die again.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lin Xiao parted from the mist and entered Prison Dragon Lake.

Today's Prisoner Dragon Lake already has a sense of isolation.

This sense of isolation is not brought about by the isolation of the mist, but by the separation of laws.

The water veins of Prison Dragon Lake come from Jiaozhu, which is not deeply connected with the Kyushu water vein system.

Now with the isolation of the mist, I faintly want to be separated from Kyushu, so I feel a bit of isolation.

"Now Prisoner Dragon Lake has a bit of atmosphere, and you can officially start cultivating it when you enter the interior scene."

Although Lin Xiao deduces Qingfeng's Earth Immortal Kungfu, there are only one deduction in it.

The real implementation still depends on Qingfeng himself, so Qingfeng didn't consciously bring a smile when mentioning this.

"That's right, the two laws of water and soil in Prison Dragon Lake are the most important, and maybe we need some water and soil spirits."

Lin Xiao saw that Qingfeng himself had plans, so he took out a new sky mirror.

"This is the Tongtian mirror launched by Shenting. It was not distributed to low-level monks, but I changed it a bit. You can try it."

After handing the Tongtian Mirror to Qingfeng, Lin Xiao asked a few more questions about Qingfeng's cultivation.

This is also the original agreement between the two, Qingfeng needs to help Lin Xiao test the skills of the earth's immortal way.

Lin Xiao has recorded all of Qingfeng's experiences step by step to the present.

But Lin Xiao has no idea of ​​promoting it for the time being.

Just like the previous Immortal in the Pot panel and the current Tongtian Lingjing.

Without enough strength and influence, you can't keep your own things at all.

These days, Lin Xiao has carefully analyzed the restrictions in the Tongtian Mirror, and has roughly figured out why he was traced by deduction.

I also understood where this Heaven-reaching Spiritual Realm came from.

The weak have no freedom, no freedom, let alone the ability to retain their own creations.

Freedom is always having the right to say no, but this right is often only possessed by the strong.

Those slaves sold in the Tongtian Lingjing do not have this right.

Now Lin Xiao can only improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

And, the strength of his subordinates.

"There are a lot of spirits in Tongtian Spiritual Realm, you should sort out a few more training plans for Prison Dragon Lake first, the teacher will prepare the materials for you."

At this time, Qingfeng has already refined the Tongtian Mirror, and also understands how the Tongtian Mirror works.

Seeing Qingfeng's eager expression, Lin Xiao took out another box.

"There are ten thousand two days of silver here, you can buy some materials to experiment first."

The Earth Immortal is different from the Celestial Immortal in that it does not consume much material, and it is also different from the Sword Immortal in that it only needs a sword.

Earth immortals need a lot of materials to cultivate and structure their own paradise.

Seeing that Lin Xiao had given a large sum of sky silver, Qingfeng's eyes lit up.

With the experience of being on duty in Shenting, Qingfeng understands the value of God Jin Tianyin.

Just about to take it, Lin Xiao blocked the way.

"This Tianyin is your initial capital. Next time you come to be a teacher, I will see that you have built a production chain in Longhu Lake. Otherwise, we, master and apprentice, are resource-eating earth immortals. As a teacher, there is no old thing to chew on."

(End of this chapter)

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