Qi Yuan tugged at his blue fish tail to accept the original owner's message.

The original owner is the only remaining mermaid in the world, with blue hair, blue eyes and blue tail, not high in cultivation, not strong in ability, and can turn tears into pearls.

The original owner was caught by fishermen while looking for food, and wanted to present it to the emperor, but he was hijacked on the way and sent outside Buwang City. Due to the long-term lack of water, the original owner died in the sun.

Qi Yuan has black lines all over his head, this time the cannon fodder is very standard.

[The original owner's long-cherished wish: to become a person.World task [-]: Weaken the villain's strength; World task [-]: Raid the villain. 】

Qi Yuan patted the tail of the fish in the bath, touched the cool and slippery tail, "I think, you are connoting me."

Qi Yuan raised his eyes and looked around. The white jade pillars were inlaid with precious stones, exquisite everywhere.

Qi Yuan subconsciously opened his mouth and spit out another bubble.

The last world left unexpectedly, and I don't know if the big tonic has left.

Qi Yuan leaned on the side of the white jade bath, guessing that the great tonic was left in that world. Perhaps, he would be reincarnated forever, or he would dissipate and never return to his original body.

The sound of "creaking" interrupted Qi Yuan's thinking.

The wooden door made a slight sound, and the shallow footsteps were very clear.

Qi Yuan was lying on the edge of the pool, facing the gaze of the person who came up, his blue eyes blinked slightly, and his innocent eyes exuded the most pure temptation.

Great tonic?
This time, she looks good and has a good figure.

"Can you talk?"

Situ squatted down, put his hands on Qi Yuan's blue hair, and stared at her ignorant and clear eyes, which were slightly darker.


Qi Yuan shook his head, and two low moans came out of his throat.

She is a beautiful and weak little mermaid now, how can she speak human language?
Do not say!

Situ smiled suddenly, with a dimple on his lips, his eyelashes lowered, not concealing the darkness in his eyes, "If you pretend to be stupid, you will be dried like a fish."

Qi Yuan clenched his fists, stared at his ignorant eyes, and swayed the blue tail in the bath, but still didn't speak.

dog man.

[Host, here I suggest you to be frank and lenient, a large pot has been set up outside, and the water will boil immediately. 】

As soon as the system's voice fell, the door was knocked, and there was a strong voice.

"Master, the water has boiled."

Qi Yuan: "..."

Situ tugged at Qi Yuan's hair, and forcibly pulled off a strand, staring at the blue hair in his hand, his eyes were dark and abnormally dark.

He chuckled softly, full of threats, "Can't talk? Then it's useless, it can only be stewed."

According to legend, spirits are edible and can be used as medicine.

This beautiful fish spirit is very attractive to him. When he saw her for the first time outside Buwang City today, he felt a strong desire to possess her, as if she was born to be his.

That being the case, it should be stewed.

This is a dish made especially for him.

Qi Yuan's forehead twitched, he couldn't bear it anymore, the blue fish tail slapped the water surface a few times, and the splashed water wet Situ Sui's clothes, his voice was cold, it belonged to mermaids alone, pure vacuum spirit, pure temptation.


He even plucked her hair!

Still want to stew her!

Situ Sui's clothes were wet, and he was not annoyed at all. He stared at Qi Yuan's tail with scorching eyes, and his voice was seductive.

"A fish that can speak people's words, what effect will it have if you eat it?"

Qi Yuan shivered, "Dog System, isn't he a love brain? Why does he want to eat me?"

[Host, your soul attraction is very strong, but come on, you are a mermaid now!Although it is half human and half fish, for humans, what can't they eat?I guess it was a craving for food. 】

Qi Yuan: "..."

What is this breaking the start?

Qi Yuan looked at Situ Sui, thinking how to persuade him, when he saw the knife in his hand.

knife? ! !

Qi Yuan patted the water with his tail and jumped towards Situ Sui, intending to fight him to the death.

Anyway, there was an accident in the last world, and he was excluded from the small world. There is still a long, long time before returning to the God Realm, so this time is not bad!
She doesn't want to be stewed!

Leaping out of the bath, Qi Yuan aimed at the direction of Situ Sui's head and slammed into it.

Situ Sui stared straight at Qi Yuan with his phoenix eyes, his eyes froze slightly, his beautiful fish tail transformed into legs in the air, the half-man half-fish appearance disappeared, and turned into... a person.



The moment Situ Sui froze, his head ached, his eyes went dark, he lost consciousness, fell to the ground, and there was another muffled sound.

Qi Yuan pursed his lips, and kicked Situ Sui hard a few times to vent his anger.

"Damn things!"

"You're too courageous to ride a horse."

"You still want to stew me?"

"You court death!"

[...Host, put on some clothes, it's summer, don't freeze. 】

With a mosaic, it cannot be seen.

However, how much it affects the picture quality!

Only then did Qi Yuan notice that she had become a human.

"Becoming a human is so easy? The original owner's long-cherished wish has been fulfilled?"

[Host, the progress of the original owner's long-cherished wish is 0%, the host will continue to work hard.Does the host need points to exchange for a piece of clothing?Discount~]


Can she afford clothes?
Qi Yuan kicked a few more times to vent his anger, and took off Situ Sui's robe, and just as he put it on, there was a movement at the door.

"Master? What happened to you?"

Qi Yuan squeezed his throat, imitating Situ Sui's voice, "Get lost."

The people outside the door did not have any doubts, and left quickly.

a long time.

Situ then woke up again. He was tied up and soaked in the bath. The... person by the pool swung the tail of the fish and poured water on him vigorously.

Situ Sui's eyes became even hotter: "You are a demon."

A person who can transform into a human form must be a demon.

It's rare that there really are demons in this world.

He thought it was just the imagination of a boring scholar.

Qi Yuan jumped down from the bathing pool, swam to Situ Sui's side, pinched his chin, put on a small face, and said in a very serious tone, "No, I'm human."

Situ then looked her up and down, "Little shemale, you—"

Qi Yuan punched Situ Sui in the chest, "You are a monster when you ride a horse!"

Will you speak? !

Situ then coughed up a mouthful of blood, and the dark red liquid overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He was still not the least bit annoyed, "Do you have a name? Little fairy."


Another punch in the chest.

Situ pursed his lips, his phoenix eyes became brighter, and he wanted to open his mouth again, but was interrupted by Qi Yuan.

"You want to be beaten to death by me?"

A great tonic that can't speak, it's very embarrassing.

Situ Sui: "...Girls can't be too fierce, if they are human beings."

Situ then felt that with the addition of the latter sentence, she should not beat him up.

Obviously, Qi Yuan listened to it——



Not tidy up.

Situ Sui suffered severe chest pains, and according to his experience of dying in these years, his ribs were broken.


Fortunately, not serious.

"Do you have a name? Shall I give you a name?"

Situ then stared at Qi Yuan, becoming more and more curious about her.

The silent years finally showed a bright color.

"Qi Yuan." Qi Yuan sat down by the bath and turned his legs out again, "You don't need to get up."

"Qi Yuan? The name your parents gave you?"

Alarm bells rang in Qi Yuan's mind, "My parents have passed away."

doing what?
Want to stew their entire clan?
When Situ lamented that Qi Yuan's name was nice, when he heard her words, he thought that she was reporting herself as a family, friendly and caring, "was also eaten?"

Qi Yuan's hair exploded, he really wanted to stew her.

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