Chapter 19 Sir, Madam Reported You Again 19
Qi Yuan glanced at Jiang Sui strangely: "Oh."

How could there be no hurry?
If he wasn't in a hurry, why would he come here every now and then to check his presence?
Qi Yuan passed Jiang Sui and walked straight out of the hospital.

Outside the hospital, just as Qi Yuan walked out, three men in suits and leather shoes greeted him with smiles on their faces.

"Ms. Qi Yuan, long time no see, thank you very much for choosing our Institute of Physics."

Qi Yuan paused, "Tomorrow is the Institute of Chemistry."

She has to earn money.

She has to pay back.

It's hard to be a human being.

The corner of Dean Bao's mouth froze, "Ms. Qi Yuan, you are satisfied with the salary of our research institute. The environment in the chemistry department is very poor, not suitable for a young and beautiful girl like you!"

Qi Yuan twitched his eyes, "Let's find a place to talk."

The Institute of Chemistry, she has learned about it, the environment is of course nothing to say, and the support and investment are also strong.

In order to rob her, Dean Bao did not hesitate to discredit her.

Several people went to a private tea house, which was extremely private.

"I only provide drawings, and I don't participate in anything else. In addition, I require that after the finished product is put on the market, the price must be affordable and must not exceed the highest price of similar products."

Playing with the teacup, Qi Yuan was the first to put forward his request.

Dean Bao thought for a while, and said: "Pricing is generally calculated based on cost. If possible, we are naturally willing to make the price close to the people so that the people can live a better life."

"Also, Miss Qi Yuan, the price of the blueprint... How much do you hope to get?"

Dean Bao was a little nervous. This blueprint was about driverless cars, which were more mature and safer in technology. He was worried that Qi Yuan's price would be too high.

"320 million."

Dean Bao: "..."

Is he hallucinating?
Is the price so... low?
Dean Bao looked at Qi Yuan carefully, and asked tentatively, "You mean 320 million?"

Qi Yuan frowned, "Can't you afford it?"

Her offer is so low that he can't afford it. The Institute of Physics is not an empty shell, is it?

Or is it that all the money from the Institute of Physics has been stolen?

Qi Yuan looked at Dean Bao's eyes, and gradually became strange.

Dean Bao said uncomfortably: "Ahem...Miss Qi Yuan, we can give you a higher price, and hope to cooperate more often in the future."

Qi Yuan interrupted Dean Bao, put down the teacup in his hand, and said in a clear voice, "320 million is enough."

After paying back Jiang Sui's money, she still had other things to do.

【Host, I just realized that you are so impartial!You are my God! 】

Qi Yuan's eyelids trembled: "Get lost."


Is it because she doesn't want more?

Who doesn't like money?
Is it bad to have money?
If she dares to ask for more money, Gou Tiandao guarantees emo!

It's been raining for several days, she is fine, but others can't stand riding a horse!

Oh, her damned sense of duty!

After Qi Yuan talked about cooperation with Dean Bao, he contacted Dean Shen of the School of Chemistry.

Besides, to weaken Jiang Sui's strength, he must let him abandon evil and do good. Charity is nothing more than the best choice. As for the money for charity...

Must be charitable.

Qi Yuan and Dean Bao walked out of the teahouse side by side. Dean Bao wanted to send Qi Yuan back to Sheng'an Hospital, but Qi Yuan refused decisively.

Qi Yuan took a taxi casually, "Master, go to the Dingyue clubhouse in Nancheng."

The driver was a little surprised, "Girl, the taxi from Beicheng to Nancheng costs a lot of money. How about I take you to the high-speed rail station, you buy a ticket, and the high-speed rail is also fast."

Qi Yuan shook his head, "No."

The driver nodded quickly and drove. Along the way, the driver was very talkative.

After a full four-hour drive, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon when they arrived in Nancheng.

Qi Yuan hurried to the Dingyue clubhouse.

