Chapter 4 I'm the Prince ([-])

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers helped together, and soon some towns were cleared out. Afterwards, Su Tian used those cleared up towns as his base camp, and let other places continuously bring in food, and the soldiers took turns to clean up. Silt, advance to the hardest hit area.

Cleaning up the silt and cleaning up the houses that have been washed away is also a very strenuous job.

You must know that after the flood, after all, many people died, and there were some domestic animals. If these are not cleaned up, it is easy to cause plagues.When Su Tian was still in the realm of comprehension, she went out to travel and knew something about this.

Su Tian brought a lot of imperial physicians with her when she came out this time. As soon as the imperial physicians came, they teamed up with some local doctors to make potions and take various precautions.

Su Tian brought so many people, and she acted decisively, and soon all the less affected areas were cleared out. After all, with so many people working together, a large area of ​​safety zone and containment area was vacated.

At the beginning, a large number of disaster victims rushed over, which is also what Su Tian asked the local officials to send out to collect the notice in advance.

The preparations are also adequate. Although there are a large number of victims, there is also a lot of relief food, and more food is being delivered continuously. In addition, there is a large army town there, so no one dares to cause trouble.

It is not that there are some people who are greedy and want to raise food prices.

However, Su Tian had already considered this. When she was on the road, she had already ordered people to buy a large amount of grain from a place rich in grain near Lingdu.

Also, some of the fertile fields that the emperor rewarded her for these years are hoarding a large amount of grain. The supplies are faster, so there is no shortage of food.

At this time, if the grain merchants are willing to sell at the normal price or even a slightly higher price, of course Su Tian is still willing to pay for it. If the price increase is too high, he will simply ignore it.

After all, there are still a large number of material vehicles collected from the imperial capital behind.

In fact, the prince came in person, coupled with the prince's swift cutting of the mess, many local wealthy businessmen also cooperated very much for the sake of performance.After all, this place is also their hometown, and it is time for all to unite in this disaster.

So the price of food really hasn't changed much.

More and more disaster victims came, but because there was enough food prepared and eaten, nothing happened.

Moreover, post-disaster reconstruction requires a lot of manpower. As long as she works, Su Tian will be paid.

These disaster victims have also become the main labor force.

Here, the disaster victims can have food, work, and money. Over there, with the participation of the disaster victims, the reconstruction work will naturally speed up.

Those victims are also very happy to have something to eat and money to take.

Arrangements were made here, and Su Tian began to lead people into the disaster area.

Although the floodwaters have receded in most areas, there are still a lot of accumulated water in some places.

During this period of time, Su Tian, ​​apart from being busy with the disaster area, has been practicing, and even found a few treasures in the middle.

Moreover, the prince came in person, took the lead in everything, and was able to solve problems better. The people had a good impression of her and won a lot of hearts.

Of course, the most gratifying thing is to deal with those who are dereliction of duty.

Although there are irreversible factors in this flood, there are also human factors in it.

Su Tian didn't even need to look for any evidence, she was a monk, and with a spell, those people directly confide a lot of things by themselves.

After obtaining the evidence, Su Tian discovered that this land is extremely rich, but there are many dereliction of duty from the capital to the ordinary town lords, and of course there are some who have performed well.

All the dereliction of duty were sent to the imperial capital directly, and all the testimonies and hidden evidence of these people she obtained by using magic were sent to the emperor through other channels.

Su Tian knew that this matter involved too many people.

Even Su Tian's people were involved in those evidences.

It's just that Su Tian didn't erase those evidences.

Instead, they were sent to the imperial capital together.

The speed of the escort is slow, and the evidence comes first. If those people want to silence them, they have to weigh it.

There are a large number of vacancies in Lingdu's officials.

Su Tian first selected some good performers to temporarily replace more important positions.

Dredging rivers and rebuilding homes is not something that will happen in a short while.

From Su Tian's arrival in the disaster area to the time she finished dealing with the moths and the reconstruction after the disaster, it only took five or six days, and it was quickly achieved to a perfect level.

On the other side of the imperial city, the second prince and others still want to make troubles, make the prince suffer some setbacks, or even have some accidents, maybe there will be unexpected joys?However, I haven't figured out how to make a move, or when I want a contact to make a move, I find that the person is no longer available.

However, the evidence that Su Tian sent to the emperor in the imperial city through a special channel has already been lying on the emperor's table.

The emperor looked at those shocking figures, testimony, and evidence, his eyes were full of anger.

In the early court, these things were seen by all the courtiers and the princes who entered the court.

The evidence is conclusive. Although those people have not been escorted to the imperial city, it is irrelevant.

The prince made such a move, which caught everyone involved off guard.

It seems that it doesn't make much sense to even silence it.

But they also couldn't figure it out, the prince had only been in Lingdu for a few days, how did he come up with such a large amount of evidence?

The emperor looked calm at this moment, but the suppressed anger was even stronger.

"Why, have they all become dumb? Over the years, Lingdu has suffered from floods every year. Every year in this season, I have to worry about the people of Lingdu, offering sacrifices to the heavens and praying for blessings every year, and even issuing edicts against myself. It’s not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster. Disaster relief funds are distributed every year, and the silver taels for dredging rivers and building dams are distributed every year, but they are eaten up by these moths like this?”

Looking deeply at these people below, the emperor said lightly: "I am very disappointed in you!"

Although the emperor didn't do anything in the early court, it made some people tremble. Sure enough, after he came down, the whole imperial city shook.

Groups of imperial guards directly rushed into the homes of some ministers to arrest people, and directly found a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry.

These people are all involved in corruption in the evidence presented by the prince.

The emperor's action was very big.

Even some of the prince's vassals did not show mercy.

Meanwhile, the second prince was kneeling outside Chengtian Pavilion.

You know, in the evidence in the morning, he was also involved. On the prince's side, there were subjects involved, but on his side, he was also involved.

A few years ago, the following people got into his relationship. After that, those people continued to provide money. The battle for the throne is just about asking for money and people. Those money made him more convenient, so he also Open one eye and close one eye.

Thinking that such a large amount of silver would be gone in the future, his heart throbbed with pain.

Of course, although the situation in front of him was severe, he was not very worried.

(End of this chapter)

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