Chapter 34 Data Explosion
After 10:30, Tumblbug's crowdfunding data entered a surge mode.

For the Star You project, the number of users who sponsored 1000 yuan exceeded 4, which directly broke the record for the number of participants in a single project within Tumblbug.

The speed of raising funds for other crowdfunding projects on the site has also skyrocketed. Along with it, the Lezhin Comic project also ushered in several large-scale sponsorships, totaling 876.5 million, surpassing Xingyou's 745 million in one fell swoop.

"1 thousand 765
10 15
20 9
30 4
50 3

With a charming eye, many sponsors of crowdfunding projects have applied for the opening of the badge system, and even want to apply for instant payment operations.

As the person in charge of the operation department, Shen Dacheng welcomed the former, indicating that the promoters can make their own badges, or use the general badges provided by the website, and related services will be launched uniformly next Monday.

As for the application for immediate payment, he politely rejected it because the operation model was still being explored on a small scale.

Before it was 11 o'clock, and less than half of the day had passed, the crowdfunding amount of Xingyou exceeded 750 million. The rapidly increasing number gave Shen Dacheng more confidence.

Therefore, he adjusted the highest goal again and set it to 1500 million, which is half of the total crowdfunding amount of the stars.

But this number actually did not arouse any objection.

The radical Yoo Sung-chan even set the highest target at 3000 million, thanks to Li Yongjun who suppressed him, but this also proves that the Tumblbug team is optimistic about Xingyou's expectations.

Tumblbug is not the only local crowdfunding website. Compared with Tumblbug, the atmosphere at the headquarters of Fundu website is more anxious.

When Tumblbug launched a new operating model in the early hours of the morning, they didn't take it seriously.

They still sneer when the Tumblbug thread pops up on Twitter.

When Tumblbug's soft broadcast appeared on Naver and Daum, they only felt that Tumblbug was playing with what they had left.

But when the number of participants in a single Star You project launched by Tumblbug exceeded 3000, Fundu's management couldn't sit still.

In the conference room, Fundu founder Jin Shicheng slammed the table with a folder and shouted, "What do you eat?
Why have you not come up with countermeasures until now?
What use is it for me to support you! "

The management on both sides of the conference table looked at their mouths, their noses and their hearts, and they didn't dare to look at Jin Shicheng at all.

Finally, it was cool to scold, Jin Shicheng looked at the operation director next to him and asked, "What is your latest crowdfunding data?"

The director of operations heard the question and quickly refreshed the webpage.

After seeing the data that exploded his mind, he swallowed his saliva, looked around his colleagues, and stammered back: "The crowdfunding amount is 811.3 million...the number of people who sponsored 1 yuan is 5000+!"


Jin Shicheng immediately turned into a master of desktop cleaning.


At the same time, Goo Hara uploaded a photo in a box at Itiya Cafe.

In the photo, she and Cui Xueli are grimacing playfully, but compared to the two beauties, it is a drawing that occupies the center of the perspective.

I saw the two of them holding a corner of a drawing with one hand, and their free hands were not idle, pointing at the drawing in their hands.

Two popular artists appeared in the photo, and it was the latest photo, so it was self-evident who the account owner was.

Soon, this photo and the Ins account were sent to the official cafes of Kara and f(x) by interested "fans", and then the news that Cui Xueli and Goo Hara opened the Ins account spread like wildfire.

At about the same time, IU also released a photo of holding Qian Song Yiren's design.

After that, like dominoes, several new accounts with Xingyou badges on their heads posted photos holding Xingyou's avatar.

The only difference is that some people did not show their faces, such as those from Tara.

Some people didn't have anyone to design a picture, so they just drew a big picture of Xingyou's eight main characters and posted it on Instagram, such as Jiang Seulqi.

As for the surprise surprise on Instagram, Han Zidong saw it during lunch.

He thought that there would be at most three or two to help show their faces in publicity, but six or seven jumped out. He could only be grateful for the cheers of these artist friends.

Look, this is good publicity.

Compared with the little blackie who "did seven meals a day", the publicity of Cui Xueli's popular idols can bring more normal attention to you.

