Chapter 95
Chu Sui smiled, with the same disdain in his eyes, and did not speak.

But Chu Sui's expression hurt Gu Tingchen's eyes.

Gu Tingchen was annoyed, "Young Master Chu, if Mr. Chu knows that you are causing trouble for him outside, and you return to Chu's house, you will have nothing to eat."

Chu Sui's tone became loose, "Mr. Gu, you don't need to worry about the Chu family's affairs."

[I declare!Mr. Gu is slightly better! 】

[Why, where did Chu Sui lose? 】

[Mr. Gu has his own company, and he also cooperates with Chu Sui's elder brother, Mr. Ba is so confident! 】

[Please, isn’t Chu Sui’s gilt room enough?What's more, the Chu family must have his shares. Isn't he better than Mr. Gu? 】

[Stop's not yours anyway. 】


Gu Tingchen laughed angrily, and was full of sarcasm at Chu Sui's ignorance, "Young Master Chu, if you insist on this, I don't think there is any need to continue the cooperation between brother Ling and Beichao."

Chu Sui glanced at Qi Yuan's direction from the corner of his eye, and then looked away, "Mr. Gu, are you sure? Can the signed contract be broken at will?"

Gu Tingchen glanced at Ruan Xiaoxiao, "Why not? I, Gu Tingchen's people, are not something outsiders can bully casually."

Ruan Xiaoxiao's heart skipped a beat, Gu Tingchen treats her... no, can't fall, he is not a good guy.

Not far away, Qi Yuan took out his mobile phone and typed in the memo, Jin Xin was curious.

"Sister, what are you writing?"

Qi Yuan's subordinates kept moving, "Accumulate materials."

Gu Tingchen's quotations are too domineering, especially suitable for writing a boss, or the kind of retarded boss.

Jin Xin glanced at it, the corners of her mouth twitched, and saw that there were some very embarrassing and embarrassing fragments written on it, which made the scalp tingle.

"Wen Renhao lifted Su Rou'er's chin, put his fingertips on Su Rou'er's delicate lips, and rubbed them delicately but forcefully. When the lips touched the slightly rough fingerprints, they trembled in shock. Wen Renhao Hao's eyes dimmed, "Rou'er, you are mine. "Su Rou'er's eyes were treacherous, and the darkness turned into black, she quickly raised her leg and kicked Wen Renhao down, crushing Wen Renhao's ribs, her laughter was as clear and ethereal as the night wind, "It's just a substitute, you are too greedy. ""

Jin Xin: "..."

What is this God unfolding?

"Sister, are you writing fanfiction?" Jin Xin looked at the names of Wen Renhao and Su Rou'er, and remembered the novel that was scolded as a hot search a few days ago, and the hero and heroine had this name.

Speaking of that novel, Jin Xin couldn't help but feel her scalp tingle.

The entangled love between the domineering male protagonist Wen Renhao and the [-]th-line entertainer female protagonist Su Rouer has gathered various vulgarities such as Bai Yueguang, doubles, liver and kidney digging, misidentifying benefactors, wealthy young mothers, feigning death, swallowing ashes, etc. stem.

However, it was all done by the female lead on the male lead, and there was a lot of scolding in the comment area. Unexpectedly, my sister also saw it.

"It's not Tongrenwen." Qi Yuan continued to tap his fingers, looking up from time to time in the direction of Gu Tingchen and Chu Sui, "This is the content of the next chapter."

Jin Xin: "???"

She seemed to have heard something terrible.

"Sister, you are... the author of 'The President is not worthy of death'?" Jin Xin choked up, a little hard to accept this fact.

Everyone is saying that the author of "The CEO is not guilty of death" has some mental problems. Is that a plot that people can come up with?

Only then did Qi Yuan raise his head, turned his head slightly to look at Jin Xin, and said vigilantly, "You also chased me and scolded me?"

Jin Xin hesitated for a moment: "No! My sister wrote it well!"

She only scolded a few times, who asked the director to scold her for a few days...

Unexpectedly, I scolded my sister...

Qi Yuan clicked his tongue and continued to type, "I think so, this book is about to end, and the next book will be an ancient one."

"... so fast?"

Jin Xin's heart trembled.

Qi Yuan agreed, "It's okay."

Chu Sui and Gu Tingchen at the door refused to give in to each other and confronted each other.

"Mr. Gu? Young Master Chu?" Li Mingya stepped on high heels and carried a new season's bag, walked into the Liujinzhai, and greeted the two of them with a smile.

Chu Sui glanced at Li Mingya, nodded his chin, and said hello. He was not familiar with Li Mingya, at most, he had met Li Mingya a few times at the banquet.

Gu Tingchen did the same, with a cold face, he glanced at Li Mingya as a greeting.

Li Mingya clenched his fists, with an impeccable expression on his face, "Why don't President Gu and Young Master Chu go in? It's fate to meet you today, how about I invite you here?"

"No need." Chu Sui said, a little annoyed, he looked at Manager Xu, "Please get the person out."

It was the first time Gu Tingchen heard such unreasonable words. Who in Beishi disrespected him?

"Okay, Young Master Chu."

Manager Xu responded immediately.

[Ah, ah, I, Mr. Gu, unexpectedly lost! 】

[Chu Sui deserves to be the [-]th line, there is no way to get ahead in the entertainment circle, and the ability to offend people is too great!He doesn't think that everyone has to treat him as a master when he enters the society, right?Just wait, Mr. Gu will break up with the Chu family when he goes back, and Chu Sui will have to apologize to Mr. Gu. 】

[Laughing to death, I'm afraid you don't know the status of the Chu family in Beishi! 】

[What is the relationship between the Chu family and Chu Sui?The bigger the family, the more profit. Chu Sui also has a big brother, and one can tell that the heir is the big brother. The power center of the Chu family has nothing to do with Chu Sui, just a son-in-law. 】

[Mr. Gu has his own company and doesn't need to rely on his family. Isn't he better than Chu Sui? 】

Seeing this, Gu Tingchen put down the last harsh words, and left with the mighty program group, which can be described as humiliating.

Li Mingya's eyes flickered, "Young Master Chu, you were so amazing just now."

Chu Sui pulled his lips, "Miss Li, you also praised Gu Tingchen in the same way at the Gu family banquet last time."

After finishing speaking, Chu Sui turned and walked towards Qi Yuan.

Li Mingya rolled her eyes, isn't that just to cast a wide net?At that time, even if they get married, they won't have a bad life.

Li Mingya sighed, she didn't know which step she did wrong, now no man looks pleasing to her, and those noble ladies also avoid her all day long.Both of her younger sisters were married off, and she was the only one left.

Chu Sui walked to Qi Yuan's side, seeing Qi Yuan beating and beating, he was a little curious, "Wan Yuan?"

Qi Yuan typed the last word, put away the phone, "Go up to eat."

Jin Xin walked two steps after her, and her manager called. After a few words, Jin Xin's face turned pale, and she hung up the phone. Jin Xin didn't know how to speak to Qi Yuan.

"What happened?" Qi Yuan asked Jin Xin.

Jin Xin clenched her fists, her eyes were slightly red, and she pretended to be calm, "Ah? Ah! It's nothing serious, except that one of my endorsements has been cancelled, it's nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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