Chapter 53 Tyrant, Take a Bite of Meat Bun 24
Xiao Sui stood up directly, feeling cold all over his body, "Go to the dungeon."

He wanted to see how Huangfu Zheng escaped from the dungeon, which was heavily guarded!

[Host, this is even more chaotic, what should I do? 】

"What the hell did Xiao Tiandao do?"

Qi Yuan's tone was affirmative.


The system is frightened, lest its host will be unhappy, and both sides will suffer directly.

In other words, the way of heaven is too hateful, the villain's blackening value is going to explode, it will add fuel to the fire and release the male protagonist.

Is it not messy enough?
"Dog Tiandao gave the hero the golden finger?"

[Ah, the host is so smart! 】

The system can only please its host while keeping an eye on the system background.

That's great, the host is upset, the heavens add fuel to the fire, the two ancestors!
The system opened the document again, and it was another day to write a resignation letter.

Qi Yuan gritted his teeth, followed Xiao Sui into the chariot, and went to the dungeon together.

Xiao Sui sat lazily, his crow-like eyelashes drooping slightly, his long and narrow phoenix eyes half closed, his slender fingers resting on his forehead, three parts fairy bone, seven parts coquettish.

Qi Yuan sat silently by the side, staring at Xiao Sui with a blank expression, eating pastries.

Xiao Sui noticed Qi Yuan's eyes, warm and straightforward, he was slightly awkward, tilted his head, raised his eyes lazily, and his eyelashes were raised, making him even more enchanting.

Qi Yuan's black and white eyes were still staring at Xiao Sui.

Xiao Sui is getting more and more demonic, she is not used to it~
Qi Yuan raised her eyes, there was no cloud in the sky, she tapped her fingers, and the fingertips moved slightly on her legs, slender and flexible.

There was a slight curve on Qi Yuan's lips, light and harsh.

God damn it.

Hurt each other.

The two were silent all the way, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

When they arrived at the dungeon, the officials on duty knelt down on the ground, apprehensively picking up the car. Although the weather was sunny, it was about to be destroyed by wind and rain.

Xiao Sui supported Qi Yuan, and slowly stepped down from the chariot. The oppression of the momentum made all the officials' heads stick to the ground, and their bodies trembled. Qi Yuan glanced over, even worried that they would faint in the next second.

"Drag down—"

Qi Yuan didn't give Xiao Sui a chance to show off, so he dragged Xiao Sui towards a high wall.

All the officials hadn't waited for a long time to pronounce the sentence. Out of courageous curiosity, they quietly raised their heads and looked over. They saw their cruel emperor being dragged away by the demon queen. It's not a favor, it's like an ordinary couple!
Ordinary couples get along, the wife is tough, and the husband is unhappy on the surface, but happy in his heart.

The official quickly lowered his head, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, not daring to spy any more.

Xiao Sui was dragged and couldn't keep up. He refused to admit that he was not as fast as Qi Yuan, so he coaxed softly, "My queen, this is outside, you should give me some face."

Qi Yuan glanced at him lightly, "Don't be vain in life. Vanity."

Xiao Sui was ashamed: "I am the emperor!"

Qi Yuan: "Oh, even more vain."

Xiao Fei was almost tripped, and stared at the back of his Majesty's head in surprise, why hasn't His Majesty learned a lesson, hasn't he been crushed enough?
Soon, Qi Yuan dragged Xiao Sui and stopped in a tunnel, which had traces of lightning strikes and was scorched black enough for one person to pass through.

Xiao Sui looked coldly, "Xiao Fei, go down and have a look."


After Xiao Fei entered the tunnel, Xiao Sui lowered his eyes and stood where he was, with a gloomy breath.

Xiao Sui held Qi Yuan's hand tightly, and said in a low voice, "I'll always be an outcast, right?"

Heaven seems to be on Huangfu Zheng's side, and even if he wins for a while, it is only a charity from heaven.

At that moment, Xiao Sui was surrounded by loneliness, with his head down, as if he was abandoned outside the world.

