Chapter 32 Tyrant, Take a Bite of Meat Bun 3
Qi Yuan's brows and eyes were cold, and his voice was cold.

"Change must be changed, and it must not be fixed."

Xiao Sui rested his fingers on his chin, his expression was obedient and soft, not like the tyrant he said outside, but he was full of arrogance and wantonness, which couldn't be concealed no matter what.

"Miss Qi thinks, how should we change it? Cancel exorbitant taxes and extortionate taxes? Reduce the number of troops? Add central officials?"

Xiao Sui repeated Qiu Rongyin's thoughts.

He hoped that Qi Yuan could give him a different answer, otherwise...he would be disappointed.

Qi Yuan thought for a while: "The steps are too big, and it's easy to get caught."

The air in the dungeon suddenly stagnated.

Miss Qi is worthy of being a soldier, her temperament is open, and her words are bold.

Xiao Sui raised his lips, and his phoenix eyes were filled with satisfaction, "Miss Qi, what should I do?"

Qi Yuan thought about her mission, which was beyond the scope of her mission.

"I'm white, so it's not appropriate to say these things. If it's okay, I'll leave first."

The villain needs to be weakened, but Xiao Sui is currently the emperor, so she can't take his throne, can she?
How hard!
The emperor got up earlier than a chicken, worked harder than a donkey, lived a shorter life, and had no freedom.

She is not brain-dead, why can't she think about being the emperor?
Wouldn't it be nice to travel the world?

Just as Qi Yuan turned around, two guards drew their knives and blocked her way.

Qi Yuan looked at the cold light of the knife, pursed his lips and remained silent.

Xiao Sui stood up and walked slowly towards Qi Yuan.

"Miss Qi, how about I restore you to your original position and continue to be your general?"

"As long as you are willing, your salary will be doubled, and I will give you a gold medal to avoid death. How about it?"

Qiu Rongyin: "!!!"

Why do dog tyrants treat them differently? !

Qi Yuan turned around, looked Xiao Sui up and down, and said with a cold face, "It's not good."

"Why doesn't Ms. Qi want to stay? It's my throne... so bloody?"

Xiao Sui's magnificent lips were pursed lightly, two points of madness surged from the bottom of his eyes, and his indifferent face was full of beauty.

Qi Yuan shook his head calmly, "I want to go home and sell buns."

The original owner wanted to lie flat and sell buns.

She can't help~
For the ordinary but great wish of the original owner, she can only say goodbye to fame and fortune~

The madness in Xiao Sui's eyes was all gone, and his expression could not be seen in the dark dungeon, "Selling... buns?"

Qi Yuan: "Yes."

Qi Yuan looks at Xiao Sui in doubt, the villain this time seems not very smart?

[Host, don't underestimate the enemy. The villain this time is a tyrant, the kind who kills without blinking an eye. Don't look at his good-looking skin, he has a dark heart!Half a month after ascending the throne, 25 officials were killed! 】

Xiao Sui's smile deepened, his eyes turned cold, "Miss Qi, even if you don't want to stay, you don't have to use this excuse."

Qi Yuan glared at Xiao Sui, "What's the benefit of me lying to you?"

"Since this is the case, I will send Miss Qi a shop and arrange to take care of Miss Qi to ensure that Miss Qi can sell buns safely."

Xiao Sui's tone was a little cold, and he looked at Xiao Yu, "Xiao Yu, you go with Miss Qi."

If you want to sell buns, then sell them well!

Qi Yuan: "..."

What's wrong?

But it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Xiao Yu still had a wooden face: "...Yes."

His eyes were lowered to hide the unrest in his heart.

He is a majestic master of the inner circle, the imperial bodyguard, and the leader of the hidden bodyguard, going to sell buns? !
Qi Yuan stared at Xiao Sui with suspicion, "Can I borrow some more money? It might not be easy to open a shop without a wallet."

She had a premonition that she would lose part of the money.

Xiao Sui: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Is Miss Qi bargaining with the tyrant?
Xiao Sui smiled, and pointed to the assassin who was hung on the torture tool, "Miss Qi, how do you deal with those assassins? If you satisfy me, I will give you 1000 taels of silver."

Qiu Rongyin winked at Qi Yuan and reminded in a low voice, "Reform through labor! Reform through labor!"

To change this feudal dynasty, we must start from scratch!
Qi Yuan looked at Qiu Rongyin, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said to Xiao Sui, "Cut it right away."

