Peninsula Entertainment Starts as a Writer

Chapter 332 Park Mi-yeon, what the hell are you doing?

Han Zidong followed Park Miyan into the bedroom and locked the door.

The three of them stayed overnight on a temporary basis. Except for a little more items on the bed, the entire bedroom was bare as far as the eye could see, and it didn't look like someone lived in it at all.

Because this bedroom is intended to be reserved for female fans, the colors of the bedding are relatively bright, either light blue or pink, which may be part of the reason for the two girls to stay overnight.

There is a dressing cabinet and a wardrobe on both sides of the bed. There are three or four cosmetics piled up on the dressing cabinet, while the wardrobe is empty.

After turning off the bright overhead light and turning on the low-brightness bedside lamp, the two fell onto the bed hugging each other.

Han Zidong kissed Park Miyan, stroked her face with his right hand, and said with a smile, "How do you help me put out the fire?"

Pu Meiyan pressed Han Zidong's hand with her hand, and smiled at Yanyan: "I will listen to you today."

"real or fake?"

Han Zidong's hand touched Park Miyan's lips, and his eyes were fixed on her.

Park Mi-yeon knocked his hand off.

"Die, not over there."

She turned her head away and muttered repeatedly: "Anyway, it won't work there."

"I knew it," Han Zidong laughed into a ball, and fell on Park Miyan: "Then where are you going to use it?"

Park Mi-yeon raised her hand.

Han Zidong smiled happily: "Then I might as well find a girlfriend."

Upon hearing this, Pu Miyan pushed him away, got up, and sat on him.

"Be honest, who is your girlfriend?"

"Really want to know?"


Park Mi-yeon nodded.

Han Zidong sat up, raised his hand through Park Miyan's hair, and pushed her long hair behind her ears.

Looking at the curious gaze of the other party, he smiled and said, "I'll tell you when you become mine."

Park Mi-yeon snorted unhappily: "Tch, we'll find out when we record next week."

Han Zidong raised Park Miyan's chin: "Hahaha, if you guessed right, I will help you realize a wish, except for relationship problems, of course."

"You are so confident, you don't have more than one girlfriend, right?"

While talking, Park Mi-yeon stroked Han Zidong's chest with her hand.

Han Zidong was noncommittal: "Guess."

Pu Meiyan was even more convinced that Han Zidong was a scumbag, but if a man as good as Han Zidong was still single-minded, she really would have no chance to get close to him. After a few turns of her mind, she finally settled down.

He wrapped his arms around Han Zidong's neck.

"Then what if someone wants to sponsor me next time?"

"Let him go!"

Han Zidong hugged Park Miyan's small waist.

Didn't lose his mind after all, he asked: "How long does Yaying usually take a bath?"

"A little over 10 minutes."

Han Zidong looked at the time: "Counting the time to brush your teeth, it is now 9:42, and our safe time is about 9:52."

Pu Miyan pursed her lips and smiled: "So you only have 10 minutes?"

Han Zidong raised his hand and patted Park Miyan's buttocks.

"Do you really want to know? When Yaying falls asleep at night, go find me and I'll show you."

"Tch, I didn't expect you to be so dishonest in private."

Pu Miyan sat closer, her head rested on Han Zidong's shoulder, and she hugged Han Zidong tightly with both hands.

"No, dear..."

After a moment of hesitation, she asked softly, "Can I call you 'honey'?"

Han Zidong nodded: "Yes, don't say 'dear', you can just call me 'Dad'."

Pu Miyan ignored Han Zidong's nasty words, but hugged her even tighter: "Goo, if it wasn't for you, I don't know how much I would have been tortured by those Anti fans."

Han Zidong responded: "Guess, but don't think you can escape like this. You agreed to help me put out the fire."

Park Mi-yeon let go of Han Zidong.

She looked at the man in front of her with a smile: "Then tell me, how do you want me to help you put out the fire?"

Han Zidong glanced at Park Mi-yeon's feet.

Ever since Jin Yarong helped him try once, it seemed like a door to a new world had been opened for him.

Park Mi-yeon didn't know, so: "Legs?"

Han Zidong shook his head.

Park Mi-yeon asked tentatively, "Feet?"

After she finished speaking, she felt incredible.

