Chapter 87
Han Zidong thought that the production company would have to reply to him tomorrow at the earliest, but he didn't expect that at noon, he received a call from Quan Chenglu who wanted to discuss further.

Putting down his phone, he had to admit that even with the knowledge of later generations, he still underestimated the notoriety of the current three major ground stations.

On the mainland of the peninsula, the three major terrestrial stations have monopolized the broadcasting channels of TV dramas and variety shows for a long time. With the nuclear bomb-level deterrent power of the broadcasting channels, the three major terrestrial stations have ruthlessly sucked the blood of the production companies.

Taking Korean TV dramas with the highest outsourcing production rate as an example, the production costs are generally borne by the TV station and the production company in a ratio of 6:4.

The dominant TV station will pay an additional 10% of the production fee to obtain the copyright of the series, exclusive advertising revenue and online on-demand revenue.

The main income of the production company comes from various indirect advertisements and about 6% of overseas income.

Overseas income is delayed, and the income of indirect advertising is extremely unstable, which has caused many production companies that produce popular dramas to often make ends meet.

To be more extreme, the three major terrestrial stations sometimes ask the production company to pay all the production costs in advance. When the market feedback of the series is good and overseas copyright export is expected, the TV stations will come out to pay the production costs and take the opportunity to harvest most of the production costs. income.

Not only can’t make much money from producing a TV series or variety show, but you even have to add money to it. This is the memoir of the current Peninsula Production Company’s survival.

Many production companies have been overwhelmed by the long-standing malpractices in the industry, and there is even a cold joke circulating in the film and television industry: "Only TV stations and Bae Yong Joon made a fortune in the Korean wave."

One of the main reasons why he chose Genie Picture, a small production company, as the outsourcer of the web drama among the three production companies that sent emails seeking cooperation, was because of the constant increase in production fees and upgrades between it and MBC TV. Device disputes.

Because of these two issues, many fierce conflicts broke out between the two parties, which directly led to the departure of the production team and two hosts from JTBC a few years later, and the launch of a brand new "Idol Room", which aroused heated discussions on the Internet.

The core part of "Idol Comic Room" is direct shooting. Therefore, it is necessary to upgrade the high-definition shooting equipment. From this point of view, the interests of him and Genie Picture are the same.

In addition, Genie Picture production strength is not bad.

Even though the production cost is very low, the Genie Picture team still relies on the iconic links including the double-speed dance to make Zhou Ou a must-have variety show during the comeback of idols, and is loved by idols and fans.

Just as Girls' Day is the best solution for guests in the trial production of web dramas, Genie Picture is also the best solution among production companies.

After thinking about it for a while, Han Zidong first contacted Li Zhongshuo of Mengcha Entertainment, and confirmed that the other party could spare time to participate in the production meeting in the afternoon.

Afterwards, he contacted Kim Jae-kyung, who was picking his feet at home. Kim Jae-kyung was going to study at the comic company, so naturally he could spare time.

As a legal adviser, Zheng Yinghao is indispensable. In the end, Han Zidong even called Huang Quancan who had met once.

At the party last Friday night, he and Huang Quancan had a drink and enmity. While secretly threatening each other with legal weapons, he also left room for cooperation to avoid inexplicable troubles between the two.

Now that the production of the web series is imminent, it would be perfect to invite Huang Quancan, an entertainment journalist, over here.


Three o'clock in the afternoon, Lezhin Comic meeting room.

Han Zidong smiled and greeted the people on the left and right: "Today is the first production meeting of the Idol Comic Studio of the online comprehensive, and the production team from Genie Picture participated in the meeting..."

Hearing Han Zidong introduce himself, Quan Chenglu, the leader of Genie Picture, took the initiative to introduce the members of the production team to everyone, including a main producer (PD), two field directors (FD) and three writers.

After introducing the production team on the right, Han Zidong pointed to the people on the left and continued to introduce: "One of the guests is Girl's Day under Mengcha Entertainment, and this is the president Li Zhongshuo."

