Peninsula Entertainment Starts as a Writer

Chapter 71 The Crazy Double Speed ​​Dance

Chapter 71 The Crazy Double Speed ​​Dance

Among the eight people dancing in the practice room, besides the four members of Girl's Day, the other four are backup dancers.

Whether they are backup dancers or official members, the eight of them have been practicing the dance of "Don't forget me" since they came here in the morning, preparing for their return to the stage next week.

After practicing back and forth for more than half an hour, they finally stopped to rest for a while, and their president Li Zhongshuo came to inform them that the writers who came to discuss cooperation had reached the second floor.

There was no way, the eight of them could only get up and continue to practice dancing, hoping to give that Han writer a good first impression.

As a result, who would have thought that after the group came in, they had been sitting on the sofa behind them without saying a word, just quietly watching them dance, over and over again.

Today, in order to record the practice room version of the MV, they deliberately avoided the direction of the dance mirror, which caused the eight of them to not see the reaction of the group behind them except for occasional turning around and walking.

Dancing over and over again until the body sweats, the clothes stick to the skin, and no one calls out to stop.

When almost all eight people were in doubt, a staff member finally took action.

I saw the staff member trot all the way to the console of the audio equipment, sat there and began to operate the equipment.

At this moment, this staff member is like a savior in the eyes of the eight dancers, and several of them have even made up their minds to treat him to a good meal afterwards.

Just when the eight people thought the concert would stop, the melody of the song started again from the beginning.

The backup dancers surrounded by the four corners, and the four members in the center of the perspective, looked at each other. Even though they were not clear about their status, the eight of them immediately resumed their original dance positions.

As the music got louder and louder, they finally realized something was wrong. The music turned out to be a sped-up version.

what's the situation?
One or two couldn't keep up, three and four lost their rhythm, five and six wanted to be lazy, seven and eight didn't want to stand out too much, and finally, all eight stopped.

Although the music was still playing in the practice room, the eight people on the field fell into an inexplicable sense of suffocation.

Panic, bewilderment, uneasiness, and exhaustion were intertwined and covered the whole body.

Captain Pu Suzhen glanced back at her president, who shook his head at her.

She turned around again, breathed a long sigh of relief, found the right moment, and moved her body again.

At the beginning, she was still a little out of step with the rhythm, but as she got rid of the initial panic, the muscle memory formed in the past month of practice began to work.

Only this time, her dancing movements were no longer so graceful, but full of explosive power.

The dance gesture that originally needed to be completed in one bar, she completed in one breath.

With someone taking the lead, the other people who were standing still seemed to have found their backbone, and moved one after another.

Although there are eight people in the dance of "Don't forget me", the activity areas of the backup dancers and the members are strictly separated, so that even under the condition of acceleration, the difficulty of moving the eight people will not be too high.

The length of time for the eight people to enter the state varies, but after the end of the second song, all eight people have found their own rhythm.

They no longer care about the range of movement, but only care about getting stuck and ensuring that the movements are in place.

With the beginning of the third song, the whole team has fully entered the state, and after occasional mistakes, they can adjust their state as soon as possible and keep up with the rhythm again.

By the fourth time, the eight people were as proficient as if the song was originally at this speed.

It was obviously a vigorous dance just now, but it suddenly became a display of strength and rhythm, creating a sense of strength in a man's dance.

At the end of the fourth round, everyone was sweating profusely and gasping for breath. Some of the sweat on their foreheads slid down their cheeks, and some went directly into their eyes, bringing a burning sensation to their eyes.

The ending pose of this dance is that the four backup dancers exit the stage and stand on one side. Among the four members, Fang Minya has his back to the stage, and the other three members stand side by side and stand side by side.

The last six seconds of the song is the ending pose time. If no one interrupts, the song will enter a new cycle after six seconds.

After listening to the accelerated version of "Don't forget me" four times, Han Zidong was satisfied, and immediately stood up and clapped his hands.

Li Zhongshuo, Liu Chengcan and a female staff member also clapped their hands, while another winking brother ran towards the console.

Hearing the applause, the other three members turned around in unison, and finally saw the culprit who made them drenched.

Seeing the four members in front of him without the burden of idols, panting heavily, as if their lungs were about to explode, Han Zidong did not hesitate to praise them.

"Girl's Day is the first girl group I've seen that can complete the entire stage at twice the speed. Their strength is extraordinary!"

Pu Suzhen pressed her chest, and led the four members to bow together to thank: "Kangsang Mita."

Jin Yarong really wanted to get angry and ask this young man in front of him which other girl groups you have harmed, but she doesn't want to say anything now, she just wants to take a deep breath.

In the whole practice room, except for the sound of breathing, Han Zidong looked at Li Zhongshuo and said, "President Li, let the members go down to rest for a while, how about we talk for a while?"

"of course can."

Li Zhongshuo waved his hand, and the four members and four backup dancers bowed again, and then walked out of the practice room one by one.

Han Zidong praised again: "The members of Girl's Day are all excellent."

"Writer Han, maybe the stage performance of this double-speed version is also one of the links in your web drama?"

"Yes, although it is 1.5 times speed, but considering the convenience of publicity, the name is set to double speed dance."

Han Zidong took out several documents from the file bag, and handed one of the confidentiality contracts to Li Zhongshuo.

"Because our program is still in preparation, in order to ensure the mystery of the program, please sign a confidentiality contract."

Li Zhongshuo had established the company for more than two years, and he had signed various commercial contracts. Although he was a little surprised by the existence of this confidentiality contract, he did not feel offended.

He picked up the contract, skimmed through it roughly, and said, "Writer Han, I also need to consult the legal counsel of this agency, please wait a moment."

"Of course, please do it yourself."

After getting permission, Li Zhongshuo left the practice room with the contract.

After all the staff of Mengcha Entertainment Company went out, Liu Chengcan hooked Han Zidong's shoulder with a wonderful expression on his face.

"You are really sloppy. You can see that the double-speed dance session you designed has exhausted the members of the girl group. I'm sure there must be more than eight people scolding you tonight."

Han Zidong shook off Liu Chengcan's hand in disgust: "At least I still have an attitude of appreciation. You guys are just looking for fun. Every time someone makes a mistake, you snicker once."

Liu Chengcan didn't feel embarrassed at all, but showed an expectant expression: "Why do I feel that your web drama may be very interesting."

"It was very interesting, but there are still many interesting links in the future.

Because there are only four people in their group, they can't fully reflect the joy of dancing at double speed. Just imagine, if there are eight or nine people or even twelve or three people, dancing at double speed dance under the devil's position..."

Liu Chengcan shook his head: "Now, not to mention the world of web comics, I think idols will hate you to the bone in the future."

 Thanks to Tang Shi for not waving his hands for the reward, and thanks to Fanchen Yiru and sdsudy for the monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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