Han Zidong nodded, then shook his head: "Forget it, it's not perfect without black silk."

"Big hair!" Park Mi-yeon opened her eyes wide: "Maybe you don't have any special XP?"

"Yixi, if you are willing to accompany me, can I still use these means?"

How can it be possible to put out the fire in 10 minutes, it will only make the fire more and more prosperous, his mind is not in these 10 minutes, but wants to induce Park Mi-yeon to come to him later.

After setting the alarm clock, Han Zidong couldn't help but tore off Park Miyan's bath towel, turned over and hugged Park Miyan, and started making out.

Putting her head between Park Mi-yeon's neck and sniffing lightly, her lips kissed the other's collarbone, and both hands explored by themselves.

Pu Miyan's body trembled, and she was very hot. After a while, she whispered, "Did you wear a battle suit?"

Han Zidong froze, his face brightened: "I'm not a humanoid self-propelled gun, why would I carry that thing with me? But I can go downstairs to buy it."

The room was quiet for a few seconds, and Park Miyan whispered, "Okay."

Han Zidong stuck to Park Miyan's face, and said softly, "I will treat you well."

His wish came true, his sanity returned, he slowly got up, took a bath towel, and covered Park Miyan's body.

Pu Miyan guessed Han Zidong's thoughts in her heart, but she still pretended to be confused: "What's wrong with you, it's only a few minutes?"

Han Zidong glanced sideways at Park Miyan: "I'm worried that you won't be able to get up tomorrow, and you won't be able to make the trip to play songs."

He took out his cell phone and checked the time. The time showed that less than 3 minutes had passed. He picked up his cell phone, went downstairs to buy a box of battle suits, and returned to his room.

The time is approaching ten o'clock, and MAMA is coming to an end.

Although he didn't watch the live broadcast, he asked his assistant Park Sung-soo to help him pay attention to the award-winning female artist and take some beautiful pictures for him on the grounds of judging the follow-up performers.

Park Sung-soo completed the task brilliantly, and sent him a lot of screenshots and the corresponding award names.

As he predicted, f(x) won the best dance performance girl group award, Kara won the best girl group award in the world, and Sistar won the best girl group award.

In addition, Ailee won the Best New Female Singer Award, Davichi won the Best Singing Performance Group Award, and Sun Garen won the Music Fashion Award.

I sent Shirley a message of congratulations alone, and sent a group photo of Goo Hara receiving the award to the 91 group chat.

The makeup of the five members of Goo Hara is acceptable, but it's a pity that the evening dress is really ordinary and rustic. Just after his news was posted in the group, Zhao Xianrong was the first to jump out.

"Zhao Xianrong: Our company seems to be really doomed @汉子东. 』

After all, MAMA hadn't ended yet, and neither of the two parties replied, only Zhao Xianrong hooked up with Pei Youxi and cursed DSP Entertainment over there, and he followed suit.

After hooking up with Park Mi-yeon, I received a message from Zhao Yaying calling him to take a bath.

When he came out of the bathroom, it was already past ten o'clock, and he was sitting on the head of the bed, playing with his mobile phone while waiting for someone to arrive.

Shirley's reply came one step ahead.

Shirley wore a black short-sleeved knee-length dress at the party, and there was a tulle on the right side that covered her right leg. This dress didn't seem to be much better than Goo Hara's dress.

She was wearing a pair of black high-heeled shoes. Her skin was already fair, but with all the black clothes, she looked even whiter and more outstanding.

"Cui Xueli: Oppa, don't you~
Han Zidong: It's a pity that there is no performance.

Cui Xueli: Oppa, did you also watch the live broadcast?

Han Zidong: The live broadcast of MAMA is too long. You also know that I am only interested in song and dance performances, and I have no interest in awards shows. I asked someone to help me take screenshots.

Cui Xueli: Well, please save a few seats for us in the finals of your show next week. Our mother Song has long wanted to meet a compatriot like you. 』

Han Zidong covered his face.

With the addition of Cui Xueli, all the girlfriends were present, and the recording scene of the show was even more dangerous.

He suddenly didn't want to go to the recording site much.

The two chatted for another 10 minutes, and Cui Xueli had a schedule tomorrow, so she hurriedly ended the chat.

