Chapter 27 Sir, Madam Reported You Again 27
Suyue Auction House.

The largest auction house in Beicheng, affiliated to Fengjia in Kyoto.

Because it was an auction of a world-class treasure, the Suyue Auction House was extremely lively tonight.

A woman in a beautiful dress, a coat or a shawl, and high heels.

Qi Yuan looked around, and before he could take a closer look, he was pulled into his arms by Jiang Sui, and Jiang Sui's muffled voice came from above his head, "Are they as good-looking as me?"

Qi Yuan took a deep breath, and because of the magic of Jiang Sui's great tonic, she shook her head decisively, looking very cute.

The people who looked sideways at Jiang Sui were secretly surprised.

These days, the Huanyu Group fell into the bottom of the valley, but suddenly came back to life, accepted three national projects, and became the leader of Beicheng.

They were trying to take the opportunity to win over Jiang Sui, but they didn't expect that Jiang Sui was already in his arms, and everyone's eyes turned to Qi Yuan in Jiang Sui's arms.

Everyone was curious as to who was the one who could be loved so much by Jiang Sui.

"It's just a joke."

There was a sudden sneer, and everyone was startled to look back.

I saw a woman in a long purple dress, stepping on high heels, holding Bai Fan's hand, with a haughty expression on her face.

"Who is that? I haven't seen it before. Do you know him?"

"I heard that she was Bai Mingxin's former best friend and manager. She was suddenly fired a while ago. I don't know why."

Everyone pointed at the woman in the purple skirt, and the woman in the purple skirt couldn't help but grit her silver teeth.

She was originally Bai Mingxin's best friend and also Bai Mingxin's manager. Some time ago, Bai Mingxin and Tang Jingchen were together, and when she was trying to take advantage of the opportunity, she was fired for no reason.

Later, she learned from Bai Mingxin that it was Tang Jingchen who heard this woman named Qi Yuan say it!

Jiang Sui held Qi Yuan in his arms and turned his head, facing Bai Fan and his female companion, his phoenix eyes were as usual, full of oppression, "Mr. Bai's woman doesn't seem to have learned the word polite."

Qi Yuan tugged at Jiang Sui's hand, his eyes glowed, and he said in a low voice, "I'll do it."

She is the villain!
For the mission, for Jiang Sui's purity, he worked hard!

Can the host be normal?

Can the villain be normal?

Can the hero be normal?

Only its system is normal, life is hard!
Qi Yuan stood in front of Jiang Sui with a sullen face, and his voice was cold and disdainful, "Bai Fan, after so many lessons, you still can't learn to be a man with your tail between your legs, right?"

Bai Fan remembered that the last time he was arrested in a hotel, it was Qi Yuan who reported him, and he was almost locked in!

Bai Fan gripped his female partner's hand more and more forcefully, the pain caused his female partner to gasp, her wrist was clenched red, but the female partner frowned tightly and said nothing.

"Qi Yuan, what kind of good do you think you were in the past?" Bai Fan sneered, a woman with a system rating of 0 points might be unbearable!

Qi Yuan rolled up his sleeves, and was about to have a fight with Bai Fan, but Jiang Sui grabbed her first.

"Mr. Jiang might as well look it up, the woman in your arms has been entangled with so many men in the past!"

Bai Fan became more and more confident, and firmly believed that Qi Yuan, who had 0 points, was extremely unbearable in the past.

"You step on the horse—"

Qi Yuan was dragged by Jiang Sui and almost jumped out.

The crowd gradually became noisy.

"Mr. Feng, why do you have time to come?" A flattering voice from far and near interrupted the confrontation in the hall.

Mr. Feng?
Qi Yuan pulled Jiang Sui, blinked and pretended to be cute, "Shall we go upstairs first?"

She had a bad feeling.

Jiang Sui looked down and saw that she was pretending to be obedient, knowing that she was hiding something from him, her heart was sour, and her lips parted slightly, "Okay."

