Peninsula Entertainment Starts as a Writer

Chapter 99 End of Phase 1 Trial Production

Chapter 99 The end of the first phase of trial production

After the double-speed dance segment, the recording paused.

The assistant director arranged for people to go on stage and began to arrange the props for the next game session.

The host Defconn—Liu Dajun walked towards the position of the main producer first, intending to chat with the production team about the next two sessions.

He saw the show's producers and writers form a semi-circle, and sitting in the center of the view was a young man he had never seen before.

Looking at the expressions of everyone chatting, it seems that the young man with a very young face is very respected by the production team.

Thinking of a certain rumor, he stepped forward, smiled and stretched out his hands: " are Writer Han?"

Han Zidong nodded, got up and shook hands: "Hello, Defconn xi, I will take more care of the future shooting."

"Hey Yigu, it should be. I heard that you are responsible for most of the creativity of this show. This shooting is really a pretty good recording experience for me."

"I just provided the outline of the program, and it is the main creative members such as Kim PD and Kim Writer who really refine it. In the end, it is up to you hosts and guests to perfectly perform the intended effect.

In short, the credit belongs to everyone. "

"You are too modest."

Liu Dajun was very talkative, flaunting the idea of ​​the show in a fancy way.

What he said is not all about the scene, and some links in the idol comic room are indeed very creative. The most important thing is that it is not as searchable as the platform side of "Idol of the Week", so it is very willing to pay the production fee.

Looking at the props moved by the staff on the field, one of the props even fixed three sets of flash cameras in different positions, he sincerely praised: "We have recorded for more than a year, and I have never seen so many camera."


The main producer stood up with a smile, and clicked the cameras on both sides: "Not to mention the kind of flash memory cameras that are mounted on the props and are responsible for shooting the expressions of the members, even these cameras that undertake the main recording process are much more than the Zhou puppet. double."

A screenwriter also joined the topic: "Since I joined the company, it is also the first time that I have encountered a Party A who fully supports the production cost like Writer Han. It really is the conscience from the mainland."

Han Zidong, who was praised as a conscientious party A, didn't feel so much.

After all, he was afraid of making comparisons in everything, and the high production fee he gave was at most a small reason. The main reason why these people were really moved was that MBC TV station was too picky and searched, and they were reluctant to invest in the production fee.

Who would have thought that Zhou Ou had only three or four cameras during the recording of the program 10 years ago.

During the recording process, once you need to capture the expressions and reactions of the members, you can only rely on the camera at the host position to quickly zoom in on the scene, but in this way, the host position will definitely not be able to capture the panoramic view of the recording hall.

Therefore, during the recording process of the Zhou Puppet, the camera seldom takes close-ups of the guests.

The ultra-low production cost even made it a bit tight to complete the original interview sessions, not to mention the recording of some game sessions that required a large number of camera positions to complete the shooting.

Finally, the duration of the show is also very short, only 20-30 minutes. In short, the current weekly idol exudes a strong smell of inferior quality from beginning to end.

The Genie Picture production company was able to start slowly with a very low production fee, and in a few years it has built up the influence of Zhou Ou. creative space.

While chatting here, Jin Yarong also pulled Jin Zaijing, a senior from the school, to introduce to the members of Girls' Day.

Five beauties, big and small, came over talking and laughing.

Pu Suzhen and Lee Hyeri, who performed well in the double-speed segment, each posted an "A", while Jin Yarong and Fang Minya, who took most of the laughs, each posted an "F".

Jin Yarong looked at the mini car moved to the field, and felt a little eager to try, but because of her short skirt, she had to give up this idea.

"I knew I was going to drive a mini car in the game, so I came here in long pants."

Don't worry, your long-legged penhold is responsible for the click-through rate.

Han Zidong smiled and comforted: "There are still many recordings in the future, I promise to make you feel happy and tired of driving."

Jin Yarong responded twice perfunctorily, obviously not able to accept this set of comfort.

But she suddenly thought of something, looked around, and waved to Han Zidong.

Han Zidong understood, and listened to Jin Yarong's gloating words.

"Let me tell you, neither Sujin Oni nor Hyeri can drive."

"Is there such a thing?"

The first thing that Han Zidong thought of was whether the production team knew about it, whether the production team ignored the trivial matter of whether the members had driving experience, or they did it on purpose, wanting to film the most realistic variety show effect.

After all, he gave the production team two choices before, one is to drive a mini electric car around for a circle, and reverse it into the warehouse perfectly, and the other is to ride a toddler three-wheeled bicycle to avoid obstacles and ride for a week.

But no matter what, if the two driving members drive the car too recklessly, or fail to complete the link of reversing and storing the car at all, which will drag down the completion of the entire game link, it will be a bit self-defeating.

After thinking about it, he and Jin Yarong bit their ears: "If the two of them can't pour in, then you..."

After hearing this, Jin Yarong asked in a low voice with bright eyes, "Is this a foul? In this way, I won't get all 'F's today."

"It's okay, I have the final right to explain."