After charging his phone, he rested his hands on his pillow and waited for the knock on the door.

It was very late, and he didn't know how long he had been waiting. He was a little confused, and finally heard a small knock on the door.

It has to be said that Park Mi-yeon, a woman, can always stimulate him in subtle ways.

That small knock on the door sounded very cautious, but it seemed very bold in the middle of the night. The knock made his heart surge, and he instantly regained his energy.

Walked lightly to the door with bare feet, turned the handle and opened the door, but the person hid behind the door.

What surprised him a little was that Pu Miyan outside the door waited for about four or five seconds before walking in.

He was anxious to wait, and when someone came in, he immediately raised his foot and kicked the door to close, and hugged Park Miyan from behind.

As soon as the two came into contact, the other party's rabbit, which was obviously two sizes smaller, made him break out in a cold sweat. The person who came in was not Park Miyan, but Zhao Yaying.

Since only the bedside lamp was turned on in the room, the lighting was insufficient, and Park Mi-yeon and Zhao Yaying were wrapped in the same set of bath towels. The two were of the same height. Except for some body details, it was really difficult for him to tell them apart without touching them. .

dare not move.

dare not speak.

I really think this is a dream.

But unfortunately, this is the truth.

In the deathly silence, only the heavy breathing of the woman in front of him could be understood.


Park Mi-yeon, what the hell are you doing.

Another tens of seconds passed, even though he boasted that he had a good attitude, he really didn't think of a suitable solution, because Zhao Yaying's fish was far from ready to be caught.

"Han Zidong, how long are you going to hug me?"

Zhao Yaying's voice saved him, he bit the bullet and let go of Zhao Yaying.

Zhao Yaying crossed her hands and hung on her lower abdomen, she turned her heels up and down, and her body also tilted and tilted accordingly, it could be seen that she was very happy.

"Han Zidong, why did you hug him just now?"

"Then why are you knocking on my bedroom door when you don't sleep at night?" Han Zidong resorted to a counter-attack plan: "You are a girl wrapped in a towel, why are you knocking on a boy's door in the middle of the night?"

Zhao Yaying pouted, dissatisfied with Han Zidong's answer.

"I didn't have a chance to chat with you all night, so I just wanted to see if you fell asleep.

I wanted you to chat with me for a while, but I knocked very lightly... Who knew that you just opened the door, but no one was there, so I walked in. As soon as I came in, you hugged him and closed the door. Dead door. "

Han Zidong covered his face.

When other people make such an excuse, he will only think that the other party is a La Traviata, but these words come from Zhao Yaying, an INFP, and they do have some credibility.

Zhao Yaying, a talkative ghost, really has a strong desire to share, and only opens the chatterbox mode to specific people, and he is really disturbed by it.

"From the time you knocked on the door, I guessed it was you. If Park Mi-yeon knocked on the door, it would definitely be knocking like 'bang bang bang'."

He even made an exaggerated gesture of knocking on the door, causing Zhao Yaying to cover her mouth and laugh.

It's just that his next sentence froze Zhao Yaying's smile.

"So I just made a joke for you. I hugged you without your permission. Don't you think I'm too frivolous?"

"Ani~ How could it be!" Zhao Yaying's tone clearly contained a bit of self-disguised emotion, and she repeated to herself: "No, how could it be?"

"It's fine if not, then let's go out and talk, I'm afraid Meiyan will misunderstand our relationship if she sees it."

Han Zidong reached for the doorknob, and before he could open the door, he hugged him tightly from behind.

There was no familiar feeling of pressing back, but it still made him stop the movement of his hands.

"This may be a bit offensive, but I can't think of a more suitable way, a more suitable occasion, Han Zidong, I seem to like you a little bit."


"Don't talk, at least don't talk now, give me some time, and tell me the answer later, can you?"


Now that Kamaren has been audited, many of the originally set plots cannot be written. Originally, I was going to write about the unfolding of the hero in the woman's bedroom. The last chapter was audited, so I changed it.

I originally planned to use intimate scenes (mainly foreplay, Loulou kissing and hugging, undressing and posting, etc.) to show the progress of the relationship.

Do you have an excellent urban essay on driving? Give me a chapter name, and I'll check it out.

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