Li Zhongshuo got up and shook hands with Kwon Sung-yul who was opposite him: "I will hand over my children to a few, and please take care of them during the filming of the program."

As he spoke, he pointed to Jin Yarong who was sitting next to him to introduce to everyone, but Jin Yarong stood up and greeted a female writer opposite him.

"Writer Kim, do you still remember me? Last year we were on Girl's Day, and we met you once."

"Oh mo."

The female writer opposite hurriedly got up and shook hands with Jin Yarong: "Yura xi, I didn't expect that we would have a chance to cooperate, let's work hard together."


With the previous cooperative relationship between the two parties, there is a little more friendliness in the eyes they look at each other.

Han Zidong was not surprised by this. After all, he chose Genie Picture because the Idol Comic Studio and the idols of the week are quite similar in certain themes.

On the side, Huang Quancan, who was taking pictures with a camera, waved: "Yura xi, Writer Jin, please look at the camera."

Han Zidong looked at Jin Yarong. Unlike two days ago, Jin Yarong's temperament under the new make-up was obviously different.

The curly hair before was straightened, and the long hair was added again. The shoulder-hanging long hair well concealed the shortcomings of her baby fat. She is tall and straight, with slender and round legs. Take the material.

With such long hair, Li Zhongshuo should have spent a lot of money. Yes, he likes such a partner who listens to advice.

Zheng Yinghao had already met with everyone when he was explaining the confidentiality contract. Han Zidong scanned the meeting room, and finally waved to Kim Jae-kyung who was sitting by the wall.

"Jin Zaijing, why are you sitting so far away? Sit over here."

Jin Zaijing smiled and nodded to the person who looked at her, and pushed the swivel chair to sit beside Han Zidong.

Han Zidong pointed to Kim Jae-kyung and introduced: "This is Rainbow's captain Kim Jae-kyung, she will directly participate in the official recording of the idol manga studio in the future, during your recording, she may also visit and practice, please give us a lot of convenience. "

Noticing that Huang Quancan was about to take a photo again, Han Zidong raised his hand to cover Kim Jae-kyung's face: "Don't make this news public for the time being, until we reach a cooperation agreement with DSP."

At this time, Jin Yarong suddenly poked his head out and waved at Jin Zaijing: "Senior, I am a sophomore at Dongduk Women's University."

"Yes, hello, our juniors."

Unexpectedly meeting alumni again, Kim Jae Kyung generously extended his right hand.

Jin Yarong slid the swivel chair to Jin Zaijing's side.

Zheng Yinghao and the others tactfully retreated back, leaving enough space for the two women.

Han Zidong gave Jin Yarong a meaningful look, this girl is very good at highlighting herself.

It was like this last time in the practice room of Mengcha Entertainment, and it is still like this now. Just two or three actions left a good impression on people.

"Senior, I'm relaxing performing arts..."

Jin Yarong and Jin Zaijing bit their ears, and Han Zidong coughed lightly, interrupting their chatter: "Yura xi, your school reunion will start later, let's have a meeting first, shall we?"


Jin Yarong apologized by raising his right hand like a primary school student.

The atmosphere in the conference room was already quite harmonious. As the youngest member in the room, Jin Yarong's playful tone did not attract criticism, but brought a burst of laughter instead.

Seeing that the main creative team assembled at the speed of light, Han Zidong was also in a good mood. Seeing Jin Yarong being so active again, he teased: "Yura xi, I hope you can be as comfortable in variety shows as you are now."


Jin Yarong saluted outwardly with his right hand.

Scanning the crowd in front of the meeting table again, Han Zidong found that Huang Quancan had been sneaking glances at the two beauties on his left, intentionally or unintentionally.

He secretly cursed "smelly hooligan", turned to Kim Jae-kyung and said, "Turn off the light."

Pressing the projector, Han Zidong turned sideways: "Next, let me explain the process of the show..."

 Thanks to book friends 20220626113913594 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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