Peninsula Entertainment Starts as a Writer

Chapter 29 Star You Go Online Soon

Chapter 29 Star You Go Online Soon
[-]:[-] p.m., comic studio.

As the first episode of the manga was approaching, Kim Min-soo and Park Sung-soo went all out, grabbed their contacts in Kakao, and took the trouble to send an advertisement to each other.

The effect of this is also very direct. The Ins account "You Who Came from the Stars" climbed from single digits, and successfully broke through the 300 attention mark after a week of registration.

At 53:[-], Cui Xueli sent several Ins accounts, and Han Zidong interacted with these newly registered trumpets one by one.

Don't look at the fact that these a few trumpets didn't post any content, and the fans even only had single digits, or even duck eggs, but the masters behind them were all well-known celebrities.

Including but not limited to Kara, some members of f(x), Tara, and popular female solo—IU.

Although these people didn't show off their chariots, reveal their identities, and drive traffic for him, but because of their personal popularity, idols have registered an Ins account to support him, and he should also remember this little help in the heart.

Seeing all the avatars of Xingyou characters in the watch list, Han Zidong felt that maybe he should also give some pointers to these big sisters who will be retrograde this year, such as IU who will be skating at the end of the year.

It was only a few seconds later that he realized that he almost cried in the wrong grave.

Nowadays, the social media with the highest usage rate by Peninsula idol artists is mainly Twitter, not Ins.

When Ins opens its market in the peninsula, it will almost be next year. At that time, there will be two popular idols, one male and one female, with more than one million followers.

At 59:[-], Xingyou's Ins account broke through [-] fans.

After looking around at the fan list, Han Zidong found that many of them were new accounts, and all of them had the avatars of stars.

If it wasn't because he knew the inside story, he would definitely suspect that these guys were zombie fans.

In one day, he attracted three to five hundred new users to Instagram, Xiao Zha, you have to pay me the promotion fee!

At six o'clock sharp, Han Zidong officially uploaded Xingyou's first episode.

Ins was launched in October 2010, focusing on online photo and video sharing.

In September 2012, Ins, which was established only two years ago, was acquired by Facebook for approximately US$9 million. Currently, the number of registered users has exceeded 7.5 million.

But there may not be so many active users, and there will be fewer local users on the peninsula.

And Han Zidong's account has gathered hundreds of people's visits at once, which is considered a relatively valuable account for promotion. After a while, fans ushered in another wave of growth.

He searched the accounts of the two popular idols who will reach one million fans first in the future, and found that only the male idol has registered an account, and the other party only has 13 fans.

Scroll to the bottom of the person's profile to see the timestamp of the first shared photo: October 10st.

Zhilong, you can't either.

You must know that his account is a certified celebrity account, and those who can come to pay attention at the first time must be diehard fans, so the follow-up fan growth will be in a slow climbing state.

According to this speed of development, at least until the middle of next year, his fans will reach the million mark.

This also shows once again that the peninsula market of Ins is still in the pioneering stage. You must know that after ten years, the unit of time when the Instagram fans of Korean idols break one million is the hour.

Under the premise that only acquaintances promote, Xingyou can have more than 500 readers, and Han Zidong is already very satisfied with this.

As for whether to carry out the next promotion plan, it depends on the feedback after Tumblbug re-launched your project.

Han Zidong scrolled through the comment area, and the readers' feedback was generally positive. After all, they were all "acquaintances", so it was somewhat of a rainbow fart.

He opened the private message, and to the private message he sent, sent a group of words like thank you for your support.

It wasn't until he saw a crazy fan who sent more than a dozen messages in a row that he was slightly touched.

I saw that the other party not only sent an analysis of the plot, but even expressed her optimism for the Star You project, as well as a payment screenshot.

The screenshot shows that the payment time is September 9, the payee is Tumblbug, and the amount is 29 yuan, which means that this user is one of the three sponsors who initially sponsored the Star You project.

In other words, this is a loyal fan who has silently supported Xingyou since Han Zidong released the Xingyou project.

Knowing that the previous investment of 1000 yuan was a pure angel sponsorship with no return, Han Zidong immediately expressed his sincere gratitude and seriously answered a few small questions from the other party.

For example, Tumblbug will re-launch the Star You project in the early hours of Saturday morning, as well as the new sponsorship feedback method of the Star You project.

Another example is that the studio will be open to some sponsors next Monday, and the other party can get a place for free.

But after learning that the other party was still a third-year junior high school student, Han Zidong encouraged the other party to study hard and never mentioned the matter of visiting the studio.

The third year of junior high school is a critical moment in life. It can be said that whether the other party can enter an elite high school determines whether she can successfully enter a prestigious university, and whether she can enter a prestigious university determines whether she can have a bright future.

If because of her skipping classes, the Xingyou project is disliked by the parents, or even complained, which triggers a series of chain reactions, then the fun will be great.

So, he sent the other party a few high-definition character pictures to appease the little fan.

After posting a preview of the next update on Ins, Han Zidong forked the page and continued the production of Chapter 2.

The two young apprentices are under the pressure of receiving visits in the studio next week, and they are busy continuing to practice their coloring skills at the moment, and the whole studio is extremely quiet.

When the three people in the studio were intoxicated with their work, the time quietly came to Friday night.

Three hours before the Star You project was launched again, Shen Dacheng called Han Zidong again.

"Zidong, I'm so excited. The last time I was so excited, it was the first well-known project initiator on our website."

Han Zidong understood Shen Dacheng's excitement. After all, if this plan can be successful, Tumblbug's future will be bright, and the few of them can even see venture capitalists.

"Don't put pressure on yourself, we have already done the work that can be done, and leave the rest to the users."

"You boy, this is your project, are you not excited at all?"

Han Zidong sat up from the bed and turned on the light in the room.

"If you had called me later, I would have fallen asleep by then."

The person on the other side was speechless for a long time: "I really don't know whether to say that you are confident or heartless."

"Okay, let's go to bed early, the specific feedback will not be known until tomorrow morning, unless all the users of your website are night owls."

"That's fine, I won't bother you."

"Wait a minute." The moment Shen Dacheng was about to hang up the phone, Han Zidong suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong? Can't you pretend?"

Shen Dacheng's hearty laughter came out.

"No, I was thinking that since you are so excited, I need to remind you.

Before ten o'clock tomorrow, you can't start marketing prematurely, whether it's the marketing of badges, or the promotion of Tumblbug with the help of the conflict between Japan and South Korea. "

(End of this chapter)

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