Dong's footsteps became faster and faster, and the dancing of snow became more and more frenzied.

The winter in Youzhou is different from other places. The winter in Youzhou is hotter and hotter.

It was another snow that was enough to cover the sky in white.


Qi Wei carried Qi Yuan and went back to the small courtyard where he used to live.

"It really sprouted, isn't it amazing?"

Qi Yuan and Qi Wei squatted under a tree, staring at a budding apple sapling beside the tree.

The two pairs of eyes are as black as ink, and they are equally clear, and the young green leaves are particularly stunning in the vast snow.

Qi Yuan stretched out his hand, fiddled with the apple tree saplings with his slender fingers, his eyelashes fluttered like crow feathers, and his coldness was full of curiosity and innocence.

Qi Wei looked sideways, and saw Qi Yuan's eyes were smiling, and a smile appeared in his eyes, "Wan Yuan, brother take good care of it, and after a few years, brother will give you a big apple to eat."

Qi Yuan bent his lips and nodded, fingered the apple seedlings, raised his eyes and turned to Qi Wei's direction, and smiled at Qi Wei as if he had succeeded, Qi Yuan reacted quickly.

Qi Wei is absolutely uneasy and kind!


Qi Wei grabbed Qi Yuan's wrist and smiled, "Wan Yuan, a great doctor came from Youzhou, look..."

It is not a secret that Qi Yuan has excellent medical skills. Many generals of the Xia Kingdom have been treated by Qi Yuan for serious injuries.

Qi Yuan was silent, then touched the apple tree seedlings twice, and nodded.

Qi Wei paused, coughed twice, looked at the green hills in the distance, covering the orange for a long time, "Yuan Sui has been working hard recently, you should persuade him to rest."

As soon as Yuan Sui concentrated, it seemed that he had endless energy, and the people below couldn't bear it.

Of course, he couldn't stand it either.

Qi Yuan frowned. Yuan Sui paid more attention to weapons recently, and often came back very late. After coming back too late, Yuan Sui went directly to the study to sleep. She hadn't seen Yuan Sui for nearly half a month.

Qi Yuan nodded, and decided to draw a little attention from the shed to Yuan Sui.

After watching the apple tree seedlings, Qi Yuan was taken to the military camp by Qi Wei before he had time to drink. At that time, Yuan Sui was giving lectures on the training ground.

Qi Wei pointed at Yuan Sui's tall and graceful back, lowered his head and complained to Qi Yuan, "Look at his appearance, it looks like someone has robbed his wife..."

Qi Wei met Qi Yuan's dark eyes, his words faltered for a moment, and he touched his nose embarrassingly, "Wan Yuan, brother didn't do it on purpose."

Recently, I've been staying with those soldiers for a long time, and I'm getting more and more careless when talking...

Qi Yuan glanced at Qi Wei, and walked towards the tent beside him, intending to wait for Yuan Sui to finish his training before speaking.

Qi Yuan waited in the tent for a while, then Yuan Sui opened the door of the tent, a gust of cold wind rushed into the tent, blowing the flame in the stove and jumping two points.

Yuan Sui sat by the stove, shaking his hands on the stove twice to absorb some warmth, his phoenix eyes turned to Qi Yuan, "Why is Yuan Yuan here? Is the shed not busy recently?"

As the new year approaches, there are a lot of things going on everywhere, and they are very busy, so they don't see each other often.

Holding the teacup, Qi Yuan shook his head.

Afterwards, the two of them didn't speak any more, they sat around the stove, one was warming the fire, I don't know if he was absorbing the warmth of the stove, or the temperature of the people around him; Under the reflection of the orange flame, the small face became more pure and innocent.

As dusk approaches, the distant mountains are half-covered, hiding the orange color in the blue, and there are two or three jackdaws rustling.

The New Year's Eve is getting closer, and the red joy is getting thicker, and everyone relaxes.

However, besides the ease and joy of the common people, there is the precarious tension of the royal families of various countries.

In the spring of the next year, Xia Guo took the lead in attacking and took Qi into his pocket. One after another, Liang, Han, Zhou Guo merged with Wei Guo, and formed a confrontation with Xia Guo.

At that time, the fallen leaves and withered butterflies had not yet been seen, and it was already the next winter.

Another winter, Youzhou is still Youzhou, but things are different and people are different.

Yuan Sui and Qi Yuan put a bouquet of dried roses dried in summer in front of Mrs. Yuan's tombstone.

At that time, Xun Cai had no mustache to hide his appearance, revealing a fair and clear face, with lowered eyes, staring at the dried roses in front of the tombstone, expressionless.

The sound of horseshoes approached, and the sound of hurried footsteps landed on the ground. The people standing in front of the tombstone did not turn their heads.

After a few breaths, another bouquet of dried roses was placed in front of the tombstone.

Zhou Zongyuan knelt in front of the tombstone, his eyes were a little empty, "Mother, you shouldn't have saved me."

If he hadn't been tricked by his father, how could his mother have stepped into Zhou's palace alone?How could he be poisoned by his father's favorite concubine?

Yuan Sui stood aside, holding Qi Yuan's hand tightly, glanced at Zhou Zongyuan with lowered eyes, and ignored him.

A mother will not abandon any child.

Zhou Zongyuan stood up, was silent for a while, and looked at Qi Yuan, "Can we talk alone? I have learned sign language and can understand it."

Yuan Sui narrowed his phoenix eyes, and squeezed Qi Yuan's hand tightly, "What does Emperor Zhou want to do?"

Their only connection is their ridiculously shallow blood relationship, and their only connection is their common mother, but when their mother dies, they lose the possibility of giving each other a trace of trust.

Zhou Zongyuan smiled indifferently, and looked at Yuan Sui, "We are also brothers, what can I do to my younger siblings?"

Qi Yuan glanced at Zhou Zongyuan, pulled Yuansui by the hand, signaling him to rest assured, and then found a quiet place with Zhou Zongyuan, within sight of Yuan Sui and others.

Zhou Zongyuan took a deep breath, his eyes were complicated, and there seemed to be a glimmer of expectation.

"You know the art of Xuanmen."

Qi Yuan shook his head, in troubled times, it is not a good thing to expose too much.Someone will always want to have these people in their pockets, but if they can't get them, they will be destroyed.

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