Chapter 247 Stepmother Rules 22
Qi Yuan picked up the spoon, scooped up a spoonful of soup, put it in his mouth, his slender eyelashes fluttered like cicada wings, and slowly swallowed the soup in his mouth, and then, Qi Yuan put down the spoon, his face did not change at all, "It tastes good, how much are you waiting for?" Have a drink."

Qi Yuan paused, as if to increase the convincing force of his words, Qi Yuan added, "You are too empty, you need to supplement your nutrition, drink more... Also, good medicine tastes bitter."

After finishing speaking, Qi Yuan pushed the bowl statue in front of him aside.

Some fishy smell, maybe because the raw shrimp was placed a little late——

Put it ahead of time next time!
It must be delicious!
Cheng Sui's hand holding the spoon paused slightly, his brows were restrained, and distrust flashed in his eyes.

He knew her craft well, if she followed the recipe, she could cook deliciously, but——she didn't bother to follow the recipe.

So, she made it very - unpalatable!
The corners of Cheng Sui's lips drew a helpless arc, his eyes turned to An An, his brows raised slightly, "You are growing up, drink more."

An An smiled, extremely obedient, picked up the spoon, moved gracefully, and poured the soup in the spoon into the mouth, without any change in the corners of her eyes.

Cheng Sui lowered his eyelids, took a sip, and acted with the same dignity as An An.

Qi Yuan was puzzled, could it be...they like this taste?
It seems that every dish she cooks has its value.

The girl came out with an exquisite white porcelain fruit plate, with a smile on her face, walked into the dining table, approached Cheng Sui, put the fruit plate next to Cheng Sui's hand, bent over deliberately, showing her beautiful body curves.

Qi Yuan raised his eyes and looked over, rubbed his fingers at his chin, and then stretched out his hand towards the girl's waist. The girl became alert instantly, and her delicate face suddenly changed. In an instant, the girl fell towards Cheng Sui's direction. In the opposite direction, the girl's waist happened to fall into Qi Yuan's palm.

In the midst of lightning and thunder, Qi Yuan retracted suddenly, and pulled out a ten-centimeter steel needle, shining silver.

The girl's eyes were sharp for a moment, and she touched her waist with her hand. After she realized it, her voice was suddenly cold and harsh, "Give it back to me!"

Qi Yuan moved his fingers slightly, and the steel needle in his hand cracked.

The girl stopped in her footsteps: ...

She seems unable to complete the assassination task! ! !

The girl gritted her teeth, blood spilled from the corners of her lips, and her eyes were resentful.

Qi Yuan twirled his fingers lightly, "Dead man? Whose family?"

Cheng Sui had too many enemies, and there was no way to get rid of them for a while.

Sure enough, the dog thing!

The blood in the girl's mouth became brighter, and the blackness in her eyes became more intense. She stared at Qi Yuan, "You are Ms. Qi."

She absolutely is!

She is not dead!
It's a pity...she couldn't take this news away...

The girl's breath became weaker and weaker, until she limply lay on the ground, no more breath.

Qi Yuan knelt down and touched the girl's face, but Cheng Sui grabbed her arm, "Wan Yuan, dirty."

Qi Yuan shook his head slightly, retracted his arm, put his hand on the girl's face, rubbed it carefully, and pulled off a layer of human skin mask with a sudden force.

Qi Yuan threw the human skin mask on the ground and looked at the face of the girl on the ground who was exhausted. She had thick eyelashes, a straight nose, and a beautiful appearance. There was a scar at the end of her right eye.

"It's beautiful, it's a pity."

The last life was so brief that it didn't even have a name.

Cheng Sui knelt down, took Qi Yuan's hand, and wiped her clean with a wet towel, "Sorry?"

He found that she was more tolerant of women than men in the same situation.

But he hated seeing other people in her eyes, male or female, young or old.

He didn't know how much time he could have, and whether she would exist in the next life.

How could he be so lucky.

Qi Yuan shook his head, "It's a pity."

Having been robbed of luck by Li Su, the last life will not be consummated.

Cheng Sui gently wiped Qi Yuan's hands, and chuckled, "Go out with An An tomorrow? Relax."

"You want to clean up the manor?"

It seems that the manor is going to undergo a major change.

Hearing this, Cheng Sui's smile deepened, and he hummed softly, which was completely satisfied.

Qi Yuan withdrew his hand, stood up, and cast his eyes on An An, "Go to bed early after dinner."

An An: "..."

In the scene of the dead, how could he eat?

The crescent moon hangs high, covered by clouds and mist, showing the coolness of summer to the fullest, full of the silence of the night, and contrary to the night, is the silent evil of the manor.

In the early morning of the next day, the sounds of birds and cars mixed together, and the restlessness began to appear.

On the road, the two people in white clothes walked slowly, and finally walked into the breakfast shop on the side of the road.

After being seated, Qi Yuan and An An ordered two bowls of porridge and a drawer of buns.

After the food was served, Qi Yuan glanced at An An, saw him playing with his phone with downcast eyes, and reminded him, "Is there any important news?"

An An raised her head, "Mom, can Mo Chen come over? He is interested in the recruitment of his mother's company."

Qi Yuan swallowed the bun in his mouth, "The Cheng family won't let him touch family affairs?"

Li Su has her own son, who is educated according to the elite model. Li Su paved the way for her son to be the heir of the Shen family, and Mo Mochen is the biggest obstacle in the way.

There is no need to think too much, the possibility of Shen Mochen getting involved with the affairs of the Shen family is very small.

An An nodded, tsk tut and said, "He's pretty pitiful."

"Then let him come."

After finishing speaking, Qi Yuan continued to bite the steamed stuffed bun in his mouth, and drank porridge from time to time.

Li Su's greatest weakness is her son.

Therefore, she can start with the heir of the Shen family.

Sure enough, the older you get, the smarter you get.

[Host, are you sure? 】

The system watching the cartoon suddenly made a sound, choked Qi Yuan, and then hurried away.

Qi Yuan didn't bother to bother with the system. Now that there are cartoons, it focuses almost all of its attention on the cartoons. It won't be like before, she can say one sentence, and it can say three sentences.


After dinner, Qi Yuan and An An met Shen Mochen at a street corner.

The young man in black clothes and trousers is calm and introverted. His deep eyebrows and eyes have the shadow of Shen Ling when he was young. He is worthy of being the descendant of the male protagonist in the world.

Mo Mochen's face is dull, unable to make any expression, but, the upbringing in his bones still does not forget.

The young man nodded slightly, closed his eyelids, and his voice was a little hoarse and deep, which was not pleasant to hear, "Aunt Qi, thank you for allowing me to accompany you today, please excuse me."

"No trouble." Qi Yuan caught a glimpse of the approaching car out of the corner of his eye, "The taxi has arrived, get in the car."

An An took a step behind, standing shoulder to shoulder with Shen Mochen, showing off in a low voice, the boy's tone was full of youthful vigor and immature vigor, "How is it? Is my mother very kind?"

Mo Mochen glanced at the smug An An, didn't make a sound, but followed Qi Yuan's footsteps, got in the car and sat down, An An saw Mo Mo Chen taking the seat beside Qi Yuan, gritted his teeth, and smiled obediently , bent over and spoke to Shen Shenchen, with a helpless tone.

"Student Shen, I won't feel safe if I don't sit next to my mother. Let's change seats."

Silence Chen: "..."

If he is capable, he also looks like this at school.

Could it be... that having a mother can make people pretend to be beautiful?

(End of this chapter)

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