Just an assassin, the knife in the enemy's hand is irreconcilable.

Qiu Rongyin immediately became anxious, "The education we receive is not like this! Give people the opportunity to make mistakes! There are so many problems in this dynasty! Since we are here, how can we sit idly by?!"

Xiao Sui glanced at Qiu Rongyin, and said in a clear voice, "Xiao Fei, shut her mouth."

Qiu Rongyin: "..."

Dog tyrant! ! !
"Miss Qi, I am very satisfied with your answer, follow me to get the silver." Xiao Sui instructed Xiao Yu, "According to Miss Qi, deal with the assassin."

The crowd dispersed, and Huangfuzheng was thrown into the dungeon. He grabbed the door and shouted, "Xiao Sui, you bastard! Let me out! Qiu Rongyin, you vicious woman! You must die!"

A group of people moved to Chaolong Hall, the hall was extremely luxurious, with columns carved from white jade, inlaid with gold and precious stones, it was incomparably brilliant.

Xiao Sui lazily sat on the main seat, with a chic and unrestrained posture, and ordered to the palace servants, "Give Miss Qi a seat."

Qi Yuan was not polite and sat down directly.

Qiu Rongyin stood in the hall, lonely and somewhat cramped.

The palace servants in the palace stood in awe, lowered their heads and closed their eyes, and moved cautiously, not even daring to make a slight movement.

Xiao Sui waved the crowd away, and when they left, he looked at Qiu Rongyin.

"The education you have received? This dynasty? Make it clear, don't force me to use punishment."

Qi Yuan ate the cakes slowly, turning a deaf ear to Xiao Sui's words.

Xiao Sui didn't make things difficult for Qi Yuan either, seeing that she was eating happily, he turned his gaze away to Qiu Rongyin.

"Miss Qiu, if you don't tell me, the lives of hundreds of members of the Qiu family will die in front of you one by one." Xiao Sui rested his chin on his fingers, lazily, with a smile on his lips, "Perhaps, you will die every night." Can dream of an innocent relative."

Qi Yuan took a look at Xiao Sui and secretly sighed that he was so perverted.

Qiu Rongyin gritted her teeth, "I can tell you, but you can't tell! Apart from the three of us, no fourth person will know."

Qi Yuan bit the pastry, a little surprised.

"System, the heroine seems to be a bit weird. She travels through the information of the woman, and doesn't tell the hero, but the villain?"

[After all, she is a woman who destroyed a dynasty by herself. 】

Xiao Sui tapped his finger on the table, his phoenix eyes slightly raised, full of pressure.

"Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

Qiu Rongyin gritted her teeth, heartbroken, and confessed everything.

"Actually, we come from the future! I am a history student, and I came to this dynasty after accidentally falling into an ancient tomb."

As he said that, Qiu Rongyin dragged Qi Yuan into the water, "What about you? Why did you come to this dynasty?"

Xiao Sui also looked at Qi Yuan, narrowing his phoenix eyes, "Are you also from the future?"

Qi Yuan put down the pastry, clapped his hands, stood up, and straightened his body, "This deity comes from the God Realm, and is a goddess who has come to the mortal world."

Xiao Sui sneered and remained silent.

Qiu Rongyin pursed her lips, her expression was indescribable, no one would believe this excuse if she was over three years old!

【...Host, are you out of your mind? 】

Qi Yuan: "You don't believe me?"

Xiao Sui laughed lightly. I don't know if he was joking, but he thought it was interesting, "Miss Qi, why don't you tell me about your God Realm?"

Qi Yuan: "..."

This can't be said, the dog's breath is approaching, and she has a premonition that if she says more, she will be struck by lightning.

Simply, Qi Yuan shook his head, "This is taboo, you can't speak to ordinary people."

Of course Qiu Rongyin didn't believe it, "Miss Qi, I believe we come from the same place, what's the point of hiding it now? You might as well just say it straight!"

Qi Yuan blinked, "That's great."

"I'm a very pretty, very pretty girl, you can see that?"

Qiu Rongyin frowned: "..."

Xiao Sui looked away, "..."

"In my previous life, I was the best in the entertainment industry..."


Thunder roared.

"Ahem, I'm playing tricks in the entertainment industry."

Qiu Rongyin swallowed her saliva, and peeked out of the main hall, the weather is fine, how could there be a sudden thunder?

(End of this chapter)

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