Chapter 5 Sir, Madam Reported You Again 5
"So, it's quite unfair. Dogs have no eyes!"

The original owner lived desperately, but in the end he couldn't live up to the sentence "bad luck only picks the poor", and ended his life carelessly.

Qi Yuan's face was sullen, and when he was breaking up with the system, there was a thunderous sound.


Then, there was a clear broadcast sound.

"Passengers on flight G789, please note that due to weather conditions, the plane's departure is delayed by one hour..."

【Host, Xiao Tiandao is not happy anymore. 】

Qi Yuan: "Go beat it another day."


Qi Yuan: "..."

Doesn't Gou Tiandao go to work?How idle is it to stare at her?

The plane arrived safely in Luzhen, a small town in the south of the Yangtze River.

Luzhen has beautiful mountains and clear waters, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant everywhere, and the air is full of light and fragrant. Being in it, you can only feel the mystery and softness of nature.

The guests of "The Pastoral With You" are two men and two women. Due to insufficient funds, the popularity is not high, and the whole show is in a state of failure.

Qi Yuan is very satisfied with this, and the fact that there are few people means that there are few things to do.

It's a pity, where there is a male protagonist, how can there be fewer things?

The shooting of the live variety show started in a small farmyard, backed by mountains, surrounded by mountains and rivers. Apart from remoteness and inconvenient transportation, there were no disadvantages.

The female guests are Qi Yuan and Tommy, both of whom are [-]th-tier; the male guests are Bai Fan and Zhou Ye, one is a second-tier bankrupt star, and the other is an [-]th-tier little transparent. In the entire program, only Bai Fan has the highest ranking.

The live broadcast time is from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm.

On August 8, at 29:[-] am, the live broadcast started as scheduled.

【Today I got up early to see my Mibao~】

【Our Fanfan is the most handsome~】

【Zhou Ye Zhou Ye Zhou Ye】

The bullet chatting started, although the scrolling was cheerful, but the number of live broadcasts was only a few more than 4000 people.

In the girls' room, Tommy had already put on his makeup and began to fold the quilt, while on the other bed, Qi Yuan was wrapped in a quilt and slept extremely soundly.

Tommy only glanced at it, and continued to fold his quilt as if he hadn't seen anything.

[No, I came to watch the live broadcast, but ended up sleeping while watching the live broadcast? ! ! 】

[Refund! ! ! 】

[Who is sleeping, get up and live broadcast for me! ! ! 】

The grievances that belonged exclusively to the beating workers floated all over the screen, and was discovered by a video editing blogger who went around the channel, edited a video, and rushed to the trending search in an instant.

# Live sleep? !Hit the workers and scold me! #

Therefore, the migrant workers who were fishing for fish went to the live broadcast of "I Have You in the Pastoral", and in an instant, the live broadcast room had over 10,000+ online users.

In the room, Tommy folded the quilt, glanced at the camera as if nothing had happened, and patted his head angrily, "Oh, why did you forget to wake up just now? If you don't, it will be too late."

【exactly!Wake her up for labor and management! ! ! 】

[My biological clock is formed, how can she sleep so soundly!Don't sleep! 】

[Wake her up, I'll brush the sports car right away! 】

The full screen of "Wake her up" was mixed with shouts of swiping presents, and the director was delighted from ear to ear in the background.

Qi Yuan was in a daze, feeling someone was calling her, Qi Yuan pulled up the quilt, and his voice was hazy, unique and elegant: "Don't make trouble."

Tommy's face was almost tense, how could she sleep so soundly? !Isn't she worried about the show? !Does she have no fans?Does she not care about image? !
Finally, Qi Yuan was thrown off the quilt, and with his messy hair on his head, he stared at the clock and said in a muffled voice, "I woke up early today, so I can go back to sleep."

As she said that, Qi Yuan straightened up and hit the bed with her head on the bed board. The pain caused her to wake up instantly. She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling with a distorted expression: "Hiss——"

Tommy couldn't help laughing, and silently looked away. This girl is quite cute.


【Retribution and retribution~】

【How can migrant workers sleep late?】

[I just like unpretentious ones, so I paid attention. 】

[Wait, why doesn't this Qi Yuan have Weibo? 】

Qi Yuan didn't know that the popularity of the live broadcast room was soaring, and it was constantly rising. She only heard that dogs wouldn't watch this show.

Qi Yuan lay on the bed and looked at Tommy, "Teacher Tang, please sleep a little longer. Anyway, no one is watching, so it's better to sleep comfortably."

The corner of Tommy's mouth twitched: "...When can't you sleep? It's live broadcast now."

"Isn't there no one watching this live broadcast? I heard that the number of people online is bought by the director himself."

Tommy pursed his lips, feeling relieved, and simply put on a show: "I've heard that too. Tell me, is the director sick? The show is losing money, and he won't give up."

Qi Yuan raised a finger, with a serious face: "Generally speaking, this kind of person is very persistent in their goals. According to the director, he has done ten episodes without splashing out. The director is very persistent."

[The director is so persistent, sure enough, he didn't succeed easily. 】

[Help every dream, pay attention! 】

[The little girl's three views are correct! 】

Qi Yuan stretched out his second finger again, "Of course, the director is not obsessed, he is avoiding something related to his family."

Tommy smiled, with a real smile, "You little girl, can you tell fortunes?"

Qi Yuan bent his lips and did not answer.

The director behind the camera was stunned, "Ms. Qi, please come to the director's office tonight."

He is indeed avoiding some things.

He has an intuition, Qi Yuan, who can give him the answer, this intuition is extremely strong.

North City.

"Xu Ling, please don't call labor and management! We don't dare to mess with you, we want to kill you!" Hua Ren yelled at the phone, "Warning you, if you dare to harass us again, we will call the police."

Huaren hung up the phone, her head was buzzing, she pressed her temples, and she was still cursing, "What the hell! It's really unlucky for eight lifetimes to meet such a poisonous woman."

In the heavy Chinese-style living room, Huaren's cursing was extremely abrupt.

Jiang Sui poured a cup of tea and put it in front of Huaren, his movements were indescribably dignified and elegant, Huaren immediately fell silent, a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I shouldn't..."

Jiang Sui's lips curved slightly, although he didn't have a smile, but he was more friendly, "Mr. Hua doesn't need to apologize, Miss Qi's matter is handled well, and Miss Qi can rest assured."

Huaren's eyes were full of curiosity, and he looked at Jiang Sui carefully. The Tang suit all over his body must be custom-made, and the embroidery is exquisite, definitely handmade.The whole body has a dignified temperament, but danger is dormant.This villa looks very grand, but one glance, you know that the owner is not simple.

Hua Ren was curious, when did Qi Yuan, his family, know such a character?If I had said it earlier, Panpan, that girl wouldn't have had to suffer for so long!
"By the way, for this Panpan operation, thank you, Mr. Jiang, for finding a doctor for Panpan and paying the medical expenses in advance." Huaren breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, she was sent to the operating room before it deteriorated, "You Don't worry, we will return the money to you as soon as possible."

Millions, how long will they have to work?
But how long can't you do it!
Jiang Sui nodded slightly. He couldn't find any useful information about Qi Yuan. The little girl was like a bomb. He didn't know when it would go off, either others or them.

Jiang Sui tapped the teacup with his fingers, and bent his lips to pretend to be easy-going, "Second Miss Qi is staying in Sheng'an Hospital for the time being to recuperate. There are top-notch medical resources there. We can talk about other things when Miss Qi comes back."

(End of this chapter)

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