Moreover, the effect of the publicity was remarkable. As of 1505:[-] noon, the funds raised by Star You had once again exceeded Shen Dacheng's expectations, reaching [-] million.

『1 thousand 7000+
1 395
5 60

Oh my god, the figures of 5 yuan and 10 yuan are a bit too high.

It would take him a long time just to entertain these sponsors, so Han Zidong quickly contacted Shen Dacheng.

Shen Dacheng urgently adjusted the sponsorship quotas of 5 yuan and 10 yuan, and set a limit.

"Brother Dacheng," Han Zidong turned on the speaker, and while cooking, he talked to Shen Dacheng: "You have something important that you can't chat on Kakao, do you have to call?"

"Ah, I didn't expect you kid to hide a secret weapon." Liu Chengcan's male duck voice rang in his ears again.

"Oh, you mean..."

"Yes, it's just a few girl group members on Ins." Shen Dacheng stepped forward and said, "I like Goo Hara very much, can you help me get a signed album."

Pfft, can you be more serious!

Jin Minxiu, who was sitting on the sidelines and eavesdropping, almost burst out laughing, thanks to the fact that she wasn't eating fried noodles just now, otherwise she would have to perform a magic show of sticking out the noodles with her nostrils.

Han Zidong waved at Jin Minxiu and the two of them, and they took out the finished tableware.

After turning off the speaker, Han Zidong asked again: "What's the matter, if you don't tell me, I'll die."

Shen Dacheng deliberately lowered his voice and asked, "Is there no one around you?"

"Yes, Minsu and Sungsu were sent to take out the trash by me."

"Now there is an opportunity to be popular on Naver, should we seize it?"

"Is it an official promotion, or..."

"It's a service provided by a performing arts company, and it has about an 80% success rate."

Oh, I see, Ganqing is the navy!
Han Zidong understood instantly, he paused, and asked, "Brother Dacheng, this fee shouldn't be cheap, right?"


Sister, it took him more than ten hours to raise 800 million.

This navy company is not so good. It charges 1 million yuan in one hour, and it is not guaranteed.

Han Zidong thought for a moment, and replied: "Brother Dacheng, if you ask me, my opinion is to focus on Twitter and Instagram, maybe your company can also open accounts on these two platforms to broadcast real-time data, or promote projects on the platform .

There is too little content about Tumblbug on Naver and Daum. If it is really a hot search, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that it is a hot search for buying.

Falsification is definitely not a good thing for a company, especially a crowdfunding company that values ​​word of mouth.

I think that instead of giving the money to this performing arts company, it is better to buy a few accurate promotional advertisements for Twitter and Ins. "

"it is good!"

it is good?Is it over?

This time Han Zidong was stunned: "Brother Dacheng, stop thinking about it, this is a hot search on Naver.

This is Naver, which has a market share of [-]% to [-]% in your country, together with Daum, the market share of the two is as high as [-]%, [-]%..."

On the other end of the phone, Shen Dacheng and Liu Chengcan looked at each other and smiled.

Even though they wanted to grab Han Zidong by the collar and tell him how explosive Tumblbug's data was today:

For example, the DAU has more than doubled the maximum one day in the past, new users have increased by nearly 20%, and the browsing time of some users has directly exploded...

But this is the core data of their website, not to mention Han Zidong, even his wife can't easily disclose it.

Oh, by the way, the three of them don't have wives yet.

"I'll just listen to you. After the busy days, let's get together."

Hearing Shen Dacheng's voice full of exhaustion and uncontrollable excitement, Han Zidong naturally guessed that Tumblbug's user data must be of great benefit.

He took the opportunity to ask: "Brother Dacheng, what about my development team?"

"Yeah," Shen Dacheng's beautiful boy was speechless, he lowered his tone: "How can it be so fast, but don't worry, if you really can't find a suitable person, I will lend you a few people."

Han Zidong instantly understood that Tumblbug's data was definitely more explosive than he thought!
 Thanks to the light krypton player `this color will be the future February ticket
(End of this chapter)

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