Chapter 34 Tyrant, Take a Bite of Meat Bun 5
Qiu Rongyin was still complaining, "If I had known that the ancient tomb was weird, I wouldn't have been curious. Now it's all right, I can't go back, and I might lose my life at any time!"

It was drizzling, raindrops were falling from the sky, and the cold wind was blowing.

Qiu Rongyin stamped her feet angrily, "What the hell weather!"

Qi Yuan raised his head, wiped the rainwater off his face, and pulled Qiu Rongyin to hide at a palace gate. They can leave after the heavenly energy subsides.

This time, it was a real disaster.

Qi Yuan's eyes lit up, "Xiao Tiandao, you drenched me, and my body is even weaker. If you accidentally strangle your heroine and heroine to death, and the small world collapses, that's none of my business~"

Xiao Tiandao is still stuck in emo, hearing Qi Yuan's words, he can't wait to be struck by lightning to kill her!

What does it mean to have a weaker body and accidentally strangle its hero and heroine?

Is this human talk?
Xiao Tiandao was annoyed immediately, the purple lightning was shining in the clouds, ready to strike down at any time.

People in the capital were panicked, and there was no one on the road.

Qi Yuan yawned lazily, "Ah~ I feel weaker~"

Xiao Tiandao turned off the fire: "..."

In the future, it will definitely find something that can subdue her!

The rain gradually stopped, it rained in a hurry, and it stopped in a hurry.

Qiu Rongyin was shivering from the cold, grief poured out of her heart, and she burst into tears, "What should I do in the future—"

Qi Yuan raised his eyes and looked around, feeling bleak.

It turns out that this is touching the scene!

Qi Yuan patted Qiu Rongyin and boasted, "Sure enough, he is a qualified liberal arts student."

[Host, I advise you to be an individual. 】

The system jumped in a hurry, every extra day with the host, it was more likely to be scrapped.

Xiao Tiandao immediately blew up: "Smelly Qi Yuan! Let go of my heroine!"

Qi Yuan: "It's not big or small."

Saying that, Qi Yuan put down his hand, it seems that Qiu Rongyin's identity as the heroine will not change, that is to say, luck will remain and she will continue to grow.

Qi Yuan took a look and saw Qiu Rongyin was crying so hard that he couldn't help but touch his forehead, how long will this bad temper grow up!

"Miss Qi, Miss Qiu, His Majesty sent Xiao Yu to follow you two. In addition, this is the shop and 1000 taels of silver. Please accept it, Miss Qi."

Qiu Rongyin stopped crying, and blinked uncomfortably when she saw the land deed and bank notes.

"Sister, I can make buns, don't worry!"

Xiao Yu: "Miss Qiu, His Majesty sent Xiao Yu to make steamed buns, you just need to rest."

Of course, His Majesty intended to monitor these two people.

How could it be possible that he was only sent to make steamed stuffed buns?

Your Majesty is wise to use this excuse to confuse them!
Qiu Rongyin was afraid that Xiao Yu would steal her job, Xiao Sui didn't want her such great wisdom, she couldn't just beg for nothing, if she was killed, who would she cry to!
Qi Yuan and Xiao Yu glanced at Qiu Rongyin and knew what she was thinking.

Xiao Yu was really confused, Miss Qiu was a concubine after all, how did she survive with such a sweet heart?The good and the bad are all on the face, she really doesn't realize it?

Xiao Yu turned his eyes to look at Qi Yuan, neither happy nor sad, sure enough, this is in line with their style!

No wonder his Majesty has a high tolerance for Miss Qi!
Qi Yuan noticed that Xiao Yu was looking at her, frowned slightly, clenched the things in his hands, and said coldly, "Thank you."

Xiao Yu: "..."

Heh, being so greedy for money is not the same as them!

Definitely Not!
The three of them opened the shop. The shop that had been sealed for a long time was full of dust. Because of the disrepair, the roof of the shop even leaked rain.

Qiu Rongyin was worried again, "It's over, what can I do in this life..."

Qi Yuan took out ten taels of silver, "Xiao Yu, go find a bricklayer to repair it."

