Chapter 192 This Stepmother Is Unusual 1
"Xiao Que, are you sure you don't want to come to my place? Uncle, there are many beauties in this company."

Jiu Yin crossed Erlang's legs, leaned lazily on the sofa, and looked at Qi Yuan on the opposite side with a playful face.

Qi Yuan was expressionless, his porcelain-white face was slightly lowered, and he simply uttered a word, "No."

The entertainment industry needs intrigue and drama, which is too tiring.

[Host, it's because you are lacking in mind, so——]

Before the system finished speaking, it was thrown flying by Qi Yuan.

"Xiao Que, do you know the identity of the dog man you are looking for?"

Jiu Yin took out a few pieces of candy from under the table, put them in front of Qi Yuan, and teased with a smile.

Qi Yuan raised his eyelids slightly, facing Jiu Yin's smiling eyes, the light gray eyes were shining, Qi Yuan rolled his eyes at Jiu Yin, and did not speak.

Jiu Yin clicked his tongue twice, raised his hand and patted Qi Yuan twice, with a provocative smile, no need to deliberately, it was deceptive, "Xiao Que, you don't like to talk now, are you unhappy in love? Uncle How about taking you to meet some beautiful boys?"

Qi Yuan glared at Jiu Yin and warned, "Uncle."

Jiu Yin quickly put away the teasing, and held the gentleness of the elders, "Okay, it's rare that you ask me for help, don't worry, isn't she just an [-]th-line star heroine, and she can't make any waves."

There was a knock on the door, and a beautiful girl came in with two cups of coffee. Her almond eyes were clear and black. After putting down the coffee, the girl left the office.

"Uncle, you actually..." Qi Yuan frowned slightly, with disapproval in his eyes.

Jiu Yin hooked his lips and picked up the coffee cup, "The little girl's soul is strong enough to withstand tempering. In the future, I will bring her back to Qingqiu Mountain, how about it?"

Qi Yuan lowered his eyes and glanced at the coffee cup, "Uncle, you can't give her what she wants."

The prodigal son is not worthy of monopoly, and never will be.

Jiu Yin's face darkened slightly, and his body turned to Qi Yuan's side, the mellow aroma of coffee accompanied by his unique warm aroma.

"I wish, don't meddle in my uncle's affairs."

There is no woman he can't get that he wants.

Qi Yuan hid back, his eyes full of disgust: "..."

Stinky fox!

There are at least dozens of beauties in Qingqiu Mountain, and my uncle still needs to collect them. Are you really not afraid that they will fight?Dozens of beauties, can you handle it?

Why don't those beauties run away?Really willing to share a man?
it's wired.

Seeing Qi Yuan stepping back, Jiu Yin quickly relaxed, "Xiao Que has a heart, my uncle never claims to be a good man, keep your eyes open, if you meet someone like this, run away."

Qi Yuan nodded decisively: "Yes."

After sitting for a while, Qi Yuan was sent to the underground parking lot by Jiu Yin. The young man dressed in ordinary clothes restrained his whole body. When the man saw Qi Yuan, he quickly walked up to him.

"Ms. Qi, the doctor just sent me a message that your No. 7 test product has mutated, and there is an emergency situation, and you need to go back quickly."

Qi Yuan got into the car, picked up the notebook on the car, and dug out the emails in the mailbox. He looked at the test report sent by the research institute with a serious expression on his face.

That night, all the experimental products mutated, and the entire research institute fell into a downturn. After all, since the establishment of the research institute, there has never been any mutation of all experimental products.

For a whole month, Qi Yuan lived in the research institute, looking for the reason for the mutation of the test product.

One month later, the summer flowers were brilliant and bloomed all over the research institute, and the faint fragrance made everyone in the research institute feel as if they had passed away.

In the car driving away from the research institute, Qi Yuan leaned halfway and fiddled with his mobile phone, the sound of the game released the enveloped emotions.

"Ms. Qi, what..." Beside Qi Yuan was a gray-haired old lady who was also the most senior academician of the institute.

Qi Yuan paused with his fingers and looked at the old lady, "Teacher Zhang?"

Academician Zhang smiled sarcastically, his eyes dodged a little, "Two days ago, your family gave you a marriage certificate."

Qi Yuan: "..."

She still has family?
[Congratulations to the host for unlocking all life experiences! 】

The original owner was the granddaughter of the Qin family in Shangdu, and even the youngest daughter of the Qi family, the head of the eight great families in the south of the Yangtze River.

