Lou Sui hooked a smile, brushed his cool fingers over the back of Qi Yuan's hand, and smiled at Yan Yan, the driver and assistant in front of the car got out of the car very winkingly, leaving the space in the car for his husband and Qi Yuan.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the car was suddenly ambiguous, and at the same time wrapped in a trace of coldness.

Qi Yuan relaxed, leaned lazily on the car seat, and stared at Lou Sui expressionlessly.

Lou Sui stepped forward, but still kept a distance from Qi Yuan, "Sister Xiaoyuan, I am indeed sick, only sister Yuan can cure me."

The woman in his dream must be her.

Qi Yuan casually glanced at Lou Sui, then turned his gaze out of the car window, ignoring Lou Sui's 'crazy talk'.

Lou Sui saw that Qi Yuan didn't cooperate, the arc of the outline changed slightly, and his lowered eyes swept towards the 'silver bracelet' on Qi Yuan's wrist.

It's night, the stars are shining brightly, falling in the dark sky.

Qi Yuan crossed his legs and leaned against the head of the bed, typing on the chocolate-colored keyboard in his hand. The crisp mahjong sound echoed in the space, and green characters danced on the dark screen.

A white silk pajamas was casually worn on the body, upon closer inspection, the light was shining with silver light at the ankle - it was a delicate anklet, and the extended anklet was tied to the head of the bed.

The door opened gently, and a tall figure entered the room.

The spacious space seemed oppressed by this slender figure.

"Miss Qi is calm."

Qi Yuan paused his fingers slightly, pressed his fingers on the chocolate-colored keyboard, raised his head slightly, followed the movement of his fingers, and raised his head, "Mr. Lou, don't pretend now?"

Sister Xiaoyuan?It sounds like an old scumbag in the oil field!
Qi Yuan complained in his heart.

Lou Sui stepped forward, her long legs wrapped in black silk pajama pants, thin and slender.

Qi Yuan crossed his legs, looked at Lou Sui without changing his expression, his fingers unconsciously tapped on his knee joints, and his posture was lazy.

Lou Sui stopped at the head of the bed, under his raised eyelashes, his unabashed eyes were full of possessiveness, "I told Uncle Qi and Aunt Bai that you went abroad as an exchange student and you will not return to China within a year. By the way, I helped you apply for a leave of absence, which is also for one year."

"One year... you want to kill me in one year?" Qi Yuan frowned, this time the big tonic has a serious brain problem!
It's not as good as her-preemptive strike!
Kill this big tonic first, and then go to the next world!
[Host, I would like to add here that the task of capturing the villain is officially upgraded and becomes one of your main tasks. If you kill the villain, you will deduct twice the corresponding points, that is, [-] points. 】

"The Raiders villain now has [-] points?"

【……right. 】

Can the host grasp the key point? !

Can this heartless problem be cured?

Qi Yuan looked Lou Sui up and down, his chin slightly nodded, the big tonic is worth a lot now, you can't just cut it casually, wait until the strategy is over before you cut it!
Lou Sui saw that Qi Yuan's eyes were calm, and even looked at him with interest. They were black and pure, exactly the same as the eyes of the woman in the red dress in his dream.

"You were born to be mine."

Qi Yuan hardened his fist: "..."

This time the big tonic has brain disease, so I won't beat him up.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and when Qi Yuan was thinking whether to kick Lou Sui out of the room, Lou Sui said, "Don't think about escaping, everyone in Tingyuan will not help you, stay here well, as long as You stay by my side obediently, and I will allow you to go out after one year."

Qi Yuan blinked, pretending to be cute, "Okay."

Just don't go out, she promises that she will never go out until she comes up with inventions that can shock the world.

It's safe to do research here, and Lou Sui can still invest. Most importantly, she doesn't need to worry about money!
After all, she has an aura of "poor batch of cannon fodder" hanging on her body.

Lou Sui's lips were red, and the mole under his eyes was eye-catching, he curled his lips, "You are so good, I hope you can do it."

How could anyone be willing to be imprisoned?
He had to double the number of security guards in Tingyuan.

After finishing speaking, Lou Sui glanced at Qi Yuan one last time, turned around and left without a trace of nostalgia from his back.

Qi Yuan opened his mouth and called Lou Sui, "You locked me in the room, are you going to do something?"

[Host, although it is already night, this system still wants to advise you not to be too outrageous, and take it easy while you are young. 】

"This young master nourishes his soul and returns to the God Realm as soon as possible, what's wrong?"

[...Is that so, haha——this system will go down to watch cartoons first! 】

The brain of the host - the 'Emperor (yellow) card' is serious.

In the spacious room, Lou Sui's back froze, his phoenix eyes flashed darkly, he didn't dare to think about touching her in a short time, let alone that she would be so active.

Normal people... shouldn't be afraid?

Lou Sui's eyes flickered, could it be that she wanted to lower his vigilance and take the opportunity to escape?

Thinking of this possibility, Lou Sui turned his back to Qi Yuan, without turning his head, his black loose pajamas covered his strong displeasure and panic, and said in a low voice, "Miss Qi, don't try to escape, Ting Yuan's armed forces are not You can take it."

Lou Sui stepped on the last word and left the room.

Qi Yuan crossed his legs and looked confused, "What the hell?"

Where did she say that she was leaving?
Did Lou Sui stuff cotton in his ears again?
In the first few days of getting along in Tingyuan, Lou Sui was always worried that Qi Yuan would leave, until he saw his charming manor with his own eyes and built a well-equipped laboratory, he finally realized that things were not simple.

For a whole month, Qi Yuan stayed in Tingyuan's laboratory from morning to night, and Lou Sui couldn't see her even if he wanted to.


Lou Sui just came back from the group. After getting off the car, he looked around the deserted manor, frowned and looked at the housekeeper, "Will you still be in the laboratory?"

This month, he thought she was relaxing his vigilance in the laboratory, but...

The research and development of high-yield seeds, the modification of aerospace protectors, the design of new weapons...

Except for the impromptu meals she made, everything she developed belongs to the top technology of current technology.

In order to prevent people with serious intentions from coveting, he tripled the security force, and at the same time completely blocked the news of Ting Yuan.

It was rumored from the outside world that he was hiding a beauty in a golden house, but he didn't know that what he hid was a beauty that would never be exchanged for money.

Lou Sui didn't go to the laboratory, turned around and walked to the trunk of the car, carried a bag into the living room, walked through the living room, and walked towards the kitchen.

At lunch, the aroma of the incense is strong and overbearing.

Lou Sui's freshly washed hands were slightly wet, and he walked towards the restaurant with a careless pace, rolling up his cuffs as he walked, revealing his white wrists, the veins were not exaggerated, and they were full of tension.

The chefs behind them carried the plates, put one delicious dish after another on the table, and then left.

In the spacious restaurant, steaming hot meals, the heat slowly rising from the dishes, warmly 'seduce' the diners to taste.

Lou Sui took the opportunity to sit down, his phoenix eyes scanned the dishes in front of him, his face was expressionless, he couldn't figure it out, what he wanted was not the current situation.

Originally, she was supposed to wait for him to come home at the hot dinner table, but now, he cooks the meal, and he waits for the people...

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