Chapter 25 Sir, Madam Reported You Again 25
Qi Yuan grabbed Jiang Sui and pushed him against the wall, staring at his lips.

Qi Yuan coughed lightly, thinking about how to speak.

Now that he's in the show, she'll give it a try.

Speaking of...

When her mother pressed her father, that expression was enjoyable.

Jiang Sui's phoenix eyes were half closed, the tips of her neck and ears were flushed, her light and pretty face was pretending to be calm.

Both of them knew what was about to happen, and the air became hot for a while.

Qi Yuan licked her lips, realizing that she was a little nervous, she gave herself a sigh of relief, and no longer wanted to speak.

Her mother kissed her father, but she never told her father beforehand!
Qi Yuan grabbed Jiang Sui's collar, pressed his head down, and kissed him.

The touch of slightly hot lips, the collision of dry and slightly hot noses, is like the strong alternation of spring and summer, gentle and lingering, yet unstoppable.

Jiang Suifeng's eyes stared slightly, her eyelashes trembled, a strange touch, a wonderful feeling, rushed straight to the sky from the bottom of her feet.

Jiang Sui put his hand on Qi Yuan's waist, tightened it suddenly, and turned his defense into an offense.

[This...isn't it good? 】

The system clasped its fingers, stamped its feet in the space, and twisted and squeezed.

The host is still a child less than a thousand years old!

Since then, this movie theater was bought by Jiang Sui, and the two went to watch movies every now and then.

Day by day, a piece of news broke Qi Yuan Xianyu's little life.

【Host! ! !Bai Fan was released without charge! ! ! 】

At that time, Qi Yuan was lying on Jiang Sui's lap, drinking freshly squeezed juice with a straw in his mouth.

"Pfft, cough cough..."

Jiang Sui quickly removed the straw from Qi Yuan's hand, hurriedly pulled out a few pieces of paper, wiped the coughed up juice for her, and helped her sit up, "Drink too fast?"

"No." Qi Yuan took the paper and wiped it carelessly a few times, "I remembered something, I'll go out for a while."

Before Jiang Sui could speak, Qi Yuan had already rushed out of the living room without even changing his slippers.

Qi Yuan: "System, why was Bai Fan released without charge? Isn't this funny?"

There are nails in the coffin, and there is no doubt that he will die!
[Bai Fan is the male protagonist after all. With luck, he was recognized by the richest man in the capital, the Bai family, and became the young master of the Bai family. The Bai family directly protected him. 】


Qi Yuan stepped on his slippers, called a driver, and went down the mountain.

[Host, what are you doing here? 】

"Do the task."


I've been in ink for two months, and I've been bored with the big villain for two months. How could I suddenly think of doing a mission?

[Host, it's not good for you to report Jiang Sui's property in your current identity? 】

"Don't report it." Qi Yuan deliberately sold a trick.

She already had better ideas.

After getting off the bus at the central shopping mall, Qi Yuan turned into a small shop and bought a set of white clothes.

After that, take a taxi to the airport.

three hours later.

Qi Yuan sat in the business class, enjoying the small pastries.

[Host, is this... related to the mission?!You don't want to abandon the mission and go wandering around the world, do you?! 】

Qi Yuan calmly took out a book, "Don't worry, this young master has the world in mind."

It's a task, it must be done.

Otherwise, her mother wouldn't let her go back.

As for how to do it... Let her try to see if she can take advantage of this loophole.

The scenery of the northern city gradually disappeared, and the beauty of the clouds was shocking.

North City.

Huanyu Group President Office.

Jiang Sui was still in black Tang suit, with a string of Bai Qinan on his wrist, playing with a pen in his right hand, "He is lucky."

Tang Jingchen couldn't help shaking his head, "Now that the Bai family's technology industry is infiltrating Beicheng, it's clearly targeting Huanyu. Brother Sui, if you don't use 692, I'm afraid you won't be able to solve it."

In the final analysis, Huanyu Group is just Jiang Sui's cover-up to the outside world. Since the birth of Huanyu, Jiang Sui has been controlling its growth so as not to be too conspicuous.

"Is the Liu family and Bai Fan allied?" Jiang Sui looked out the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the scenery of the tall buildings was endless.