The original owner came to Shangdu from Jiangnan to attend his grandfather's [-]th birthday, but there was an accident in Shangdu. Once climbing a mountain, the original owner stepped on the air and lost his memory. That's why he thought he was an orphan.

"The original owner's long-cherished wish is to have a job to support himself?"

【right!This is indeed the long-cherished wish of the original owner. 】


Qi Yuan rested his fingers on his thighs and tapped rhythmically, his white and slender hands commanded the carriage to cast a sense of oppression.

No wonder everyone looked so weird when she came to the institute.She is the only co-author in the whole world who doesn't know her own life experience!

Qi Yuan sorted out the information in this world, but still couldn't understand why the Qin family wanted to issue a marriage certificate for her.

This world is not complicated. It revolves around a movie queen reborn as an [-]th-line black artist on the Internet, struggling in various industries, accidentally marrying the male lead, becoming a wealthy stepmother, and finally connected with the abstinent workaholic president male lead. The family is harmonious. and beautiful stories.

[Host, you have left a little information~ Although the original owner's surname is Qi, in Shangdu, her surname is also Qin, Qin Xu, who is the stepmother of the heroine in the control group~]

Qi Yuan: "..."

Is this interesting?

Wait, does her partner have a baby? ? ?

Qi Yuan's hand holding the phone tightened suddenly, her small face was tense, although she didn't have any expression, her whole body was filled with displeasure.

"Mr. Zhang, are you just watching me get married?"

Academician Zhang rubbed his nose, "Xiao Qi, the Qin family has a great career, just tell the Civil Affairs Bureau. Besides, the one at the top is your uncle, whose surname is Qin."

Qi Yuan: "..."

It turns out that the original owner's background is so prominent, the one at the top is surnamed Qin, the older brother of the original owner's mother, and the original owner's uncle.

Qi Yuan rolled his eyes, "Drive to Qin's house."

All the information of the original owner suddenly burst into Qi Yuan's mind.

It was more than a month before she knew the existence of the Qin family. As for why the Qin family wanted to marry her on their own, she couldn't think of a reason for the time being.

Qi Yuan leaned back, half-closed his eyes, the Qin family and the Qi family have always loved the original owner, this unreasonable marriage is full of doubts.

Two hours later, the car stopped in front of a large retro-style manor. The plaque of the Qin residence was particularly eye-catching. This is an old residence of the Qin family that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years. frivolous.

After Qi Yuan got out of the car, the guard at the gate hurriedly called the inner house and arranged for her a car to enter the inner house. After all, it took more than ten minutes to drive from the gate to the inner house.

After Qi Yuan got off the car again, a group of people stood in front of the inner house, each dressed in exquisite and low-key clothes, each with good looks, each with their own characteristics.

Qi Yuan frowned, and walked towards the man in the middle, "Uncle, I need an explanation."

Qin Xiangsong was sixty years old, and his always serious face was full of kind smiles at this moment. He coughed and said, "Xiao Qi came into the living room? It's hot outside, don't suffer from heat stroke."

Qi Yuan glared at Qin Xiangsong, raised his legs and walked towards the living room. Everyone followed closely. Suddenly, Qi Yuan stopped, "Where is Grandpa? I missed my [-]th birthday a few days ago..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Xiangsong quickly answered, "Your grandfather is in a good mood recently, and he made an appointment with Mr. Song to go to the mountain to play."

Qi Yuan glanced at Qin Xiangsong's guilty expression, and realized that her grandfather was definitely involved in her marriage.

A group of people entered the living room, served Qi Yuan tea, and served Qi Yuan cakes, and the young masters who did not touch the spring water with their ten fingers served Qi Yuan as if they were serving their ancestors.

Qi Yuan remained expressionless, after all, the original owner had a bigger temper, and these people still pampered him.

Qin Xiangsong sat down and winked at the crowd, they stopped moving, and the atmosphere in the living room became quiet in an instant.

"Xiaoqi, have you watched the news recently?"

Qi Yuan raised his eyes lazily: "I only watch silly little sweet dramas."

Qin Xiangsong choked for a moment, "That's right, some time ago, the ruler of the Cheng family in Ninth Continent came to Shangdu."

Qin Xiangsong stared at Qi Yuan, observed Qi Yuan's expression, and continued, "He said that the most advanced weapons of Ninth Continent can cooperate with us."

Qi Yuan stared at Qin Xiangsong, waiting for Qin Xiangsong's next words with a blank expression.

State-of-the-art weapons?She can too!
(End of this chapter)

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