Chapter 81
"Empty white teeth. Is there evidence?"

Qi Yuan's expression remained unchanged, and the surrounding teachers looked at each other with dim and unclear expressions in their eyes.

"Mr. Qi, please come with us, don't make it difficult for both parties. If it is fake, we will also clear your innocence."

"Yes, yes." Qi Yuan raised his eyes slightly, "In this case, Mr. Wang, I will report you to accept the gift by real name."

The clown is always looking for a sense of presence.

It's really annoying.

"According to the regulations, Mr. Wang, let's take a walk together."

The man frowned and retorted Qi Yuan, "Ms. Qi, Mrs. Wang is my wife. I know who she is. I do this kind of work. As a family member, she will not make such low-level mistakes." .”

"Which regulation allows relevant staff members to shield family members?"

Qi Yuan snorted lightly, with impatience surging between his brows.

"Forget it, it's okay, Teacher Qi is in a bad mood, don't worry about it." Teacher Wang tugged at her husband's arm, smiling amiably and tolerantly, "Mr. Qi, I don't have class this morning, I'll go with you Bar."

What's so scary about her, her husband will protect her; as for Qi Yuan, who is alone with a burdensome younger brother, who can protect her?

There were whispers in the office, all of which were envy for Teacher Wang.

"Teacher Wang's husband is good-looking and tall, mainly because he has a good job."

"I really envy Teacher Wang."

"I've heard about it a long time ago. It's the first time I saw you. It's really good. It's a good match."

"I heard that Mr. Wang plans to have a child recently. With the gene of the child's father, the child will definitely be excellent in the future."

"That's right, it must be the material for the Beijing University exam."

Qi Yuan was embarrassed to hear this, it was the first time he heard a compliment about someone, not about the other party, but about the other party's husband and Wuyinger's child.

"Don't waste your time, let's go first." Teacher Wang's husband nodded politely, looked at Qi Yuan with a cold face, "Mr. Qi, come with us."

Qi Yuan didn't refute, his cold eyes glanced at the man, the man was a little uncomfortable, his eyes dodged, Qi Yuan just lifted his leg and walked by.

Big break, class ten.

"Let me take a bite! Just one bite!"

"Don't grab it..."


The door of Class No. [-] was kicked open, Jiang Ming's face was reddish, sweat dripped from his forehead, and he panted heavily, "Sister, sister was taken away!"


The classroom in Class [-] fell silent for a moment, Jiang Ming tried to calm his breathing and explained quickly.

"I heard that someone reported that my sister received the gift and was taken away!"

Qi Yang immediately frowned, "Where did it come from? So outrageous?"

His sister doesn't like to deal with people, let alone accept gifts.

What's more, what kind of gift can a person who regards jade as a stone see?

Jiang Ming naturally didn't believe it either, "I'll go out next class, so I won't let my sister feel wronged."

Qi Yang frowned, "Are you going to skip class? The next class is for the chemistry old man, and he's very strict."

"Strictly strict, I got full marks in the chemistry test, not bad for this class." Jiang Ming tugged at his collar, his unruly eyebrows were a little arrogant, "Ma De, they have been quiet for so long, and they don't even remember Class Ten." Don't mess with it!"

The former Class Ten was notorious, and no one wanted to provoke it.

"Jin Jing, write a review for the labor and management, and the labor and management will go out for a while."

Jin Jing picked up a book and threw it at Jiang Ming in a temper tantrum, "Sister, don't let me swear."

Jin Jing is not a well-behaved one either, the former eldest sister was a thorn in the back with many tricks and ruthlessness.Later, the reputation of stabbing head disappeared, and the reputation of being a foodie was left.

"That's enough, that's enough! Nah!" Jiang Ming patted his hair irritably. The fluffy hair is usually well-behaved, but now it is only wanton.

Qi Yang pursed his lips. When his sister saw this scene, she must lift their skulls, right?Don't worry about one or two.

Qi Yang remained calm. He didn't believe that Qi Yuan would have an accident. What's more, he was obviously wronged. He probably will be back soon. The most urgent thing is to stabilize the mood of the tenth class, so as not to make trouble.

"Jiang Ming, wait a moment, my sister will be fine."

"Qi Yang, are you intimidated?" Jiang Ming's beautiful eyes were full of anger, "Can you be a little bit more responsible?"

Qi Yang: "..."

Jiang Ming's brain ran away from home?
Nothing will happen to his sister, why is Jiang Ming so arrogant?

Jiang Ming turned around and said, "I'll go out for a while."

"I am coming too!"

"I am coming too!"

Qi Yang: "!!!"

Why are you all riding horses to join in the fun? !

This is making trouble, right? !
"You are not allowed to go." Qi Yang stiffened, and assured again and again, "My sister will never have any accidents, and you all go to class well."

If they sneak out, it will really add trouble.

At that time, the higher-ups will definitely report and criticize his sister, the Chinese teacher and head teacher.


Qi Yang covered his forehead with tears in his eyes, watched a group of people running downstairs, and cursed in a low voice, "It's really worrying!"

No wonder his sister had a cold face all day long. If he was their teacher, he would be polite to them if he didn't do anything.

Qi Yang looked at the few people left in Class Ten, "Is there a Band-Aid?"

The little girl shook her head, "Qi Yang, you are too cowardly, since you won't go, then write the review with us."

"Yes, it's a pity that we won't climb over the wall, otherwise we would have gone out."

"It's fine now, we will write a review in the rear, and they will save my sister."

Qi Yang: "..."

Save yourself!
Her sister is not happy that the group will be wiped out, can't she just wait?

"Qi Yang, your handwriting is ugly, you can help Zhang Yang write it, his handwriting is ugly."

Qi Yang pursed his lips, silently took the paper handed over by the girl, "Heh."

There are 36 students in the whole class, and there are only seven students left, including six girls.

Somewhere in the corner of the No. [-] Middle School.

"There are 29 people in total. Be careful not to get lost." Jiang Ming and Qin Zhao greeted the students who jumped out one after the other.

not far away.

"Qin Sui, is that Qin Zhao?" Chai Yu looked at Qin Sui and said to the driver, "Stop."

Qin Suishun looked over, frowning slightly, one by one students jumped out of a remote corner, he had no time to think, and got out of the car quickly.

Teacher Qi's students can't have any accidents.

Chai Yu's eyelashes fluttered slightly, his eyes darkened, and he slowly opened the car door. His position did not allow him to show too much concern for anything about Qi Yuan.

Qin Sui walked quickly to a group of people, both of them looked at each other, refusing to give in to each other.

"Are you skipping class?"

"Brother, we have something to do, don't worry about it." Qin Zhao hurried forward, lest his brother send them to school.

"Qin Zhao, talk to your brother, let's go first!" Jiang Ming winked at Qin Zhao, signaling him to cling to Qin Sui.

Qin Zhao: "!!!"

How dare he pester this Lord Hades?

Qin Sui was also young, how could he not understand, he waved his hand, seven or eight car bodyguards in black poured out and surrounded 29 people.

Qin Sui took a step back and turned his eyes around, "Qi Yang didn't come out?"

"He's cowardly."

Qin Sui nodded in satisfaction, Qi Yang's temperament was almost worn out, and when things happen, he can't just rely on his temper, but also has to be rational.

"What are you here for?"

"Sister was slandered for giving gifts and was taken away." Jiang Ming was furious.

Qin Sui immediately lowered his eyes and said in a cold voice, "Zhang Ling, cancel the meeting with Boss Song and go pick up my wife home."

Teacher Qi from his family can't bear being bullied.

(End of this chapter)

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