The show continues to be recorded.

Since the mobile game this time is "2048", a purely casual game, in order to ensure the enjoyment of the game, Han Zidong provided the production team with an idea of ​​an indoor competitive game.

The two groups of contestants need to complete three games in relay: the first person has to synthesize 2048 in "2048", and then the second person has to drive a mini electric car around a circle and park it perfectly in the parking space.

In the end, the two sat face to face and played a game of guessing and guessing. The person who guessed the most words within the specified time won.

Under the auspices of Yoo Dae-joon, Girls' Day team leader Park Su-jin and Fang Min-ah were divided into one group, and Kim Ah-young and maknae Lee Hyeri formed another group.

Fang Minya was in charge of synthesizing 2048 on the mobile phone station, and Pu Suzhen was sitting in the mini electric car ready to go.

The host Liu Dajun was in charge of giving the order, he slowly raised his hand: "Get ready..."

Before Liu Dajun yelled "Start", Fang Minya had already started to operate the mobile phone. Realizing that something was wrong, she synthesized two numbers and stopped again.

Liu Dajun said meanly: "Min Ya, a yellow card."

Fang Minya pouted helplessly, reset the game, and made ready gestures again.


Fang Minya controlled her hand this time, raised her head to stare at Liu Dajun, and urged, "Hurry up!"

How could Liu Dajun make her wish come true, he raised his finger to Pu Suzhen: "Suzhen, are you confident that you can finish reversing the car into the warehouse?"

Pu Suzhen obviously overestimated her strength: "Of course."


Seeing that Pu Suzhen lost her composure just now, the car turned left once, turned right twice, and moved forward with difficulty, the other members on the field burst into laughter.

Liu Dajun trotted over and patted an "F" on Pu Suzhen's shoulder.

"Suzhen," he held the script and made an interview gesture: "May I ask why you were so confident just now?"

Pu Suzhen was ashamed to see people, she lowered her head and turned the steering wheel blindly, while replying: "I thought I should be able to drive."

"Pfft!" Liu Chengcan laughed happily onlookers.


Looking at the happy atmosphere on the field, Han Zidong asked the producer beside him: "PD Jin, this car has so many scenes, should we charge a little advertising fee?"

"This car is really interesting, maybe it will be on our show, and its sales will skyrocket, and it's reasonable to charge some advertising fees.

I will find someone to contact the manufacturer in the future, but it seems that the manufacturer is from your country of Xia..."

On the court, Pu Suzhen finally drove the car near the parking space.

Don't think about it, a person who can even drive sideways, backing into the garage is simply hard to see directly, and it can be predicted that she should be assigned "Captain False Potential" in the later stage.


The youngest Li Huili's driving skills are also average, the whole studio is full of her screams, it seems that she is the most exaggerated person who laughed at Pu Suzhen just now.

Off the field, an excited Liu Chengcan held Han Zidong's arm: "Zidong, I knew you loved me."


Han Zidong pushed Liu Chengcan away in disgust.

"Are you going to play too?"

"No, their group took another script."

Han Zidong scanned the crowd and found that Jin Zaijing was sitting alone, writing and drawing with his head down.

On the court, after a lot of hard work, Li Huili finally completed the task of going around a circle, and she drove the car to the parking lot line.

On the side, three rookie teammates were chatting there, directing blindly.

When you say everything, you kneel when you say it!

After trying a few times, she was even more outrageous than Pu Suzhen. The car was turned off by her and stopped outside the parking space line.

Liu Dajun gloated and sent an "F" directly.

At this time, Jin Yarong made his debut: "I'm here."

Jin Yarong pushed the front of the car, and Li Huili used his hands to move the body, and the car slowly parked in the parking space.


"May I ask how many times the hearing of Professor Xingyou Lidu is normal?"


At the end of the show, the host Liu Dajun invited netizens to co-produce idol-themed comics to the camera: "You also have solid drawing skills, or do you have a romantic plot in your mind?
We hereby extend an invitation to everyone, whether it is character setting or storyline, as long as you are interested in this idol-themed manga, please participate in this event in the following way.

Once your idea is adopted, not only bonuses can be claimed, but also generous gifts are waiting for you! "

There is a separate set of rewards and punishments in the trial production stage. The first place in each period can get gifts like Korean beef. Before the trial production ends, the two members with the highest comprehensive scores and the most popular members will each receive a big gift package.

Before the recording ended, Jin Yarong came from behind and tied for the first place with Park Suzhen by virtue of his outstanding performance in the comic section. Both of them got a Korean beef worth 15 yuan.

Fang Minya, who received a total of 6 "F", received the "reward" for organizing the shooting scene with the production team.

After the recording was over, Han Zidong said goodbye to the production team and the host one by one: "The program has been completed to a high degree. You have worked hard these two days, and the post-production will be handed over to you. I will be in charge of the announcement of the program."

 Thank you for the February ticket for Asking Sword Kyushu, and the monthly ticket for out-of-link youth.

(End of this chapter)

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