Chapter 74
Physical arena.

During the intermission, Qi Yuan rushed back.

Teacher Zhang, the leader of the experimental class, was very angry, "Mr. Qi is at ease. I only saw people in the last game. The paid vacation is very beautiful."

Qi Yuan ignored him, ignored him, and walked towards the five students in class ten.

After all, she does play with pay.

When the five people saw Qi Yuan, they excitedly waved at her and ran over.

"Sister! We will definitely give you the first place this time!"

"Yes, sister, just wait and see!"

"Sister, I'm going back to Jiangcheng tomorrow, why don't we go out for a stroll tonight?"

Qi Yuan took out five ten-yuan coupons, and gave out one to each of them, "Go by yourselves, be careful."

She needs to catch up on sleep tonight.

Tired for a week, owed 90 points, 0% of the task was motionless.

Ha ha.

The five people looked at each other in blank dismay, the ten yuan in their hands was a bit hot, and when they wanted to refuse, Qi Yuan had already disappeared.

Jiang Ming habitually stroked the broken hair on his forehead, "Qi Yang, what have you been doing these days?"

The girl was also curious, "Miss, did you go out to meet men?"

The four of them looked at the girl together, "..."

The girl smiled and waved her hand, "Just kidding, by the way, how about we buy some exotic things for sister tonight?"

"Yes." Qi Yang's eyes narrowed, "If she is happy, she should be able to leave less homework."


Really worthless!

At the end of the physics competition, the five people ran around madly, but they didn't go far. There is no need to worry about the safety issue. Seven or eight security personnel secretly protect it. It can't be safer.

On the car back to Jiangcheng.

Just as Qi Yuan sat down and was about to catch up on another sleep, a group of people from Qi Yang came up.

"Sister, are you sleepy? Haven't you slept enough yet?" Qi Yang joked.

"Is something wrong?"

"Sister, we went shopping for a long time yesterday and bought you a gift." Qi Yang smiled, "Guess what it is."

Qi Yuan pinched his fingers, and Jiang Ming blinked, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.


Qi Yang's smile froze on his face, and he blinked.

Only then did Qi Yuan raise his eyelids, leaning lazily against the window, looking at the surprised five people, and cooperating perfunctorily, "Oh, you guessed it right."

Interrogative sentences, declarative tone.

It's a perfunctory taste.

"Sister, are you unhappy?"

Qi Yuan pulled his lips, and raised his hand to grab Qi Yang's collar, "Did you see my dark circles?"


Terribly sleepy.

Points owed.

I owe it all.

If it was the big tonic that disturbed her sleep, she would kick him ten meters away.

Unfortunately, it is her dear students.

Qi Yang took a glance, quickly shifted his gaze, and turned to the other four people for help, "Ahem..."

The other four quickly looked away, refusing to make eye contact with Qi Yang.

Qi Yang's eyes widened suddenly, a group of guys without loyalty!

Don't try to copy his homework next time!

Qi Yuan let go, rolled his eyes, and stretched out his hand to Qi Yang, "Bring it."

Qi Yang pouted, and put an exquisite harmonica into Qi Yuan's palm, "Sister, you have to take good care of it, we bought it after shopping for a long time."

Qi Yuan lifted his lips and pierced Qi Yang's words mercilessly, "I'm afraid it's only enough to buy a harmonica."

Qi Yang: "..."

Isn't that just 50 yuan for them!
When he makes money in the future, give her an outrageously expensive one!

scare her to death!
"Reciprocity, I will give you a few small gifts when I go back." Qi Yuan reluctantly put away the harmonica and put it in the system space.

"System, put it away, don't lose it."

[OK!Is the host really happy? 】

"No, my young master keeps it, just to see if there are any cheaper gifts than this in the future."

[tsk. 】

It's a pity that there are no dead ducks in the Chinese zodiac, otherwise, it would be the host.

This mouth is stubborn!

After a bumpy journey, he finally returned to Jiangcheng.

In the early morning, during the morning reading, the sound of reading in the corridor is loud, and the autumn wind pushes the sunshine into the classroom, full of vigor and youth.

As soon as Qi Yuan entered the classroom, he saw a stack of notebooks on the desk, and his eyes were puzzled.

She remembered that before leaving, there was no homework left.

"Teacher, here is the review." A student raised his hand first and explained, "There are 150 copies in total, and each of the thirty students has five copies."

Qi Yuan: "The reason."

Have nothing to do?
The student was embarrassed, and continued to explain, "We had a few fights during your absence this week. That is a written self-criticism, don't worry, it's a thousand words!"

"An average of one fight per person per day?"

The whole class looked at Qi Yuan in unison, with clear eyes, they said brightly: "Yes, yes, yes!"

"The reason." Qi Yuan sat down with a stern face, subconsciously clasping his fingers on the table.

The beautiful slender fingers tapped, in the silent classroom, it seemed full of urgency and pressure.

A tall and slender girl stood up bravely, her clear voice was very tough.

"They broke their mouths, and we did it."

"Yes, and we wrote a review!"

A tall and thin boy stood up and looked directly into Qi Yuan's cold eyes.




Then, one student after another stood up, Qi Yang and the other five simply stood up together when they saw this.

Protecting Qi Yuan is what they are willing to do, and no punishment can stop it.

Amidst the sound of reading, Class Ten was surprisingly quiet, breathing could be heard, everyone's backs were straight, and their eyes were clean and unyielding.

With a kind of stubbornness like fire.

Qi Yuan twitched his index finger lightly, his black and white eyes flickered, and he pursed his lips in silence.

A little panic.

Her students have million points in the second grade.


Isn't this very reasonable?
The second stage of the host has not passed.

A litter of secondary illnesses.

"Teacher Qi, what are you doing in your class? Standing as a punishment? Could it be that you have done something wrong again? Or are you absent in class and not studying?"

At the door, Mr. Wang, who was rushing to class, passed by, glanced curiously, stopped, his eyes were shining brightly, and he looked like he was watching a good show.

All the students rolled their eyes at Teacher Wang in unison.

Qi Yuan: "..."

You probably know why you fought.

I can't speak too much, so I rushed to put my face up to beg for a beating,
Teacher Wang was annoyed, "Mr. Qi! The students in your class are too uneducated! It really is a poor class. It's fine if you can't study well, but they are also uneducated!"

"Teacher Wang, the person who accuses others of being uneducated in person is uneducated without knowing it."

Qi Yuan supported the table, stared at Teacher Wang, raised his arm slightly, and signaled all the students in Class [-] to sit down, with an imposing manner.

The students in class ten sat down obediently, their eyes staring brightly. They had long been displeased with Teacher Wang from the experimental class.

Teacher Qi is different. Teacher Qi doesn't speak when he sees that they are not pleasing to the eye, and just pinches the stone.They were afraid that she would do it, but they knew she wouldn't do it, so they chased her all day long to tease her.

When Teacher Wang saw Qi Yuan contradicting himself, he couldn't hold back his face, and was worried that it would be rumored that he would lose face in Class Ten, and that he would be slapped in the face by Qi Yuan, a new teacher.

"Mr. Qi, are you accusing me of being uneducated?!"

(End of this chapter)

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