Qiu Rongyin withdrew her expression in an instant, "Sister must be hungry! I'll cook for you!"

Xiao Yu took the silver and quickly left the shop.

A month passed in a blink of an eye.

In the imperial study room, there was bursts of ambergris, and the palace servants stood upright with lowered eyebrows, and the sound of needles falling could be heard.

Xiao Sui looked at the dragon case, the letters written by Xiao Yu, one after another, were worthless.

"On the third day of this month: Miss Qi accidentally ignited the flour, burst the kitchen, and spent 15 taels of silver to repair it."

"On the fifth day of this month: Miss Qi's brothel to order girls, it costs 38 taels of silver."

"On the eighth day of the month: Miss Qi opened a shop to sell steamed stuffed buns, and she lost three taels of money in sales. She sold a steamed stuffed bun, but someone smashed up the stall, and Miss Qi beat the other party, and she lost three taels of silver."

"The tenth day of this month: Ms. Qi improved the steamed stuffed bun formula and successfully sold three steamed stuffed buns!"

"The fourteenth of this month: Miss Qi went to the temple and beat up the abbot. I don't know why."

"Eighteenth of this month: Ms. Qi sold fifteen steamed buns! There has been progress! But the subordinates have contributed a lot!"

"Twenty of this month: Not a single bun was sold today, but it was given to beggars in the city, and the turnover was at a loss of fifty taels."

Looking at these notes, Xiao Sui only felt a headache. He asked Xiao Yu to monitor the two people. Fortunately, he was more dedicated than his daily life!

He was very happy to see Xiao Yu selling buns!
Xiao Sui threw away the note, "Xiao Fei, get ready to leave the palace."

Xiao Fei chased after him, "Your Majesty needs to go to the bathroom, my subordinates will arrange for someone to come immediately—"

Xiao Sui raised his leg and gave Xiao Fei a kick, "Get out of the palace! Xiao Fei, if you talk nonsense again, I will send you to be a eunuch immediately!"

Xiao Fei's scalp was numb: "..."

The two changed into regular clothes and left the palace.

A hundred meters away from the imperial palace, there is a deserted small shop with a steamer in front of the shop, which is not high.

Qi Yuan gnawed on the steamed stuffed bun, half-closed his eyes and sat in the sun, feeling comfortable.

"The system, it doesn't matter if you sell steamed stuffed buns for the rest of your life, you will be self-sufficient."

[Host, in just one month, you have only 1000 taels of 500 taels left, and you are losing [-] taels of silver every day. 】

"Calm down, there is no businessman who keeps losing money."

[Yes, after losing money, you are no longer a businessman, but a beggar. 】

Qi Yuan bit the bun hard, and muttered, "This bun is obviously good, why is no one buying it?"

"how much is it?"

The clear youthful voice is like a clear spring stirring stones, and chalcedony jingling.

Qi Yuan's squinted eyes opened instantly, and he woke up in an instant, the villain's voice this time is so nice!

before going to bed...

[Host, I advise you to be kind, he is the object of your mission. 】

"It's because your mind is not clean. This young master just wants him to tell a bedtime story."

【Ha ha. 】

Qi Yuan refused to communicate with the system, raised his eyes to look at Xiao Sui, and said hello, "Master, how many buns do you want?"

"Come on..."

Xiao Fei coughed lightly and made some noise.

Xiao Sui: "Two."

Qi Yuan raised his hand and shouted behind him, "Xiao Yu! Pick up the guests! Two buns!"

People on the road looked sideways, curiously pointing at the bun shop.

Xiao Sui's face tightened, his face was serious and serious, and his eyes met Xiao Yu who jumped out quickly.

He didn't expect that in just one month, Xiao Yu's stupid temper would now jump around.

Seeing that it was Xiao Sui, Xiao Yu quickly straightened his posture and handed over the steamed stuffed bun respectfully, "Master, try it."

Xiao Sui took the plate and sat down at the table outside the store.

"Big girl! Big girl! Dad is here to see you!"

The travel-worn man ran to the stall, sat down directly, and greeted Qi Yuan, "Girl, daddy came to see you! Bring some buns for daddy."

(End of this chapter)

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