Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 89 The Female Monk

Chapter 89 The Female Monk

There were no casualties among these little people.

But maybe they lost something bigger than life.

Or maybe they never had these things.

What about losing it?

Lin Xiao is not considered a good person, after all, buying these villains can be regarded as buying and selling people.

However, these villains are not real immortals and are not qualified to join the divine court, so they are not under the protection of the divine law of the divine court.

But Lin Xiao is not considered a villain, this series of operations is not to force the villain to convert to himself.

Instead, let them recognize a thing that has long been on the table.

Lin Xiao doesn't like long lectures, and the facts in front of him can warn the smart people among villains.

The group of pests disappeared quickly, not being wiped out, but scattered by Lin Xiao to various parts of Huzhong Realm.

After a few more rounds of breeding, the size of these pests will be affected by the law of dimensionality reduction and shrinkage in the pot, and they will become a suitable size.

This time, before it got smaller, I quickly took it out to scare it.

Otherwise, when it really shrinks, these villains will be slapped to death.

And apart from these pests, Lin Xiao's pot in the world has nothing else suitable for intimidation.

After all, due to the influence of the golden core sun, everything in the pot in the world looks very good.

Even the caterpillars of those butterflies before hatching are emerald green and round.


Tongtian mirror spread quickly in Kyushu.

This speed also made people understand how terrifying the background of Shenting was.

The Tongtian mirror is a magic weapon, and such a magic weapon, Shenting, can be mass-produced and promoted on a large scale.

The technology and material reserves represented behind it are quite terrifying.

Those who can cultivate immortals are not fools, and the hidden ability of Shenting can be seen from these details.

This ability is in all aspects. The high-end combat power has most of the true immortals in the world of Kyushu, and the low-end combat power has the sects and gods to which these true immortals belong.

There are also terrifying resources as a backing.

All of a sudden, the pressure on the dragon clan increased sharply, and many flood dragons and the dragon vein monster clan that surrounded the dragon clan were all cleaned up.

I don't know if I don't clean it up, but the power of the Dragon Clan is greater than that of the Shenting to some extent.

In some remote places, no one may have heard of Shenting, but they definitely know what a dragon is.

Most of the monster clans pass on their knowledge through their bloodlines. No matter where they are, most of the monster clans can know the existence of dragons from their bloodline inheritance.

But Shenting is not in this list.

Today's Shenting has enough material heritage, but no historical heritage.

The Dragon Clan has a very long history.

After Shenting showed its strength and put the dragon clan at a disadvantage, the dragon clan also responded.

A Hualong Pond appeared on an island off the coast of Qiongzhou.

All creatures that enter it, even dead things, can obtain a wisp of dragon energy as the foundation of dragon transformation.

Moreover, the complete version of the Dragon Transformation Jue is engraved on the wall of the Dragon Transformation Pool, and the interior of the Dragon Transformation Pool simulates the most suitable environment for the cultivation of dragon transformation.

Conflicts are natural, and conflicts inevitably lead to the division of forces.

Today's Divine Court is being cleaned up on the grounds of violating the laws of God.

The dragon clan set up traps to fight back against the siege.

The rest of the innocent dragon clan who did not violate the laws of the gods are in a dilemma between the two.

In addition to this part of the dilemma, there is also a group of water gods who are eyeing the large area of ​​​​water left by the cleaned up dragons.

Nv Mi is on the list of these water gods, and she is still flourishing.

The last time Lin Xiao chatted with Nv Mi, it was still about spiritual practice.

This time, Nu Mi asked Lin Xiao if he wanted to be a concubine.

After chatting with Lin Xiao in detail, I realized that Numi is now dealing with the water god and the dragon clan in Yizhong.

Many dragons have the idea of ​​fleeing far away in advance, and many water gods want to expand the waters.

Nu Mi took a fancy to the benefits, so she began to try to contact the two.

And the way is to send concubines.

Nu Mi has trained a large number of shark girls and clam girls. These shark girls have graceful bodies and clam girls have smooth skin.

And because they are all aquarium women, their bodies are cold and smooth, so they are very popular.

In addition to these advantages, Nu Mi also taught how to grasp a man's mind and how to make a man want to stop.

He also invited people to teach piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and taste flowers and tea.

It is with these concubines that Nu Mi has built a relatively large-scale relationship network.

In such an era, your cultivation does not need to be particularly high, but you must have a background.

The background of Nu Mi is the God of Cuiyun Lake, which is enough in the past.

But now that Numi's cultivation base has increased, the protection of Cuiyun Lake God is not enough.

So Nu Mi can only rely on herself.

This trick is very old-fashioned, and it can't be put on the table, but it is very useful, isn't it?

Nu Mi is half lying on the coral tortoiseshell cloud bed, her breasts are half exposed, and her temples are slightly loose.

A strand of hair broke away from the not-so-tight bun, fell to the side of the ear, and blew on the chest, slightly evoking a seductive arc.

In front of him is a mirror of water, and on the opposite side of the mirror is the water god of the dragon tribe.

The color dragon was staring at Nu Mi's naked skin and talking with Nu Mi.

Nu Mi lightly curled her lips and said with a smile:
"Look at what you said, how can I lie to the king~ I help the king contact buyers, and the king can't let the concubine work for nothing~"

He said with a weeping expression on his face.

A beauty who sheds tears is definitely a sharp weapon to manipulate a man.

Especially a lecherous man like Selong.

Immediately, she was so anxious that she wanted to get out of the water mirror, hug the beauty and comfort her fiercely.

"Fine, fine! Follow the beauty's wishes!!"

The female Mi smoke spread, and she gave her a blank look.

"Your concubine can still make you suffer~Ruyan~"

Following Nu Mi's call, a clam girl walked lightly in front of Shui Jing.

This clam girl was dressed in a Chinese robe, which made her already white skin more supple.

What's even more amazing is that appearance, one point more fat and one point thinner.

It can be described as:
The skin is thick and fat, the eyebrows are like willows, and the rouge is like lips and jade, like hands.

Ice muscles and charming bones are made by nature, and the fairy posture and jade appearance are rare in the world.

Originally, Nu Mi was already considered a fairy, but compared with this clam girl, she seemed a little dim.

Seeing that Selong's straight eyes turned from Nu Mi to Ru Yan, Nu Mi smiled slightly, chatted for a few more words, and cut off the contact directly.

After breaking off contact, Nu Mi's expression returned to indifference, and she withdrew the spell from her body.

The originally bleak appearance instantly overwhelmed Ruyan beside him.

This is also the strategy of the female mistress, which is to use beauty to negotiate business first, and then turn their attention to these maids after the negotiation is completed.

Finally, it will be sent to the other party's side, so that the business can be negotiated without causing any embarrassment.

Ruyan stepped forward lightly, wanting to help Numi tidy up her clothes.

Nu Mi pulled it casually, the clothes on her body covered the exposed skin, she turned sideways to look at Ru Yan beside her.

"This dragon has something to do with the Dragon Palace in Qiongzhou. If you can secure your position, you may not be able to find the position of Dragon Mother."

Ruyan's eyebrows drooped.

"Slaves save me."

Nu Mi pulled out a hairpin from her head and put it in Ru Yan's hand.

"I know you've always been smart. That's good. A smart woman can pretend to be stupid, but a stupid woman can only be really stupid. Whether she pretends to be or not, it's better to have a choice than to have no choice, isn't it?"

After finishing speaking, Nu Mi meanders away, leaving Ru Yan alone, holding the hairpin thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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