【Host!Great opportunity, quickly comfort the villain and lower his blackening value! 】

Qi Yuan was held by Xiao Sui with one hand, so she had no choice but to stretch out the other hand and pinch Xiao Sui's chin, "Be confident. You are a tyrant, holding a million troops, what are you afraid of? Besides, there is me exist."

Since Gou Tiandao dotes on its hero, don't blame her for pampering the villain.

Anyway, it's pretty much the same, so don't blame anyone.

[Is that so...comforting? 】

How do you feel something is wrong?

Shouldn't you hug your waist and say 'I'm still here, I'll never abandon you'?

Xiao Sui obviously didn't listen to Qi Yuan's words, he was immersed in his own world, "Don't worry, even if I try my best, I will protect you well."

Qi Yuan let go of Xiao Sui with a sullen face, and turned his head in disgust. Sometimes Xiao Sui was very annoying and couldn't understand.

It's her who will settle Huangfu Zheng, and Xiao Sui will feel sad and sad in the palace.

[Host, don't give up, blackening value, blackening value! 】

Qi Yuan kicked the system, she has already comforted her once, what else do you want from her?

You can't push your limits in life.

After a while, Xiao Fei poked out from the tunnel, disheveled, seeing his majesty with a dark face and a sad body, and the empress on the other side with a look of disgust, he paused, hesitated for a moment, and then jumped up.

Has His Majesty offended his wife?
How many times do you make trouble this day?

Why is she more delicate than the little girl in the storybook?

Xiao Fei thought for a while, walked over, and explained to Qi Yuan, "Madam, the tunnel leads to Huangfuzheng's cell, which just accommodates one person to pass through, and the tunnel is scorched and smelly. It doesn't look like it was man-made, but more like... lightning..."

Xiao Fei's tone became more and more empty, it was unbelievable, he had never seen Lei who could open a tunnel, and no one would believe him if he said it?
Hearing this, Xiao Sui glanced at Xiao Fei, his tone was slightly cold, "Can't you see me?"

Xiao Fei: "..."

Is it his fault again? !

Qi Yuan: "..."

Unreasonable trouble!

Xiao Fei resolutely admitted his mistake, the present is not what it used to be, his Majesty's mind is not normal, "I know my mistake."


Following Qi Yuan's example, Xiao Sui responded in a nonchalant way.

Qi Yuan really couldn't see it, and waved at Xiao Fei, telling him to back down first.Qi Yuan pulled Xiao Sui, left the dungeon, and took him to the imperial garden.

The hailstorm completely destroyed the Imperial Garden, and the palace servants displayed all the delicate flowers in the flower room. In the desolate present day, the Imperial Garden can be said to be isolated from the world, blooming brightly and enthusiastically today.

Qi Yuan originally wanted Xiao Sui to relax, but who knows...

"Without Huangfuzheng's blood, the flowers would not grow beautifully."

Qi Yuan smiled and rubbed his wrists, she felt that the villain deserved a beating, and he would be honest after a beating.


Notes on the daily life of Dayuan: On the tenth day of the fifth month of the first year of Shengyuan, Emperor Wu of the Yuan Dynasty and the empress played in the imperial garden, and the emperor and empress were harmonious and loving.Set a precedent in history.

Back in Chaolong Hall, Xiao Sui sat on the side of the couch with a cold face, letting Qi Yuan rub the medicine on him.

Qi Yuan resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "Be good in the future, understand?"

Xiao Sui: "Oh."

Qi Yuan squeezed Yao's hand tightly, and she lowered her body, clung to Xiao Sui's ear, and coaxed in a low voice, "Be good, and beat you softly next time."


The host is so upset, why can he find the object?

The villain's love brain is really terminally ill!

With a bitter face, Xiao Fei interrupted the two at an inappropriate time, "Your Majesty, your mother's biological parents want to see you two."

"Go away."

Qi Yuan has no emotions, since the relationship is broken, don't see each other again.

Before Xiao Fei retreated, Xiao Yu came in to report.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the Qi family couple were robbed and disappeared."

Xiao Fei looked at Xiao Yu in surprise, he should ask Xiao Yu how to speak!Speaking is indeed a science!
(End of this chapter)

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