Chapter 6 Adult Comics
Cui Xueli walked out of the bathroom, and when she passed the stairs, she noticed that the lights on the first floor were still on.

Did Han Zidong sit on the first floor all night?

Looking at the rest room occupied by her, Cui Xueli's evaluation of Han Zidong has risen to another level.

Really a reliable foreigner.

She rubbed her neck in embarrassment, and walked down the stairs slowly.

Soon, a man with his back to her, fingers flying like flying keys, addicted to typing appeared in front of her eyes.

There were two empty coffee cans lying beside the notebook. It was conceivable that the man he just met hadn't slept all night.

Cui Xueli walked towards Han Zidong slowly, and the contents of the notebook became more and more real.

"Daum/Naver has it, we have it. What Daum/Naver doesn't have, we also have. ---The first website dedicated to adult comics in China』

"Oh mo?"

Seeing the sensitive keywords, Cui Xueli covered her mouth in surprise.

Adult comics?

In an instant, many mosaics roared in her mind.

This seems to be a bit different from the manga writer she thought of.

Isn't it against the law to draw such cartoons?

As a new friend she just met, Cui Xueli felt that she couldn't just watch him go astray.

"You can't do that!"

Cui Xueli subconsciously said.

Han Zidong turned his head when he heard the words, saw Cui Xueli, smiled and asked, "Are you awake?"

He glanced at the computer time again: "It's already six o'clock, I guess the alcohol is almost gone, I'll see you off now..."

Cui Xueli quickly approached Han Zidong, and closed the notebook: "No!"

Han Zidong was confused by Cui Xueli's actions: "Sulli, what are you talking about?"

"Anyao, you can't draw adult cartoons!"

Han Zidong glanced at Cui Xueli, who was crossing her hips, and then at the closed notebook, and suddenly realized.

He smiled first, then pressed his hands down, and comforted him: "Why are you so young and have such dirty thoughts?
The adult comics we are talking about do not only refer to those HM, but also refer to comics that require viewing age restrictions such as horror-heavy or dark themes. "


The suspicion in Cui Xueli's tone couldn't be hidden at all. Don't lie to me with a face that I don't read much.

"Of course."

Han Zidong opened Tumblbug, pointed to his crowdfunding project and explained: "This is your largest crowdfunding website for art resources in China, and it is completely open to the public.

I plan to launch crowdfunding for my comics website on this site. If it is really a purely erotic website, do you think users will invest in me? "

"No?" Cui Xueli asked seriously.

"Cough cough cough..."

Han Zidong almost choked to death on his saliva, but there seemed to be nothing wrong with Cui Xueli's words, after all, the whole world is a family.

Cui Xueli leaned over the table and carefully checked Han Zidong's project introduction.

As she watched, she also asked her own question: "Is there really someone so stupid who would spend his own money for you?"

"Ah," Han Zidong patted the table, pretending to be angry and said, "I won't allow you to describe these loving angels like that."

He pointed to the three payments on the right and said, "Look for yourself, the approval I just passed this afternoon has already received 12000 yuan, which means that at least three people are optimistic about my comic project."

"Why?" Cui Xueli was full of question marks. She really couldn't understand this crowdfunding model, and muttered: "How can someone be so stupid?"

"Yeah, this is called a gift rose, so it should have a lingering fragrance in your hand.

Of course, after the project runs successfully, each sponsored user can also get a corresponding gift.

For example, a user who sponsors 1 yuan may get two booklets.

If you donate 5 yuan, the user will have the opportunity to get a full set of physical books and posters of several main characters.

As for these two enthusiastic users who sponsored 1000 yuan, they are also funding art careers and supporting other people's dreams, yes, that's it. "

"But what if your comic works fail?"

Can't you curse me better? !
Han Zidong finally felt the aggrieved feeling of Cui Xueli in Yingyuefeng Park last night, he shook his head: "Then I will come to the peninsula next year."


