Chapter 84 Free "Maid Maid" (29)
Guan Jinglan and the others escaped, but the monk could not escape the temple if they escaped.

Su Tian continued to take her family for a walk here, but other people started talking in a low voice.

Seeing that Guan Jinglan took people away, it showed that they were wronged. The General Protecting the Nation was open-minded, so naturally he was not afraid. Isn't he still looking at jewelry?

Isn't it obvious who is right and who is not?
I really didn't expect that Guan Jinglan, who is so arrogant, would find such a family.

Then Guan Jinglan still regards Zhang Feng as a treasure.

It is said that one day the daughter of the household servant's family went to Andinghou's house for a banquet, and the horse's carriage broke down because of a startled horse on the way. Zhang Feng passed by and asked someone to help fix the carriage. Guan Jinglan knew about it. , even at a flower viewing feast, he directly warned people not to get close to Zhang Feng or something.

This incident affected the reputation of the daughter of the household servant's family.

If it wasn't for the fact that the girl had a cousin who was betrothed since childhood, and the two families knew each other well, if this happened, the girl's marriage would be a problem.

Guan Jinglan didn't care, what she wanted to say, what she wanted to do, never cared about others.

Now that the General Protecting the Nation has said this, those who have been affected in the past can't wait to clap their hands and applaud.

What a broken thing, I'm afraid people will miss it.

Guan Jinglan returned home and immediately told Zhang Feng what happened today.

Zhang Feng's face turned pale.

Speaking of which, he hadn't started to do anything to Su Tian, ​​but these things happened.

Moreover, Su Tian broke the matter in front of so many people, so how can he use these matters to spread specious rumors in the future?
Zhang Feng hated secretly, but he couldn't do anything to Guan Jinglan.

And Guan Jinglan didn't lie to him at this time, so he was lucky.

At this time, Zhang Feng could only push the matter to his mother, brother, and sister, saying that he didn't know about it.

Such an innocent and honest Zhang Langjun.

But Guan Jinglan really believed it.

I don't know that the once dignified and charming girl has fallen so deep.

Although Guan Jinglan was worried, she felt that it was nothing. She just said a few words, and she made it clear when she got home, so she ignored it.

But Zhang Feng went directly to his mother and sister, and reprimanded them, only saying that they are all bastards, and when they came to the imperial capital, they would offend one or the other.

After finishing his speech, he left.

Unexpectedly, at the moment of Shen Shi, many policemen came to the house.

The police took the official documents and had Zhang Feng's will to cooperate.

It was Su Tian who reported the matter directly to the officials and brought the matter to the emperor.

The emperor knew about the relationship between the Zhang family and the Su family from the very beginning, but he didn't expect that Zhang Feng was also a fool, not to restrain his family, but to provoke Su Tian.

At the yamen, Zhang Feng, Xu Xianglan and others were going to be summoned the next day to interrogate the ins and outs of the matter.

The great general who protects the country has just finished winning the battle, and he is so slandered and has a bad reputation, so what's the matter?

Because at this time, the speech officials who were already ready to make a move had more words to say.

Sure enough, in the early morning of the second day, various impeachment memorials arrived in the hands of the emperor.

Zhang Feng has too many family affairs. There is an old mother and a disabled brother in the family. He doesn't want to take care of him, and his sister has fallen into prostitution.

The most important thing is that Zhang Feng allowed his family to slander the Great General of the National Defense.

Although there is no conclusion on this matter, many people actually already know it in their hearts.

The Lord Protector watched coldly and did not help Zhang Feng at all.

If Zhang Feng kept to himself, he and Lan Lan would naturally be able to live in peace.

Don't mess with so many things now.

It is Zhang Feng's character, even Duke Huguo has begun to question it.

He has decided to call his daughter back.

Because of so many things, the emperor directly took off Zhang Feng's official hat.The back house is restless, so there are many people in this dynasty who have lost their official hats, not to mention the matter of the general who protects the country.

If it is confirmed that it is slander, I am afraid that Zhang Feng will have to pay the price for it, and it will not only be a matter of losing his official position.

Zhang Feng's mind was completely blank, he looked at Duke Hu Guo beggingly, but Duke Hu Guo didn't look at him.

As soon as the court was over, Duke Hu Guo sent people to go to Zhang's mansion quickly and let Guan Jinglan go home.

When Zhang Feng got home, he didn't see Guan Jinglan, and was about to go to find her, but the yamen had already sent someone to invite them over there.

If you want to quibble about this kind of thing, you can't quibble.

And people from the He family came forward to prove it.

At the beginning, the members of the He family didn't arrive at the imperial capital directly with Su Qinghe and others, but it was because they found out that He Xiaoyun was pregnant on the way. That's right, He Xiaoyun was already married.

Zhang Feng didn't dare to quibble, Su Tian only said that she could also find the rich businessman Zhang Zhi eloped with back then, as well as Li Zheng and others in the village.

The He family even issued a reconciliation document, and there was also the matter of the Zhang family ignoring He Xiaoyun's dowry.

At the beginning when Xu Xianglan couldn't come up with the money, He Xiaoyun's father didn't want to argue because of this matter, so he had someone write a document and asked Xu Xianglan to press his fingerprints.

Zhang Feng is no longer an official of the imperial court. It is a very serious matter for a commoner to frame a first-rank general of the imperial court.

Due to going to Zhang's house to look for Guan Jinglan, Guan Jinglan was not there, and the person to be investigated had not yet arrived, so naturally he still had to wait to bring him.

Guan Jinglan was taken to Duke Huguo.

Naturally, the people from the yamen also chased him to the Duke Huguo's mansion.

However, Guan Jinglan still thinks that her husband is a good one, and it doesn't make sense for Duke Huguo to say anything.

Waiting for someone from the concierge to send news that the police have come to the door.

The Protector stared at Guan Jinglan: "Are you sure you don't listen to Dad?"

Guan Jinglan was very wronged: "Father, brother Feng is a good man, but his family members are not good, so please help him."

The Duke Protector was a little tired: "Lan Lan, I can't help you with today's matter. If you listen to me, just say you believed Zhang Feng's words, and if you don't know, Daddy can let you make peace with him."

"Father, it's impossible."

Duke Protector had no choice but to send Guan Jinglan to the door directly, and let the police take her away.

When everyone arrived, Zhang Feng had already explained that Guan Jinglan didn't know and was deceived by Xu Xianglan, so she said those words.

The matter was directly heard by Dali Siqing himself.

So far, Xu Xianglan and Zhang Zhi were sentenced to exile for three thousand miles and slandered the court officials.

Guan Jinglan didn't do anything to her.

But when the matter was over, Guan Jinglan was dumbfounded.

When she knew that her husband had lost his position and was beaten, she couldn't believe it.

She still wanted to rush up to question Su Tian, ​​but seeing Su Tian's cold eyes, she dared not.

Guan Jinglan looked at the whispering people outside and felt that they were all laughing at her.

(End of this chapter)

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