[Host, aren't you worried that Jiang Sui will retaliate against you? 】

Normal people, who will always forgive someone who threatens them?
Not to mention the big villain!
Qi Yuan: "He can't beat me."


But Jiang Sui can shake people!

No matter how powerful a general is, he can't resist the wheel battle, right?

The system is worried, the host is too arrogant, what should I do?
Holding the wine glass, Qi Yuan raised his foot and walked to the second floor, when a waiter stopped Qi Yuan.

"Miss, please show your membership card."

Qi Yuan: "..."

Jiang Sui's property is all selling gold caves, right?
Don't even think about getting in if you don't spend a million and 80.

Holding the wine glass, Qi Yuan turned around, found a corner, and stared at the people coming and going. She didn't pick up the phone until a group of men in black clothes and sunglasses came upstairs, "Uncle policeman, I want to report..."

Coming out of the police station for the fourth time, it was still the black convoy that greeted Qi Yuan.

The policewoman who sent Qi Yuan out looked wary, "Ms. Qi, do you need us to send you home?"

The policewoman stared at Jiang Sui and the many bodyguards behind Jiang Sui vigilantly.The leading man is wearing a Tang suit, so he doesn't look like a good person at first sight!
Qi Yuan looked at Jiang Sui, he smiled, but he didn't look happy.


Is not this nonsensical?Who can be happy when the host reports the property and seals it up for more than ten days?

"no thank you."

Qi Yuan walked towards Jiang Sui, "Mr. Jiang is not busy?"

Jiang Sui opened the car door, and Qi Yuan got in unceremoniously. Jiang Sui held the car door with a smirk on his lips, "Miss Qi, this is the second time. How should you compensate Jiang for the damage you caused?"

Qi Yuan obediently fastened his seat belt and looked ahead, "What do you want?"

Jiang Suifeng's eyes trembled, and the smile on the corner of her lips gradually faded, "Go back to Beicheng and talk again."

Speechless all the way.

The two of them were sitting in the same car, and they could only hear the sound of each other's intertwined breathing.

Qi Yuan pursed his lips, glanced at Jiang Sui, and stopped talking.

Jiang Sui raised his eyebrows, "Miss Qi, do you have something to say?"

Qi Yuan: "...can you stop breathing?"

very noisy.

Jiang Sui's face froze: "..."

The driver almost slipped his hand: "..."

The bodyguard almost laughed out loud: "..."

Jiang Sui chuckled, "Miss Qi has a problem with me?"

Qi Yuan nodded without hesitation, his brows and eyes were full of arrogance.

Jiang Sui is the villain, she is the savior, of course she can't understand Jiang Sui.

[Host, please wake up!You are not a savior!You are a tasker! ! ! 】

Qi Yuan: "Get lost."

She bears a heavy responsibility, why is she not the savior?

The system runs away resolutely, the host likes to blind his eyes too much.

Back in Beicheng, the sky was shrouded in darkness.

Jiang Sui took Qi Yuan to the ninth floor.

ninth floor.

Qi Yuan looked at the ninth floor, which was decorated in an ancient style, inexplicably matching Jiang Sui's Tang suit.

Jiang Sui noticed Qi Yuan's gaze, and asked jokingly, "Miss Qi, do you have the urge to report this place?"

Qi Yuan put on a wooden face: "No."

There is no evil in this place, but there is endless desire and obscurity.

Jiang Suifeng's eyes twinkled, "This is not like Miss Qi's style."

Qi Yuan tugged at Jiang Sui's collar, "You didn't do charity."

What if the child is disobedient?
Hit it once, hit it again.

Jiang Sui's throat overflowed with laughter, which was soft and seductive, "Miss Qi, since you know my identity, why do you think I will do charity?"

Qi Yuan blinked, and in Jiang Sui's eyes, Qi Yuan's expression was inexplicably cute.

(End of this chapter)

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