He waited for the day when she would open her heart to him.

When Qi Yuan dragged Jiang Sui up the stairs cheerfully, he was stopped by someone, and for a moment, everyone's eyes focused on Qi Yuan.

"Ms. Qi Yuan, long time no see. Are you in such a hurry to go upstairs? My old friend is here, and you don't want to catch up?"

Surrounded by everyone, Mr. Feng smiled and walked towards Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan had no choice but to stop, and stared at the person who called her with a wooden face, "Long time no see."

Obviously, he was still pestering her a few days ago, with eight calls a day, she could only block him.

Mr. Feng saw that everyone was staring at him curiously, and with a malicious smile on his face, he introduced to everyone, "You don't know Ms. Yuan Qi, do you? Let me introduce you. Ms. Yuan Qi is the person who developed the 1211 pill!"

The air was instantly silent, and everyone's eyes became hot.

Bai Fan was puzzled, and asked his female companion next to him in a low voice, "What is 1211?"

The female companion gritted her teeth and stared at Qi Yuan viciously, "It is a special drug for heart disease. It is said that after the developer applied for a patent, he announced the production method and chemical formula of the drug to the world, and used the patent fee to set up a foundation."

Bai Fan snorted coldly, "Showing up the crowd!"

Give up part of the benefits in exchange for a greater reputation.

Jiang Sui couldn't say a word, looked at Qi Yuan, "You know a lot."

Not a high school dropout?

Qi Yuan nodded in satisfaction, "Yes."

At any rate, she has studied for hundreds of years, so she knows a little about everything.

Seeing that Mr. Feng had achieved his goal of building momentum for Qi Yuan, he accompanied Qi Yuan and Jiang Sui up the stairs.

"Miss Qi, the foundation you entrusted to run last time has already been established. You really decided to use Mr. Jiang's name?" Mr. Feng asked as he walked, his heart full of sighs, young people's feelings are just good.

Qi Yuan didn't hesitate, "Yes, there are other things?"

Qi Yuan stared at Mr. Feng, only feeling that the little old man who is nearly fifty years old is a bit too nagging.

Facing Shang Qi Yuan's unfriendly gaze, Mr. Feng rubbed his nose, knowing that he had disturbed the young couple getting along, he coughed lightly and said goodbye.

Just two steps away, Mr. Feng turned his back to Qi Yuan and said, "If Ms. Qi is interested, feel free to speak up, and the Feng family will pay for it."

Jiang Sui hugged Qi Yuan's shoulder forcefully, his lips hooked into a smile, and the bottom of his eyes was full of dissatisfaction, "Don't bother Mr. Feng."

She set up a foundation in his name, and to do this for him, he really wanted to... tie her by his side for the rest of his life.

Mr. Feng: "..."

After entering the box, after a while, the auction officially started.

What Jiang Sui took a fancy to was the final piece, but he was not stingy with some beautiful jewels.

"Next, there is a legend that a king personally made a crown for his beloved queen. It was made of rare blood diamonds and took one year and three months. After six centuries, it has been collected by private buyers many times , and now we have found it again! The love of the heart! The starting price is 500 million! Each increase must not be less than 100 million!"

Before the auctioneer could finish his sentence, the brands off-site went up and down, and the price approached 7000 million.

Jiang Sui flipped through the auction album and asked, "Do you like it?"

Qi Yuan hugged the water glass and nodded, his beautiful lips hooked lightly, "Very beautiful red."

After thinking about it, Qi Yuan added another sentence in order to conform to the villain's personality.

"The rich red like blood really makes people's blood boil~"

Jiang Sui: "..."

Is it late rebellious period?
That little kid Qi Pan has advanced the period of rebellion, but did her sister postpone the period of rebellion?

The two ancestors caught up together during the rebellious period?

Qi Yuan saw that Jiang Sui was deep in thought and remained motionless, so he pushed him and urged, "Shall we shoot?"

(End of this chapter)

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