Before Han Zidong could answer, the conversation from last night rang in Cui Xueli's mind.

"Because my visa is only two months away. 』

"I remembered, your visa is about to expire. So with this crowdfunding, will you be able to get your visa renewed?"

Cui Xueli glanced at the crowdfunding amount, and 3000 million (about 16.8) was not too much for her.

"I can't say for sure, but it's about the same. These costs are mainly used for renting a house, purchasing equipment, and hiring assistants to increase the production speed of comics, and then convince those civil servants who are responsible for renewal.

With the assistance of one or two assistants, I can at least guarantee two updates a week. This "You Who Came from the Star" is roughly estimated to have 130 chapters. If I can update it twice a week or more, it is estimated that it will take a year to complete the book. "

Han Zidong seriously described his plan: "During my serialization period, there may still be royalties. In case, I mean in case, if my comics can sell the film and television adaptation rights like the original comics of your show, Then I’m going to be a big success.”

After speaking, Han Zidong explained to Cui Xueli the division of labor of the three types of comic assistants and the basic creation process of comics.

It takes a lot of time and effort for a comic to start from plot conception, storyboard setting, line draft, background coloring, special effects, background, etc., to the final draft.

Generally speaking, a workshop-style manga studio with one update per week is already the limit.

But he is different. In the past eight years of Han Piao's career, he has stored a large number of excellent scripts in his mind. A manga is 80% creatively complete.

Secondly, he has actually participated in the creation of comics for about five years. He is familiar with every process of comic creation and has brought new assistants. As long as he is equipped with the comic assistants he should, he can quickly set up the assembly line of comic production.

Therefore, he needs to recruit 2-4 manga assistants to undertake coloring and post-production respectively. As for line draft assistants, the training cost required for that position is too high, and he can only be in charge of it in a short time.

Han Zidong explained in a simple way, expounding so many plans and arrangements to show that he was full of confidence, but Cui Xueli frowned more and more.

"Then do you want me to invest in you? You also know that I am a little idol."

Speaking of this, Cui Xueli glanced at Han Zidong resentfully: "Although our group is not as good as Girls' Generation, I should have some savings."

She thought to herself that after working for so many years, even if she didn't have 3000 million yuan, it probably wouldn't be much different.

If it doesn't work, she can ask the company to advance part of her salary, but she doesn't know if her mother can talk to her, after all, her financial rights are still in her mother's hands.

To be honest, Han Zidong is a little tempted. With 3000 million more working capital, he can rent a better house, recruit more assistants, and comic creation can get on track as soon as possible.

But he doesn't know Cui Xueli's financial situation, and Cui Xueli is only over 18 years old. According to the Korean age, she is only 19 years old. Strictly speaking, she is still a minor.

She is willing to lend the money, but her family may not.

After all, 3000 million is definitely not a small amount for any ordinary family.

The mentality of a minor is not yet stable, he, an adult, can't pretend to be confused: "Actually, I have more than 2200 million (about 12.44) in my hand now, and I will think of a way to crowdfund this matter.

If I am really short of money, I will not be polite, after all you are a famous f(x) member. "

"it is good."

Han Zidong smiled, and teased again: "But you are too stupid, we have only known each other for a day, and you dare to lend me money, are you not afraid that I am a liar?"

Cui Xueli put her hands behind her back, thought for a while, and then replied: "Thank you for your hospitality yesterday, I am really happy, and I am very happy to receive your gifts and blessings.

I feel that you are a good person, so I very much hope that you can stay on the peninsula and complete your comics.

If in case you are really a liar, I admit it too, at least you gave me a good memory, this may be the happiest day of my adult life. "

As an old man who was about to leave for the third year, Han Zidong was quite moved when he heard Cui Xueli's silly and sincere answer.

"Then I will work hard and try to keep it until next year when you become an adult, and then I will give you another big gift."

(End of this chapter)

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