Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 95 Ginseng Tree

Chapter 95 Ginseng Tree

The court was hit hard.

But the entire Kyushu world is not feeling well.

Only now did people understand the confidence of the Dragon Clan. One is the Dragon Dao that covers the entire Kyushu, and it is the water element authority of Kyushu.

Transforming dragons and distributing clouds and rain are common abilities of the dragon clan.

A loach can also grow dragon scales and beards to transform into a dragon, and those with some dragon blood can manipulate the wind and rain.

But no one knew that these two common abilities could grow to this extent.

Shenting is indeed the trader of Kyushu, but there are people in Kyushu who can overturn the chessboard.

After all, the time for Shenting to be established is still too short, and I haven't learned how to play chess yet.

On an ordinary path, the shell on the back of a dead cicada cracked, and a newborn cicada emerged from the shell.

Then the cicada circled left and right on the ground twice, and flew straight to the sky.

And the falling dragon corpse directly turned into a dragon gate at the mouth of the sea.


Ao Chu from the Dragon Clan, who was still cleaning up the Shenting before, was sitting in front of Tian Xingzi sipping tea.

Tian Xingzi poured a cup of tea for Ao Chu, and then said in a calm tone.

"You have a good temper. After teaching the students, you even help plug the holes."

Ao Chu hugged his arms and shrunk his neck in a disfigured manner, and said stiffly.

"What if the court of God is completed."

A wisp of heat dissipated from the teacup, and a cicada flew out of the dissipated heat.

As soon as it appeared, it chirped.

"If you don't say hello or teach me a lesson, sooner or later the court will be wiped out."

Tian Xingzi took out another teacup.

"No, I'll say hello when the time comes."

The cicada turned into a skinny old Taoist priest, and when he heard Tian Xingzi's words, he thought about it.

But without counting twice, there was a shock, and he stopped immediately.

"Damn, you didn't tell me earlier, you were almost caught!"


Even the heavens of Shenting cannot be exempted from the Longhua that swept across Kyushu.

Not to mention Lin Xiao's pot in the world.

However, the dragon transformation only lasted for a short moment and passed, and Lin Xiao's pot in the world did not suffer any loss.

It can even be said that there are many benefits.

Originally, the dragon blood rain was rained down on the realm of the pot, and some materials and elixirs embarked on the road of dragon transformation.

This dragon transformation is not only not a crisis, but an opportunity.

Even in the process of this dragon transformation, some dragon laws were born in Lin Xiao's Pot Middle Realm.

It is the law of the dragon way that is completely controlled by Lin Xiao, which was generated from this dragon transformation by the operation of the law in the pot.

The only weird thing is that there is a dragon pattern on the body of the Qiankun Sun Moon Pot in the Pot Middle Realm.

It's the aftermath of that dragon transformation.

This is not only Lin Xiao, but even many real immortals have been tricked.

But judging from the communication in the Tongtian Spiritual Realm, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

This is the Dragon Ancestor's absolute control over the Kyushu Dragon Law, triggering all the hidden dragon nature in Kyushu.

Including the dragon nature in all living beings.

This is the basis for all things to transform into dragons, and all things have dragon nature.

Therefore, it is actually a good thing that the dragon nature hidden in the monks is now stimulated.

Those who don't need can take the opportunity to eliminate, and those who need can take the opportunity to transform into a dragon, or refine it for their own use.

This is a slap in the face for a sweet date.

Tell Kyushu bluntly that I have the ability to flip the table, and then give me some benefits.

It is completely used by Shenting to deal with the Dragon Clan.

It also nakedly stated a clichéd and rotten thing.

Only those who are strong enough have the right to formulate the rules of the game.

Shenting used to think that he was this powerful enough person, after all, Shenting had the most true immortals in Kyushu.

But even if they are all human beings, some of them can punch hundreds of kilograms with one punch, and some of them are gasping for breath when they get out of bed and take two steps.

Let alone a real fairy.

Both are true immortals, and they are also in charge of their own laws.

The laws mastered by some immortals are only a safe corner in the heaven.

The laws mastered by some dragons are placed in the entire Kyushu universe, which even seems a bit crowded.

Lin Xiao can also be said to have mastered the law now, but it is only limited to the small space of the pot in the world.

Now Lin Xiao really deserves his title.

Fairy in the pot.

Generally speaking, the turmoil in Kyushu had little impact on Lin Xiao.

Even before the ginseng boy sprouted again, it had a great influence on Lin Xiao.

When it comes to Kyushu, if the sky falls, there will naturally be a tall man to support it.

But Lin Xiao is the tallest in Huzhongjie.

Just when the turmoil in Kyushu began to stabilize, Lingshen boy finally completed the tree transformation safely.

From a ginseng to a small tree.

The leaves of this tree are still in the shape of ginseng leaves, and even the trunk is still in the shape of yellow and dry ginseng.

But compared to ginseng, which still has some moisture and toughness, this small tree looks like a dead bark.

At first glance, it is weather-beaten and has a long history.

But on this wrinkled and twisted trunk, there are a few tender green leaves.

These leaves are not much different from ginseng leaves, but the stems are much shorter than ginseng leaves.

The most important thing is that the 'ginseng tree' has been able to absorb most of the wood energy extracted from the heart of the sycamore tree.

This also means that the plants in the pot in the world have one less chance to help them grow.

Lin Xiao checked the other plants in Huzhongjie, and found that there was no problem with wood gas, so he continued to talk about business.

These days, the assets and physical bodies of those anti-heavenly miscellaneous dragons have been integrated, so the entire Tongtian Lingjing seems to be celebrating the new year.

Prices fell rapidly.

Lin Xiao took the opportunity to copy some dragon meat, dragon blood, dragon bones, dragon tendons and so on.

However, when Lin Xiao was making big purchases, he also discovered that some people were also making purchases.

And the purchase volume of this group of people is much larger than that of Lin Xiao, so within a few days, the sharp drop in the price of dragon resources was stabilized.

Lin Xiao had no choice but to buy another batch at a slightly higher price and stock up.

Not long after that, all kinds of dragon resources in the entire Tongtian Spiritual Realm became less and less, and the prices became higher and higher.

However, Lin Xiao and those who hoarded resources did not choose to sell them at this time.

Instead, continue to hold.

Because the real period of scarcity has not yet come.

When a disaster strikes, ordinary people are busy saving their lives, and qualified businessmen are busy looking for business opportunities.

Although the dragon transformation disaster is a disaster, for many little monsters, this is a great opportunity.

They witnessed the law of the dragon way unfolding in front of their eyes, and they also obtained the dragon energy extracted from their own bodies by the dragon ancestor himself.

This is an excellent opportunity to practice the Dragon Transformation Art.

Maybe there are still some people who are hesitant, but it won't be long before these people start to make up their minds to practice Dragon Transformation Art.

Dragon resources will begin to really enter a period of shortage.

As expected of Long Zu's scheming, a self-directed and self-acted operation, I don't know how many goals he has achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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