Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 97 3 years later

Chapter 97 300 years later
Time flies, the sun and the moon flies.

It has been 300 years since the confrontation between the dragon clan and the gods,

For the past 300 years, Lin Xiao has been devoting himself to the development of Huzhongjie.

And the god emperor of Shenting changed three rounds before barely solving the trauma caused by Longzu to the heaven.

For 300 years, Shenting has not implemented other policies, but is doing its best to repair the heavens.

Huzhongjiezhong is now quite different from before.

The first is the fairy tree ginseng fruit tree located in the center of Huzhongjie, which is now more than ten feet high.

And after 300 years of fine-tuning, this ginseng fruit tree has achieved the effect of the original version at least in Huzhongjie.

The current ginseng fruit has not yet begun to bear fruit, but the fruit that grows can prolong life for hundreds of years if you want to prolong life for hundreds of years.

The premise is that it is in the realm of the pot, because this ginseng fruit tree is the law operation center of the realm of the pot.

The fruit produced can completely give the eater the authority to share the world with the world in the pot,

But it is impossible for Lin Xiao to set so many lifespans.

Every extra day of the Sun and the Moon is to add a burden to the world in the pot.

However, the current ginseng fruit can achieve this effect entirely because of the law of the realm in the pot.

When it comes to the outside world, the effect is not as good as flat peaches, so Lin Xiao has no plans to let the ginseng fruit tree bear fruit for the time being.

But those flat peaches can already be used to pretend...to show off.

Today's flat peaches have assembled a flat peach orchard, and they have been divided into three batches.


There is no qualitative breakthrough, it is all quantitative accumulation.

However, the amount accumulated to a certain extent is also amazing. Now Lin Xiao has more than 500 low-grade flat peaches, 49 medium-sized flat peaches, and only seven high-grade flat peaches.

There are hundreds of flat peaches with 50-year life extension, and there are 30 peaches with 50-year life extension every [-] years.

But now Lin Xiao has signed a contract with several forces in Tongtian Lingjing, and will send a batch of flat peaches every 30 years.

Otherwise, with so many flat peaches, Lin Xiao would have to use them all to make wine.

For 300 years, all kinds of spiritual fruits and spiritual materials have been sold together, and now Lin Xiao has become a major fruit supplier in Tongtianling.

Especially Jiaoli jujube, which has basically become a must-order fruit for banquets.

Every year, the order income of Jiaoli Huozao is actually more than that of Pantao.

After all, there are a lot of Jiaoli fire dates, and they mature quickly.

The Lingshen Boy transformed into a ginseng fruit tree decades ago, but this time it was not a full-body transformation.

Instead, it bears a baby-like fruit, and when the fruit falls to the ground, it becomes a chubby ginseng...fruit doll.

Due to Lingshen Boy's property of being a money fan, now Huzhong Realm's external income and expenditure are all managed by Lingshen Boy.

Including the replenishment and purchase in Tongtianling territory, Lin Xiao only needs to put forward the demand, and Lingshen Boy will be responsible for the purchase.

"Master, this year is the first time that the high-quality flat peaches are ripe. The flat peach event you said is already under preparation. This year, a total of [-] small peaches and [-] medium peaches will be sold..."

Lin Xiao listened to Lingshen boy's report, and looked at the sun outside Yunhai Yaochi.

Today's sun gathers fire and yang energy, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and it is becoming less and less like a golden elixir.

There were also a few more stars in the starry sky, and Lin Xiao held the Holy Pot Contest in Kyushu again.

However, because the belief has been suppressed before, and Lin Xiao used the panel to search, the rest of the time was maintained by the Buddhist system.

So apart from Daming, there is still a group of believers, and most of the other places have disappeared.

Even if there are still others, they are gradually distorted over time, and they are no longer Lin Xiao's believers.

The object of their belief is too different from Lin Xiao, so the belief cannot be passed on to Lin Xiao, and it has nothing to do with Lin Xiao.

So in the following Holy Pot Competition, Lin Xiao was placed in the pot.

In Huzhongjie, there is no rule that it can only be opened for five years in 100 years.

You can do it whenever you want, and Lin Xiao is really omnipotent in the realm of the pot.

Unlike the outside world, which still needs the assistance of divine power and willingness, using the materials prepared in advance is regarded as a transformation.

There is no such role as a magic repair villain in the pot in the world, although the biosphere has been completed step by step later.

But the little people can still live well with the cultivated plants.

This is a bad phenomenon, and it didn't take long for the little human race to split up.

Some believe in the toon tree and stay on the toon tree, some believe in the sun and leave the toon tree, and there are some other minority beliefs.

Since there are no gods in the world of pots, these beliefs are unresponsive.

Each denomination cannot prove itself to be true, but has been working hard to prove that the other is false.

When the strife begins, the war is not far away.

This kind of meaningless war is of no benefit to the realm of the pot, so Lin Xiao directly started the holy pot competition.

Let them develop their personal bravery, and with fewer people dying, they can develop their martial arts training system.

Then after the first holy pot competition in the pot in the world, a new sect emerged-the holy pot religion.

Today's Huzhongjie still doesn't have its own cultivation system, the main problem is that.

The law is always in development and not stable enough.

There are also stable laws, but they all belong to Kyushu. When Lin Xiao develops his own laws, this part of Kyushu's laws will still be turbulent.

So Lin Xiao deduced for a long time, and came to a conclusion that the most suitable one is martial arts.

In the early stage of martial arts, there is no need to touch the law, but in the later stage, it is also based on personal martial arts will, supplemented by the law.

But villains are different from human beings, and human martial arts can only be used as a reference.

That's why Lin Xiao came up with this holy lake competition, which is actually an alternative world's number one martial arts competition.

The purpose is to promote the development of martial arts and contribute to the law of the pot in the world.

In addition to this kind of more domineering cultivation method, Lin Xiao also took the wrong path and practiced two heretical exercises.

One is the cloud weaving method practiced by the maids of Yunhai Yaochi, which is the water element in the three elements of heaven, earth and water.

Starting from the ever-changing clouds, weaving to structure the clouds is also the law of the ever-changing world in the structure pot.

But weaving is not heresy. If you strictly classify it, this set of weaving skills looks like a woman.

In fact, it can be regarded as a skill on the order side.

Vertical longitude and horizontal latitude, the end of the thread is Ji, the coil is the outline, and the wooden stick tied to the end of the thread is called Tong.

The branch line is called heald, the arrangement is group, and the synthesis is weaving.

Latitude and longitude, discipline, system, organization, synthesis.

They all come from weaving, so this set of Zhinu exercises is to use order to limit disorder.

No matter how the laws of the realm in the pot change, they are still developing.

Since development is contextual.

 My food and clothing parents, dear gods, can I ask for a day off?
  It's nothing, just want to adjust the update time.

  If it doesn't work, you'll treat me as a fart.

(End of this chapter)

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