Chapter 72
Qi Yang raised his foot and kicked 'Good Brother', "She asked you to write it, don't yell at me!"

Qi Yuan raised his hand and pressed Qi Yang's red forehead, Qi Yang bared his teeth, tilted his head, and rolled his eyes at Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan bent his lips, "A thousand-word review, leave it to me tomorrow."

Qi Yang: "..."

He fights for her!
Don't fight next time!

Fight for her again, he is a dog!

"Oh~" A girl came over, smiling and mocking, "I don't know if Brother Yang has improved in writing the review, but the composition has improved a lot."

As soon as the words were finished, the whole class roared with laughter. After all, Qi Yang's composition level is obvious to all.

"Is Teacher Qi there? The principal invites you to the office."

At the door, a little girl timidly knocked on the door, looked at the group of Class Ten, and whispered.


The little girl nodded, looked at Class Ten curiously, with envy in her eyes, and trotted away.

Qi Yuan ordered, 'Chinese class self-study', and then left the classroom.

Principal's office.

The headmaster has half-white hair and is hale and hearty. He is scribbling something in his notebook.

Qi Yuan knocked on the door and entered the office.

"Xiao Qi, you have been in our No. [-] Middle School for more than a month, how do you feel?"

Qi Yuan's spirit brightened in an instant. Isn't this set of speech skills the classic quotations from the boss?

Should she follow along?
"It's okay, quite substantial."

The principal smiled, put down his pen, got up and poured Qi Yuan a glass of water, "There are rumors in the school these days, Teacher Qi should have heard about it."


The principal choked for a moment. This teacher Qi was young and restrained. For a while, he couldn't tell who was the boss, he or her.

"What does Teacher Qi think about this matter?" The principal asked again, "After all, it is a school, so it will not have a good influence on the students."

"What does the principal want to do?"

Qi Yuan picked up the water glass, took a sip slowly, put down the water glass, and looked at the principal.


Suddenly the pressure doubles.

The principal kicked the ball to Qi Yuan again, laughing and laughing, "Mr. Qi, the rumors spread here mainly affect students' learning. After all, as teachers, our main task is to teach students, not to distract them."

"Never before has a teacher had such breadth..."

Qi Yuan picked up the water glass again, listened to the principal's long speech, and took a few sips of water slowly.

Finally, the headmaster revealed his purpose.

"Ms. Qi, your teaching ability is excellent, and the school is proud of having talents like you."

The principal couldn't help admiring him. He also had great ambitions in his previous teaching career, and he also hoped that he could bring the misguided teenagers back on track. Unfortunately, he didn't have this ability.

But Qi Yuan was different. In just one month, the grades of the last worst class improved by leaps and bounds. Except for some subjects that required laying the foundation and requiring a lot of memorization, other subjects far surpassed other classes.

And these changes are all because of Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan nodded and accepted all the principal's compliments.

"Next week in the physics competition in Beijing, the school plans to select a student from your class to accompany the students in the experimental class to participate. You will go with you and learn by the way."

"I'm a Chinese teacher."

The principal waved his hand indifferently, "Yes! You take the students to the competition, let Teacher Xu stay to teach physics, and they will help you teach Chinese by the way, so they can help each other."

Qi Yuan: "..."

Not right.

Ten classrooms.

"Qi Yang, what do you think my sister is doing in the principal's office? The principal doesn't believe those lies, does he?"

"Who knows!" Qi Yang scribbled and wrote the self-criticism, "I hope my sister won't smash the principal's office."

After being kicked out by Qi Wu, he thought that he and his sister had no place to go, and the most they could do was stay at a friend's house.

Unexpectedly, his sister started a business in partnership with others, and buying a house was easy.

He asked his sister, since she already has a lot of money and the business is good, why does she still have to be a teacher and work until late every day before she can rest?
His sister raised her head, with a melancholy expression on her face, and slowly uttered a word, "Fate."

Qi Yuan opened the classroom door, but before he stepped in, the whole class looked over in unison, their big black eyes full of curiosity.

"There will be a physics competition in Beijing next week, one place, who will go?"

The students looked at each other, and no one raised their hands for a long time.

"Nobody going?" Qi Yuan frowned, "How many of the last physics test with full marks will take part?"

Jiang Ming raised his hand, "Teacher, me."

Qin Zhao also raised his hand, "Teacher, I want to try too."

Qi Yang: "That, I also want to try."

Then, several boys and girls in the front row raised their hands.

"Teacher, is there only one place?"

Qi Yuan thought for a while, "Register first, as for the quota, I will figure out a way."

After writing down the list of students who wanted to participate, Qi Yuan left the classroom with the words 'self-study'.

In the end, the tenth class got five places to participate, the same as the experimental class, but no one knew how Qi Yuan did it.

Fast forward to Saturday.

"Don't go."

Qi Yuan refused coldly, kicked Chai Yu's car by the way, kicked lightly, and kicked a hole.

Chai Yu: "..."

his car!
Just got a new car!
"Your new project is too big. I can't afford it. I need new investors. It's understandable that they want to see you."

Chai Yu tried to reason and asked Qi Yuan to go to an interview with him, but Qi Yuan was never a compromiser.

"Then cooperate with the higher-ups for mutual benefit." Qi Yuan said with a cold face, "The beast walks alone, but the greedy desire grows stronger. You will have to go in sooner or later."

Human beings are only a hundred years old, so why bother with wanton and crazy desires.

Devoured by desire, what is lost in the end is the soul.

For human beings, the loss of the soul represents the real demise.

[Host, suddenly there is philosophy and depth, I am not used to it for some reason. 】

The host usually doesn't look like an educated person either.


The familiar kick flew, the system was relieved.

Chai Yu smiled, disagreed with Qi Yuan's 'go in', and said indifferently, "Miss Qi, can you run away from a grasshopper on a rope?"


Simply neat.

The tone is sure.

Chai Yu: "..."

It's meaningless to talk like this.

Qi Yuan took a bag of pastries, bypassed Chai Yu, and walked towards home.

Chai Yu watched Qi Yuan's back gradually drifting away, holding back a breath of suffocation in his chest, every time he met, he would be pissed off by her.

There is no way, Qi Yuan is too capable, whether it is the ability to create and innovate, or the ability to lead and manage, he can't let her go, he can only be an ancestor.

Looking at the hole in the new car, Chai Yu became even more depressed, and couldn't help kicking again. At the same time, he was also thinking about the feasibility of Qi Yuan's suggestion.

In a blink of an eye, Qi Yuan and his party arrived in the capital and stayed in the competition dormitory.

[Host, capital city~mission progress~big tonic~]

"I know, don't disturb."


What's wrong with the host?
(End of this chapter)

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