"There is no specific news for the time being, but judging from the trends of the two companies, there is no such thing now, and there will be in the future."

Jiang Sui: "Okay, I'll think about it."

After Tang Jingchen left, Jiang Sui dialed a number a dozen times, but it kept showing that he was not in the service area.

The confrontation between the behemoths in the North City brought a layer of gray depression.

"I said brother-in-law, does my sister want you? You never let me go, are you trying to threaten my sister with me?"

Holding the freshly squeezed juice, Qi Pan curiously asked Jiang Sui who had just returned to the villa.

Jiang Suifeng glanced at her, the majesty all over her body faded, and her brows and eyes were full of helplessness, "Kids, stop talking nonsense, have you finished your homework?"

Qi Yuan's whereabouts were unknown, and he sent several waves of people to look for him, but there was no news.

Qi Pan's eyes were resentful: "..."

Is it necessary to be so cruel to a 12-year-old child?

Qi Pan was full of resentment, and stepped on the stairs to go upstairs.

The living room stopped, and Jiang Sui sat casually on the sofa.

"Sir! There's news over there!"

Jiang Sui frowned, looked at the bodyguard rushing in, "Say."

The bodyguard nodded and took it easy, "Sir, the 962 headquarters was taken over by a woman. It is said that she claims to be the villain's successor..."

Jiang Sui: "..."

What kind of secondary illness patients?
Seeing Jiang Sui's silence, the bodyguard didn't dare to retreat privately, so he could only stand there in embarrassment, waiting for Jiang Sui's instructions.

Jiang Sui raised his eyes and glanced at the bodyguard, "Did Tang Jingchen receive any news?"

The bodyguard hurriedly explained, "Not yet, we dare not spread the news privately without Mr.

Jiang Sui raised his hand, and the bodyguard stepped back quickly, relieved.

Jiang Sui sat on the sofa, meditating on the teacup on the table, until dawn.

The next day, Qi Pan went downstairs and was startled when he saw Jiang Sui who was black and blue.

"Brother-in-law... what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Sui shook his head slightly, then got up and went upstairs, just as he reached the stairs, he heard Qi Pan's excited voice.

"Sister! You are finally back!"

Jiang Sui stopped, leaned against the side of the stairs, and looked at the girl in the living room who was wearing white down cotton.

His girl.

Qi Yuan squeezed Qi Pan's little face, "Healthy again."

Qi Pan hugged Qi Yuan and rubbed against her, and the little nanny sounded very coquettish, "Sister, I'm so good at home~ and I miss my sister every day~"

Jiang Sui couldn't help twitching the end of his eyes, Qi Pan said he missed his sister, and chased him all day to ask if her sister didn't want them anymore!

Jiang Sui was holding the stairs, and just about to see Qi Yuan, and when he wanted to ask her why she left without saying goodbye, he saw his own face reflected on the smooth handrail of the stairs, looking a little sloppy.

Jiang Sui lowered his eyes, planning to go upstairs to clean up before going to see Qi Yuan.

Lest she see him like this and regret being with him.

In the living room, Qi Yuan was dragged by Qi Pan, chattering about.

"Sister, I found out that my brother-in-law is about to go bankrupt!" Qi Pan reached out and put his hand next to Qi Yuan's ear, whispering.

Qi Yuan: "..."

This little girl is very sharp.

Qi Pan was not surprised to see Qi Yuan, thinking she didn't believe it, so he took out his mobile phone and showed her the stock price of Huanyu Group.

"Sister, look, the stocks of brother-in-law's company have been falling all the way for a month." Qi Pan said angrily, "And brother-in-law didn't take any measures at all!"

Qi Yuan blinked, "Panpan knows a lot."

Qi Pan was flattered by Qi Yuan's praise, "Hey, it's mainly because the teacher taught well."

Qi Yuan glanced upstairs strangely, Jiang Sui asked 12-year-old Qi Pan to teach finance?

Does he really know what to learn at the age of 12?

[Host, what do you think a 12-year-old should learn? 】



One grows out of seedlings, and the other develops wretchedly. They really deserve to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

(End of this chapter)

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