Peninsula Entertainment Starts as a Writer

Chapter 58 1 Dragon Equals 16

Chapter 58 1 Dragon Equals 16 (Third Update)

Shen Dacheng pinched the microphone with one hand and pressed it down with the other.

Huang Quancan took his seat, "slapped" and typed: ""The Mysterious Fourth Partner"..."

Shen Dacheng looked back at the two partners beside him with a smile, and said slowly: "In fact, including the operation model of Star You, Lezhin Comic, the badge system and even the welfare bank module, our fourth partner has played a good role. quite a crucial role.”

Naturally, he would not admit that these plans, as well as the strategy of operating Tumblbug through social media, were independently proposed by Han Zidong, and their three partners only acted as executors.

In that case, wouldn't it appear that the three of them were too incompetent.

Let the three of them share a little bit of fame, I believe Brother Han will not care.

The reporters in the audience raised their hands to ask questions like a hundred claws scratching their hearts.

Shen Dacheng ordered a female reporter in a silver suit: "Reporter Fang from JTBC, please tell me?"

"Hey, Shen Dachengxi, is this partner here today? And when did he join Tumblbug?"

Shen Dacheng did not answer the question directly, but called another reporter from TVN.

"Shen Dachengxi, may I ask if the other party is also a student of Kyung Hee University?"

Shen Dacheng still didn't answer, and called another reporter instead.

What the hell, is this dodging the question?
For a while, the reporters on the field whispered one after another.

The reporter who was named didn't think it was a big deal, and asked directly: "Shen Dachengxi, why don't you answer the question directly?"

Shen Dacheng pressed Mike, and said with a smile: "Please rest assured, I will reply to everyone's questions later. My friend from MBC, what questions do you have?"

"Inside, what is the voice of this fourth partner in your Tumblbug decision-making, what position does he occupy, and how much role does the other party play in the decision-making of the operating model, badge system, and welfare bank? a percentage?

Thanks, above. "

Shen Dacheng nodded, glanced roughly, and found that no one raised his hand, he began to answer: "First of all, in fact, this fourth partner should be very familiar to you, he is either someone else, or the project of Star You and Lezhin Comic. The initiator - Writer Han."

Li Zhuxiu, a female Ewha college student who was watching the live broadcast in the coffee shop, suddenly raised her head, and a smiley face appeared in her mind. His surname is also Han!
The conference site.

Many people had a thought in their minds: "This is probably the most important news today."

"Clap clap clap!"

Huang Quancan deleted the previous title and changed it to "Business Operations of the Most Legendary Comics Writer in 2012".

"Due to the busy production of Han's comics, I was absent from today's meeting.

As for the fate between Writer Han and Tumblbug, I believe everyone can guess.

Yes, we got acquainted with the Yu Xingyou project with Writer Han, and reached an extraordinary tacit agreement on the operation of Tumblbug in an offline discussion. "

Shen Dacheng left enough room for everyone to think, paused, and then continued to reply: "He is a very talented junior, but he is not an alumnus of our Kyung Hee University.

You may not believe it, but he is born in the 90s, to be exact, he was born in 1991. "

Born in 1991, he will be 22 or 23 years old this year. In terms of his full age, he may not even be 21.

This is really...too young.

At this time, Tumblbug's live channel on Afreeca TV experienced obvious freezes due to too many visits.

Yushui Cave, Rainbow Dormitory.

The seven members dressed in cooler clothes gathered around a second-hand notebook. Seeing that the screen was freezing, the youngest member Zhao Xianrong crawled over and slapped the keyboard of the notebook hard.

Once, twice... the people who heard it were terrified!

Jin Zhishu pinched the back of Zhao Xianrong's fate neck: "Get out of the way, you lunatic, let me do it."

She sat cross-legged in front of the table, refreshed the webpage a few times, and then refreshed the latest live broadcast screen.

"I knew he was young, but I didn't expect him to be the same age as the maknae."

Zhao Xianrong covered his mouth in surprise: "Really?"

The leader of Rainbow members, Kim Jae Kyung, Go Woo Ri, and Oh Seung Ah were all born in 88, No Eul was born in 89, Jung Yoon Hye and Kim Ji Sook were born in 90, and the youngest member Jo Hyun Young was born in 91, which happens to be the same age as Han Zi Dong.

"Dafa, I should be the one to visit that Monday." Zhao Xianrong said bluntly and subconsciously.

Jin Zhishu hooked Zhao Xianrong's head with his arms: "Didn't we find out after we went there? Besides, can you get up?"

Zhao Xianrong looked at Jin Zaijing with disdain, and asked in disbelief, "Can I be half an hour late?"

Jin Zaijing felt that he had been accidentally injured: "Ah, Zhao Xianrong, come here, it's none of my business that you two are arguing!"

