Qi Yuan patted on the door and called Cheng Sui who was in the master bedroom with a stiff face.

Through the door, Cheng Sui's voice was a little vague, "Miss Qi, you don't need a substitute service tonight, you can leave."

"...What's wrong with you?" Qi Yuan creaked his fists, "Cheng Sui, you'd better not be petty."

A sneer overflowed.

"Yo, Ms. Qi is so majestic. Is this how you talk to the benefactor? Be careful that I will deduct money from you."

Holding his breath, Qi Yuan patted on the door: "Cheng Sui, step on your horse and open the door!"

"Miss Qi, recognize your identity as a stand-in, understand?" Cheng Sui then added, "Miss Qi, don't swear."

Qi Yuan clenched his fist and hammered on the door. The door jerked and the sound was terrifying.

A few seconds later, Qi Yuan looked at the door frame and slammed on the door, "Cheng Sui, step on your horse and open the door for labor and management!"

The door snapped open, revealing Cheng Sui's calm face.

"Miss Qi, please don't swear."

Qi Yuan blinked, "Mr. Cheng, aren't you going to the hospital to see your sister?"

Since Cheng Suiyan is addicted, she naturally wants to accompany her~
Cheng Sui pulled Qi Yuan into his arms, gritted his teeth, "Miss Qi, I won't go to see my wife tonight, and stay with my little double. After all, you should cherish what is in front of you."

"Miss Qi, it's late at night, you should fulfill your responsibilities as a substitute."

Qi Yuan raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on Cheng Sui's bright chin, "Mr. Cheng, if you are satisfied, what reward will you give me?"

Cheng Sui put his hands on Qi Yuan's waist, touched the delicate waist, "How much reward does Miss Qi want?"

"One hundred million?"

It just so happened that her company's new project was launched, and this [-] million can be used as an employee reward.

Cheng Sui chuckled, "Really? Miss Qi, a reward of [-] million... what do you want to pay?"

Qi Yuan blinked and dragged Cheng Sui into the room.


The door is closed tightly, hiding the spring scenery in the room.

Qi Yuan spent a few days in Yunding Mountain Villa to live a peaceful life, watching movies every day to find inspiration, cooking a meal for Cheng Sui from time to time, or frying the kitchen, life is extremely nourishing.

However, Cheng Sui complained quite a bit.

Cheng Sui was sitting in the living room, holding a box of small cakes in his hands. Usually, he would not eat such sweet things, but, after all, it was Qi Yuan who made it, so he had no reason not to eat it.

"Dad, is it delicious?"

An An stared at Cheng Sui's movements, and spoke carefully.

Cheng Sui swallowed the cake in his mouth, his complexion remained unchanged, and his voice was calm, "The taste is okay, you can eat it."

An An was slightly surprised, "Are you familiar?"

"The machine makes it at regular intervals, so it will be cooked naturally." Cheng Sui narrowed his eyes and took another bite, "Lunch will be ready in a while, so hurry up and finish the cake."

The cake is salty and sweet, it is estimated that it is a mixture of sugar and salt.

She can distinguish between sugar and salt, but she will innovate and put sugar and salt according to her own ratio.

It's just... hard to eat!

But she never cooks according to other people's ready-made recipes.

With the sound of light footsteps, Cheng Sui and An An sat on the sofa, eating cake diligently, as if they were facing an enemy.

An An's face changed slightly.

Qi Yuan took the plate and put it on the dining table, "Come and eat."

Cheng Sui and An An put the cake on the coffee table and walked towards the dining table.

After Cheng Sui and An An sat down, Qi Yuan walked towards the kitchen again, An An called Qi Yuan, "Mom, is there anything else in the kitchen?"

There is a nanny in the kitchen, and generally there is no need for the mother to serve it in person.

An An's eyes darkened slightly, could it be that the people in the kitchen neglected their duties and targeted their mother?
Qi Yuan kept walking, looking back and explaining, "There is crab soup in the kitchen, I'll bring it over."

An An stood up, a handsome young man, showing his dignity and elegance to the fullest, with a pure and immature appearance.

"Mom, let me carry it."

He wanted to see why the people in the kitchen didn't help.

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