Chapter 1 Sir, Madam Reported You Again 1
[Host, it's very simple, use love to influence, you just say you love him, you can't extricate yourself from the love!The big villain is guaranteed to fall!Then be responsible for you! 】

The system is persuasive, hoping to fool the host.

It is learned from other systems, and I heard it works!
With a sullen face, Qi Yuan pulled the clothes on his body.


It was hot as hell.

"To shut up!"


Just came to Chinese medicine, what kind of dog luck!

Qi Yuan was a little impatient, she pulled the two pieces of cloth on her body.

It was dark and I couldn't see the way.There was blaring music in her ears, which was disturbing. Qi Yuan frowned, her legs were swaying, and she could vaguely see afterimages. She quickly ran towards the door.

She remembered that there was a fountain in the square outside the gate.

Definitely cool.

Qi Yuancibai's little face was flushed, and her whole body was like a gust of wind, with a swish, before the figure could be seen clearly, she disappeared in front of her eyes.


Qi Yuan was knocked back two steps, touched her sore forehead, and looked up at the 'thing' hit by her.

[Warning warning!The target villain has appeared!Please host complete the task as soon as possible! 】

Qi Yuan turned his hand and rubbed his temples, "Shut up!"


Qi Yuan tried his best to open his eyes, and only then could he see the man in front of him clearly. He was dressed in a black Tang suit, exuding the aura of not being approached by strangers all over his body.

Qi Yuan's breath was blunt, but his baby face was extremely soft. The strong contrast made Jiang Sui couldn't help but take another look at Qi Yuan.

Under the dim light, the music is roaring, the little girl is dressed thinly, has perverse eyebrows and eyes, and is full of contradictions.

With just one glance, Jiang Sui looked away, raised his legs and walked aside, only to find that his wrist was warm and was being held by a white, tender and slender hand. Jiang Sui couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The deep voice is very recognizable in the noisy music.

"Let go."

Behind him, Jiang Sui's subordinates stared wide-eyed and looked at each other with pity in their eyes.

Another coveted master's beauty.

Qi Yuan pursed his lips, took out a card from his body, and stuffed it into Jiang Sui's hand. His cold voice was a bit waxy, but the momentum was very strong, "Here, do charity."

After finishing speaking, Qi Yuan disappeared like a small whirlwind.

The eyes of the subordinates burst into gossip, this is the first time the master has been blocked by someone, and he is still a little girl!

Jiang Sui stared at the card in his hand: "..."



Jiang Sui frowned and raised his head. Facing the eyes of his subordinates, his eyes froze and his face turned cold. The subordinates laughed and looked away.

Jiang Sui sneered, glanced at the trash can on the side, and was about to throw it in, but he didn't know what to think of, held the card, with a vague look in his eyes, and handed the card to the subordinate behind him, "Go and check."

Square, fountain.

Qi Yuan stepped on the moonlight, roared anxiously, and plunged into the fountain.

Qi Yuan finally woke up a little bit, before he was fully awake, two men appeared in front of him.

Tall and secure.

【Host!That's the police! 】

Can you feel insecure?

"Madam, someone reported you for disturbing the city's law and order, please come with us."

Qi Yuan put on a blank face and wiped the water from his face: "..."

When she first came to Small World, she got involved in the game, she is awesome.

Fully connect with the Small World Justice Messenger.

From the police car, the view of the city is very different.

Qi Yuan thought so.

[...Host, while on the road, you accept the plot! 】

The system only feels that the CPU is hot, how could there be such an uneasy host?Which host is in the game?What a shame!
The original owner, Qi Yuan, came from a poor family and had a younger sister who was seriously ill. Eighth-line actor.

It's just that the original owner tried his best to live, but he was just cannon fodder in other people's stories.She tried her best to find an opportunity to film, but was spotted by a rich second generation. The rich second generation wanted her, but the original owner refused, and was revenged by the rich second generation.

The younger sister died in the hospital, and the original owner died in a car accident in a daze.

Qi Yuan rubbed his forehead and continued to receive memories.

The male lead in this world is called Bai Fan, who was reborn with the system, joined the entertainment industry, made a lot of money, harvested beautiful women from all walks of life, but unfortunately, violated the interests of the villains.

The villain Jiang Sui is respectfully called "Mr. Jiang".

Bai Fan wanted to compete with Jiang Sui for the right to use a piece of land, and held onto Jiang Sui's handle. Before he could threaten Jiang Sui, Bai Fan went bankrupt.

Qi Yuan: "..."

Very reasonable.

[Host, task [-]: protect Qi Pan (the original owner's sister), take revenge on the rich second generation Liu Xiang; task [-]: weaken the villain's power. 】


Qi Yuan yawned, and two drops of crystal tears came out of the corners of his eyes.

The policeman sitting with Qi Yuan was concerned: "Ma'am, are you broken in love?"

After all, I've never seen a normal little girl go to the fountain in the middle of the night.

The little policeman who was questioning was very handsome, and he looked at Qi Yuan with regretful eyes.

Qi Yuan shook his head and spoke sincerely: "I'm hot."


Does he look easy to fool?
The police car drove to the police station, Qi Yuan followed two policemen, entered the small black room, made a statement, fined 100 yuan, and wrote an IOU because he had no money...

Coming out of the police station, Qi Yuan refused the policeman who wanted to take her home.

Standing on the main road, Qi Yuan took out her mobile phone, it was wet and soaked in water, she tried to turn it on, but after three seconds, the mobile phone did not respond.

Qi Yuan sighed: "Unfortunately, it's not a counterfeit machine."

Otherwise, you can continue to use it.

Qi Yuan raised his head, the night was as black as ink, the stars twinkled faintly, a full moon hung high, and the pale moonlight sprinkled on the ground, like bits of broken silver.

Qi Yuan stared at the moonlight with his hands behind his back, his voice was as cold as jade.

"When the moon is dark and the wind is high, when killing people and stealing goods."

【! ! ! 】

Is this the scope of knowledge of the young master of the Time Management Bureau? !
Could it be that it was tied to the wrong person? !

The system fell into self-doubt, and after regaining consciousness again, it found that Qi Yuan was in a noisy environment, suspected to be... a bar.

It is indeed a bar, and it is the largest bar in Beicheng, with gorgeous lights and loud music.

"Beauty, let's have a drink together?"

A man covered in fashionable clothes, holding a wine glass, with a smirk on his lips, looked Qi Yuan up and down, and sat beside Qi Yuan.

Holding a glass of fruit juice, Qi Yuan glanced at the young man, pursed his lips and asked sincerely: "Is it a fortune teller? If you buy it for 1 yuan, you won't be at a disadvantage, and you won't be fooled."

The man's smirk froze on his lips, his eyes darkened, "little girl, since you can tell fortunes, can you figure out who this young master is?"

Holding the juice, Qi Yuan lazily leaned against the corner of the sofa, glanced at the man, and stiffly held up a QR code printing paper: "One hundred."

Her mobile phone was broken, the card was sent out, and she still owed the police a hundred.


The man stared at Qi Yuan for two seconds, his eyes filled with curiosity, "Little girl, let me trust you just once."

As he said that, the man transferred 100 yuan to Qi Yuan, and then, pretending to be kind, he reminded: "Little girl, if you don't receive the red envelope for 24 hours, you can return it the same way."

Qi Yuan: "!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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