"Everyone stop making trouble, let's watch the live broadcast."

Kim Ji-sook sorted out all the controversies quickly.

As a result, Zhao Xianrong's dog's head was transferred from Kim Ji-sook's arm to Kim Jae-kyung's, and Kim Jae-kyung clamped Zhao Xianrong's dog's head forcefully.

The live broadcast continues.

"Regarding his position, we hit it off with Writer Han, so we warmly invited him to join Tumblbug.

He currently serves as the non-executive director of Tumblbug, and we all trust his industry sensitivity in some major decisions. " Shen Dacheng said.

"As for the right to speak in decision-making, I can't give an accurate answer. I can only say that if Director Han has objections to a decision, then we will definitely treat it with caution.

Most of the creativity of Welfare Bank comes from Director Han. "

Regardless of the professional attitude of the people on the field, at least they are not stupid, and most of them can tell that Shen Dacheng has a lot of trust in this new partner.

Just when everyone was about to ask questions, Shen Dacheng suddenly patted his head lightly.

"Almost forgot his important business."

While speaking, he rummaged through his hands, and asked his partners on the left and right, which caused quite a commotion on the rostrum.

In the end, he picked up a manuscript and cleared his throat: "Everyone, although Director Han can't be there, he also asked me to say hello to everyone.

At the same time, I want to use this press conference to announce three news, and I hope everyone can help spread them out. "

"One, Star You will continue to maintain the rhythm of double updates a week, and the team urgently needs several manga assistants and operation assistants to join.

In addition, the operation of Lezhin Comic will also be on the agenda, so here is an open recruitment. For specific recruitment information, you can pay attention to the official website of Lezhin Comic: 』

Reporter present: Advertising in an aboveboard manner?

Han Zidong, who was far away in Yushui Cave, nodded with satisfaction. Is there any place more suitable for advertising than the press conference?
"Second, Xingyou's complete script has been written. Writer Han hopes to discuss film and television with production companies that are interested in bringing Xingyou to the small screen. Everyone in the film and television industry is welcome to come to consult for details. 』

The reporters at the scene were pressing keys like flying, and at the same time, they did not forget to slander: "You only published two episodes, hurry up!"

"[-]. In the next month, Xingyou and Lezhin Comic will jointly produce two web dramas. Trainees and brokerage companies who are interested in participating are welcome to come to consult.

above. 』

Three news, one more surprising than the other!
Xingyou and Lezhin Comic's open recruitment is a wave of advertisements, and Xingyou's maintenance of double updates can only be said that the writer is very dedicated, which is reasonable.

It's just that this writer is a bit ambitious. In addition to preparing to operate a paid website, he is actually planning to promote the film and television of Star You.

But Xing, you just said two words!

Especially the last question about web dramas, what is the relationship between comics and web dramas?
Also, how will Lezhin Comic operate?
What kind of production process are the two web comprehensives, you should explain clearly.

Reporters with various questions in their hearts raised their hands one after another.

The press conference lasted only one hour, and seeing that the time was almost up, Shen Dacheng cleared his throat and said, "That's the last question."

"Lucky" Huang Quancan was selected.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he asked a slightly mentally retarded but reasonable question.

"Shen Dachengxi, what are the names of Writer Han and Director Han?"

"Han Zidong!" Shen Dacheng replied with a smile.

The press conference ended here, and the 12 guests on the rostrum got together, took a few group photos briefly, and then left one by one.

It's just that there are more questions left in the hearts of many reporters.

There is no other way, then we can only edit it.

Huang Chengcan, who was still rushing to catch up on the press release, suddenly stopped, opened a new webpage, and entered the Instagram interface.

He intends to add Xingyou's Ins number as a picture attached to the news.

Just seeing the three columns of numbers on the page made him a little bit overwhelmed.

Fans actually skyrocketed again, reaching 12.3.

The last time you were on Naver, what was the most popular search, it seems to be 6 to 7.

He hurriedly searched the account of another popular male idol, and the results showed that the number of fans of the other party was only 16.8.

Immediately, a wonderful idea appeared in his mind: ""1 dragon equals 16, when will your influence as a writer surpass GD?""

Ins is a new social media with a relatively small user base, so he used the fans of the two to compare their influence, which is a bit of a sneaky change of concept.

But doesn't he understand this?

No, he knew it well, and that's what he wanted.

Don't look at the righteous words of netizens and put an end to headline partying, but they love to read this kind of news and love to comment on this kind of news.

Is it easy for him to produce news that the people like to hear and see?
 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Candle Dragon 1, and thank you for the rewards from the young people in the small town, Momo vmo, DCD the world destroyer, and 儱霛. This chapter is the one I owed before, and I will add another chapter next week. Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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