Chapter 93
Qi Yuan moved his fingers slightly, pushing away Chu Sui who was pulling her away, "I'll go down for a while."

Chu Sui grabbed the corner of Qi Yuan's clothes, his phoenix eyes smiled, "I'll accompany you, okay?"

Everyone booed, "Woo~~~"

Chu Sui had always had a perverse temper and would not listen to anyone.

No one has seen Chu Sui's cuteness.

Now, he has been cured to death.

With a sullen face, Qi Yuan raised his legs and walked out the door without saying a word, while Chu Sui walked beside him with a smile on his face.

"My lord, please wait for others."

Qi Yuan quickened his pace, and Chu Sui followed with his long legs, joking a few words from time to time.

Everyone shrugged in unison, expressing that they couldn't stand it.When Qi Yuan and Chu Sui went out, everyone discussed who was chasing whom, and Qi Yuan's identity.

"I remember...the Qi family was driven out by a daughter..."

Everyone froze, and started a new round of discussion.

Downstairs, it is magnificent and full of extravagance. Just look at the calligraphy and paintings hanging on the side, each worth tens of millions, and the large landscape painting in the middle is a world treasure. It is rare to see it at the auction, and it is priceless .

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

[I live in Beishi with a monthly salary of [-], and I have never set foot in it. Ma De, I was lucky enough to see it today! 】

[Which big guy is popular science, why are you so excited?It's nothing to look at. 】

[Upstairs, don't speak so loudly, this is Liujinzhai, the most mysterious private entertainment club in Beishi, with a million-member entry system, that is to say, 100 million is equivalent to buying a ticket. There are ten floors in total. If you want to go upstairs , You must reach the entry amount for going upstairs, if there is no less than a few million, you will not be able to get in with one foot.According to reliable sources, the Liujinzhai has a new owner some time ago, and it is said that major changes will be made, but the details are not known. 】

[The upstairs must be a boss too. 】


[Is that the top rich second generation?Sports cars are limited worldwide, so it’s fine if I crash the car instead of Jin Xin, ah, ah, why can’t I encounter such a good thing? ? ? 】

[What kind of shit luck did Jin Xin step on, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get in for the rest of her life? 】

"Mr. Jin, you have signed a contract with us. The time period is 24 hours, live broadcast all day." The staff wearing a black mask explained, "During this period, we need to follow you 24 hours a day. If you insist on going upstairs, we will also Need to follow."

The manager in a suit and leather shoes smiled, "I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, we do not accept any filming in the Jinjinzhai, please discuss it before deciding whether to enter. In addition, we have a rest room on the first floor, and you can discuss in the rest room. We will arrange staff to prepare tea."

【This manager is so handsome and a gentleman!My heavenly dish! 】

[Is this place recruiting based on appearance?The waiter is good-looking, and the manager is also good-looking. Is this the happiness of the rich? 】

[I obviously want to see the slap in the face, but now I just feel that my face hurts. Jin Xin went in anyway, and I can't even get in.

Zhong Youxun pursed his lips and looked at Jin Xin, "Miss, do you still want to go upstairs? It seems that you can't get away from work here."

Jin Xin frowned slightly. She couldn't let her sister be coaxed by the rich second generation. If this show breaks the contract, it will break the contract. "Sorry, I decided to give up——"

"Xinxin, come here."

Jin Xin turned her head following the voice, and walked quickly towards Qi Yuan. She couldn't stop her joy and worry in her footsteps. She even started to trot and threw herself into Qi Yuan's arms. Her voice was soft and sweet, "Sister, sister..."

Chu Sui took a step back, pursed his lips, and gave Jin Xin and Qi Yuan room to embrace each other.

Zhong Youxun also walked towards Chu Sui, with a bright smile, even flattering, "Brother Sui, my sister-in-law is so beautiful!"

Make Chu Sui happy first, as for the car crash, leave it to fate.

Just bet on how much Chu Sui loves his girlfriend, and whether he can love her sister even more.

After all, her sister was largely responsible for the crash.

Chu Sui was keenly aware of something wrong with Zhong Youxun, "It's sister-in-law, not little sister-in-law."

What the hell is the little sister-in-law called?

He is only two years older than Qi Yuan, and he looks absolutely not old.

Absolutely not old!
Zhong Youxun was choked: "...Okay, Brother Sui."

Fortunately, let's wait a little longer.

I'll talk about the crash later.

He didn't want to be beaten prematurely.

Chu Sui frowned, "Did you do something that I'm sorry for?"

Too enthusiastic.

This is a flaw.

Zhong Youxun retorted: "It's a joke! How could it be!"

Chu Sui, the Lord of Hades, is really perceptive.

[Another good-looking rich second generation!Is the quality of the current rich second generation so high? 】

[That... seems to be Chu Sui?A few days ago, it was a hot search by picking up trash. 】

[Pick up trash?What? 】

[Chu Sui's bastard turned out to be a rich second generation, and that rich second generation still called him brother ah ah ah I want a ventilator! 】

[Isn't the important thing——Chu Sui is actually in love! ! ! 】

[The trash little prince I just became a fan of, why was it taken over by other women? 】

[Jin Xin and her elder sister are not good people, they don't let go of the rich second generation, they worship money and are vicious. 】

[The little brother I just fell in love with——]

Seeing that Jin Xin had been hugging her for too long, Chu Sui said in a gentle voice, "Wish, this is my sister? It seems that my sister is at work, so let's not bother her now?"

Jin Xin frowned, feeling that Chu Sui was acting strangely, so she took Qi Yuan's arm and looked at Chu Sui vigilantly, "Sister, where did you find the green tea man?"

Competitive with some of the demon male stars in the circle.

Qi Yuan glanced at Chu Sui: "..."

green tea?

He is the living king of Hades, he is crazier than the little girl who manages the book of life and death if he disagrees with him and causes chaos.

Zhong Youxun: "..."

Someone scolded Chu Sui——

Chu Sui smiled, and pulled Qi Yuan into his arms, his voice was low, as if he had unspeakable grievances, "Wu Yuan, my sister seems to have misunderstood me."

Qi Yuan and Zhong Youxun: "..."

Not seeing.

What a shame!
With a sullen face, Qi Yuan motioned Chu Sui to look in the direction of the live broadcast equipment.Chu Sui looked away, his smiling face froze instantly, and he moved his fingers unconsciously.

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I laughed so hard, sisters! 】

【Happy today~】

[What is more ridiculous in the world than other people's death? 】

[Jin Xin's sister is so helpless, that black-faced one looks like a feminist! 】

[Big...big feminism?Hahaha laughing to death, is it a deformation of machismo? 】

【How to put it, sister Jin Xin looks like a face-saving hahahaha】

【Jin Xin doesn't want to attract Chu Sui's attention, does she?Want to steal her sister's boyfriend? 】

[Sister Jinxin is so happy, her boyfriend is rich and beautiful and still likes her!For her, I don't even want to face. 】

[Cut, isn't it just to look better?These rich second generations are just playing for fun, but they are going to get married. 】

[Agreed, it’s not right to be in the right family. Marrying into a wealthy family doesn’t mean you will be a wealthy family for the rest of your life. 】

As if nothing had happened, Chu Sui embraced Qi Yuan, "Wan Yuan, Liu Jinzhai has never allowed the media to take pictures, and they have violated the regulations by coming in. Manager Xu, send them out."

Manager Xu: "..."

Chu Shao can't be the master, it depends on what the boss means.

(End of this chapter)

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