Six quarters past six (10:30 am).

Xia Ning slowly led a group of people into Baiyun Village.

Sure enough, without exception, everyone in Zhaojia Village was shocked by the city wall at the entrance of the village.

The villagers didn't dare to say anything, and the originally relaxed atmosphere suddenly became serious, which made them feel that they had not entered the village, but entered a heavily guarded military camp.

May I ask, which rural village has such a strong and tall city wall?Which village entrance still has a patrol team on duty?

Are you sure that they only came to seek refuge in a remote mountain village?

Everyone fell silent for a moment, and walked quietly while looking around silently. It was obviously a small village in the mountains, but the feeling revealed everywhere was completely different.

It’s no wonder that everyone was so shocked after entering the village. The feeling Baiyun Village showed to everyone was so novel and unique. It was a village that they had never touched or seen before. The construction here also completely broke their understanding of rural villages. Knowledge and imagination.

Soon, a group of people followed Dian Sanlun to the village committee office compound.

Originally, the village committee planned to rush to build houses for the villagers first, but it had no choice but to have a lot of official business, and every time something happened, it urgently needed a public place.

It just happened that a group of bandits were subdued on the first day of the new year, and hundreds of people were added to Baiyun Village in an instant. Isn't this a ready-made labor force?

So, on the third day of the Lunar New Year, the construction team led a group of coolies to start building the office of the village committee. The design drawings were naturally planned by Xia Ning and Song Shaoqin.

They don't want to make it too complicated, as long as it is practical, so they refer to the architectural design of the rural village committee service community in the 21st century, and build a village committee compound from one-story houses.

There are three rooms in the center of the compound, the reception center in the middle, a large meeting room on the left, a small meeting room on the right, and a separate bungalow on the left and right sides of the compound. separate offices for each department.

In addition, there is a simple tea room, which is convenient for everyone to boil water to make tea and cook some simple food, plus a public toilet.

The entire village committee office compound was successfully completed in about ten days. It has to be said that the strength of a large number of people is great. If such an office compound was replaced by years ago, it would take more than 20 days at the earliest for the villagers.

But now, in just ten days, the village committee office compound has been fully completed.

After two days of drying in the sun, everyone in the village committee specially chose today's Lantern Festival to officially move into the office compound.

It also happened that when Xia Ning led a group of people into the office compound, the officials of the village committee had just tidied up the office.

As early as when the house was being built, Yiying had asked carpenters to customize office furniture, and each department also arranged the office according to its own preferences or characteristics.

Simple yet warm, rustic yet small and fresh.

Such a modern office compound, even if it is very simple, is definitely the only existence in this feudal era.

"Village Chief Li, someone is here!"

Qiaoxin yelled at the office as soon as she got out of the car. Her young lady should go home and rest after running back and forth. The follow-up reception of new residents is the job of the village head and the others.

"Ah! Here it comes."

When Village Chief Li heard the movement, he hurriedly led people out.

"It's a coincidence."

Qiaoxin quickly explained the situation, "Village chief, they came from Zhaojia Village in Shanzhou, and they want to join our village and become residents of Baiyun Village, please make arrangements for them. Killed six bandits."

Hearing this, Li Yiming immediately understood, "Okay, I get it, you guys go back and rest quickly, just leave these people to me."

All the cadres of the village committee knew about the fact that Miss Xia and Er Ye went to Shanzhou city for disaster relief a few years ago. Afterwards, when they returned to the village, they also told everyone about receiving refugees from Shanzhou, so they Already prepared to deal with it.

However, at the first meeting after they held the first few days ago, they emphasized that the household registration of newly joined villagers will not be submitted to the Yamen for the time being, because too many people in a short period of time will definitely cause problems on the official side. Caution and skepticism.

After all, Cangshan County in Nanban is known as the most barren and barren place. No one was willing to settle here before, but now within half a year, Baiyun Village has welcomed several groups of people one after another. Natural disasters and man-made disasters, everyone fled here, it can still be justified.

But now there is another group of people coming, and if it continues to increase like this, it is hard not to arouse suspicion.

What's more, all the state capitals are now intensively recruiting troops, and if they report the new population at this time, it will be an open target. Not only will it easily expose Baiyun Village, but it will also bring danger to the new villagers.

Therefore, at the meeting, everyone unanimously decided to create a roster that belongs to the safety base itself. The household registration registered before will be an account to the outside world, but new villagers who join in the future only need to be registered in the roster of the base.

On the other side, Xia Ning was also explaining to Village Chief Zhao, asking them to follow Village Chief Li's arrangements.

As for the six bandits?This club has already been taken to the security department by Bai Ke.

All these bandits and gangsters who have been taken in will be handed over to the security department to take care of them. Whoever makes the whole village belong to them has the strongest force, and they must be suppressed to death with force and weapons.

Seeing that the handover is almost over, Xia Ning explained to Village Chief Li again, "Village Chief, I have accepted a business for the folks, please ask someone to notify you later, if you are interested, please let me know." Let them come to the office compound at any time to understand."

"New business? This is a good thing. Don't worry, I will definitely notify you in place." Village head Li immediately smiled. The period from the New Year's festival to spring planting is undoubtedly the most difficult period for farmers.

Because there is nothing to eat in the field during this period, and the climate is in a relatively cold period, it means that everyone has no income if they are idle.

If it can increase the income of the villagers, even if the income is not much, it is still a kind of subsidy for the villagers. If there is money in the account, at least everyone will not feel so flustered and embarrassed.

He felt that as soon as this matter was notified, every household in the village would participate.

"That's all right, I'll have to work hard for you next, we'll go back first." Xia Ning still has things to do, so it's not good to delay this meeting too much.

"You should, go back quickly." Village head Li enthusiastically sent Xia Ning and the others away, and then turned into the office compound to deal with the new villagers.

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