498 Chapter 498, the secret recipe of pastry

"Miss Xia, you're here!"

As soon as he opened the courtyard door and saw Xia Ning's figure, Li San burst into a smile.

"Please come in quickly, I have been looking forward to your coming in the morning."

Xia Ning walked into the yard and said with a smile, "Looking at your cheerful appearance, you must have done a good job recently, right?"

"Thanks to you, I made a lot of money." Li San didn't hide his lies, and expressed his good mood very frankly.

"That's good, it looks like I'll be calling Boss Li soon." Xia Ning complimented him with a smile.

"Hahaha~ I borrowed your good words!"

Li San opened his heart and laughed in an instant. He is indeed full of expectations and confidence in the future. Although the business scale is not large now, he believes that it will not be long before the business he runs will become bigger and bigger.

As for now, he has developed two good brothers in the business of selling glutinous rice balls, and asked them to collect the made glutinous rice balls and sell them in the next county town, and the sales are booming.

In particular, yesterday's income was several times higher than usual, because today is the Lunar New Year's 15th Lantern Festival, and they have already done enough publicity in the streets and alleys before, so everyone knows that eating glutinous rice balls during the Lantern Festival can win good fortune. That's why yesterday's business was so hot.

After they entered the main room, Li San enthusiastically poured tea and served melon and fruit snacks for them, "Come here, you are welcome, I bought this snack from Huangji in the county, you all have a try."

Seeing this, Xia Ning obediently picked up a piece of snack and slowly took a bite. To be honest, she really seldom eats snacks in this era, because there are a lot of her favorite snacks in the space of the porcelain basin. There is no shortage of food here, so it is almost rare to buy food from this era.

"Honey osmanthus cake?"

After Xia Ning took a sip, she immediately named the pastry. Although the shape can be made into many shapes, the inner taste cannot be fooled.

And the taste of this pastry is very familiar, she has eaten pastry with similar taste.

"I didn't expect Miss Xia to be so good at eating. She knew the name of this dim sum after just one bite. I admire it!" Li San was slightly surprised. He was about to introduce this dim sum, but he didn't expect that the name would be mentioned by the other party.

Xia Ning smiled, "I'm a glutton, and I eat a lot of food on weekdays, so I can roughly guess one or two. Is this dim sum very expensive in the county?"

Apart from coding and writing novels in her life, her two major hobbies are growing vegetables and cooking, and she has some experience in eating.

If it's a business, then she will definitely choose to start with food, but things in the village are not busy at the moment, if she doesn't have much energy and time now, she will definitely go to the county to create a career.

Li San clicked his tongue, "It's a time-honored store in Cangshan County, and ordinary people can't afford it. It costs two taels of silver per catty, and a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake costs ten copper coins, which is as good as eating a bowl of Yangchun noodles."

If he hadn't earned a little money during the Chinese New Year, he would be reluctant to buy such an expensive pastry. A piece of pastry is small and not very filling. It's just a fool with too much money.

Xia Ning nodded thoughtfully, "It seems that this pastry business is very profitable~"

She has always known that there was a shortage of materials in ancient times, because the ingredients for making were not easy to obtain. One was the problem of preservation and processing, and the other was the hindrance of transportation.

Secondly, there is another biggest reason, that is, the secret recipes are all inherited, and only a very small number of people hold them in their hands, so there is no way to circulate them in terms of craftsmanship.

Therefore, these things with craftsmanship and secret recipes are so precious in the eyes of the world.

She knew that many things were expensive in ancient times, but she didn't expect that there would be such a big gap. A pastry the size of an egg would cost ten yuan, which was a huge profit.

You must know that a fist-sized vegetable bun costs only two cents, and this pastry is a luxury food that only rich people can afford.

Thinking of this, she felt a little ready to move, which made her want to open a pastry shop too!
What a lot of money!

Moreover, she has no troubles or worries about purchasing raw materials. Based on the prices of the two worlds, the raw materials she purchased from Hyundai are more cost-effective.

In other words, the cost she spent was several floors lower than that of their local pastry shop.

"What? Is Miss Xia interested in the pastry business? To be honest, the cost of this business is a bit high. If there is no network, supply will be a big problem."

Seeing the interested look on Xia Ning's face, Li San couldn't help persuading him. The dim sum shop involved scarce ingredients, such as sugar, flour, eggs, peanuts and red dates, etc.

Isn't this a rare commodity?
Without a strong relationship background, you can't do this business.

Besides, making dim sum is different from everyday cooking, and you can use cooking experience or seasonings to fiddle with it, and you can always make it look good, but there is no way to fool around with the skill of making dim sum .

Even if he is a layman, he also knows that the craftsmanship of making dim sum is very particular. Each production step cannot be randomly exchanged, and the proportion of materials used is also very meticulous. If there is a slight error, the taste will be different.

So if there is no secret recipe, this pastry business will not be easy to do.

Hearing this, Xia Ning asked back with a smile, "Do you think I will be short of supplies?"

"Oh! Look at my brain, how can I forget this."

Li San reacted belatedly, the aunt in front of him was a young master who had no shortage of supplies.

Take the glutinous rice ball business they are cooperating with now as an example. Isn't it all scarce raw materials? This person's connections are no worse than those in the county town.

If the purchasing channels in her hands are stable, then she can give it a try.

"I mean, Miss Xia, do you still have the recipe for making pastries?"

Li San recalled it in an instant, with a surprised expression on his face. It seemed that the other party had no worries about the formula at all, with a confident look of "I can make it as long as I want".

How many good things does this aunt still have in her hand?

He taught himself how to make glutinous rice balls before, and now he is no stranger to the secret recipe of dim sum. Seeing her like this made him feel like the other party was holding countless secret recipes.

These secret recipes have been handed down from generation to generation, either to apprentices or to descendants. They are completely pinched and will not be leaked at all. It is extremely lucky to get a secret recipe. .

Where did so many secret recipes come from for her to know?

Xia Ning nodded without hesitation and said, "That's right, I not only know the recipe of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, but also know how to make many pastries. It can be said that I have a lot of secret recipes in my hand, and there is no shortage of pastry recipes."

(End of this chapter)

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