Chapter 62

Jin Jiaojiao was indeed a lot nervous after he woke up, because she could see that the relationship between her elder brother and sister seemed to be quite good.

It seemed that she was a bit redundant, so she consciously lowered her existence and worked quietly on the side.

However, she never thought that the first thing her elder brother said to her was thank you.

This made her a little at a loss, "I, I didn't, it was Sister Ah Yan who took care of me all the time."

"Don't be afraid, big brother is not scary." Jin Yan patted her head reassuringly, "You two get to know each other well, I'll go and cook something delicious for you."

After she left, the elder and the younger looked at each other. Jiang Yan had no experience with children, but Jin Jiaojiao was the first child Jin Yan took after all.

Moreover, she took her surname, and she will be regarded as Jin Yan's younger sister in the future. For this sister-in-law who suddenly appeared, Jiang Yan said that she must establish a good relationship!

Jin Yan intends to rest here for a day first, taking advantage of the water here, he can stay for a while, after all, he doesn't know when the water will be found next time.

After this period of time, she found that thirty catties of water was not enough for them, especially now that there was one more person.

In the past, two people used one and a half catties of water a day, but now three people and a horse, even if it is two catties of water a day, it is a bucket.

The ten water storage buckets on the car can only be used for ten days if they are all filled. If there is an emergency, it will be bad.

So it is still necessary to make a few more water storage buckets, and the water in the car is preferably as much as it can hold.

Jin Yan first went around the surrounding woods, but there was still no food, and she couldn't even see a bird. If she wasn't injured, she could go deeper.

She had no choice but to find some bamboo and go back, planning to make more water storage buckets when she was free, but when she turned around, she suddenly found traces of bamboo shoots.

She was secretly happy, and finally gained something.

She quickly dug a few out, there was nothing to eat after the severe drought, but there is a small ditch here, and the surrounding land is not so short of water.

But she felt that the small ditch would probably dry up soon, because it had to be guarded when it was fetching water here today.

That ditch is only as big as a sea bowl, and it would take a stick of incense to fill that ditch.

However, the bamboo shoots in this forest were not affected, and they grew well.

These winter bamboo shoots will also be taken back and buried in the fire with their shells to cook, and then placed in a cool and humid place, which can be stored for more than a month.

To eat it at a later date, just remove the outer shell, cut into thin slices and rinse with water to remove the bitterness.

Today's meal can be a little richer. She took out some waxed pork ribs, cleaned them and made winter bamboo shoots pork ribs soup. She also added some chestnuts, which tasted very delicious.

She hastened to make a bamboo tube that can be used for cooking, which is the size for three or four people. She didn't think about the problem of cooking before, but now she thinks about it and thinks that she needs to bring a rice steamer.

This bamboo tube rice is sweet, soft and glutinous, and the fragrance of bamboo is overflowing. It will be steamed in a bucket later to give them a tooth-making ceremony.

In addition, half of the salted fish in the car was taken out to make steamed salted fish with shredded ginger. There were no other dishes. Except for winter bamboo shoots, what I ate today was basically my own food.

But she didn't feel distressed, these grains were meant to be eaten, and today was considered a good day, so eat something good to reward her.

Jiang Yan and Jin Jiaojiao didn't know what they were talking about, but the children couldn't like him for a while, and they always told him how their carriage was.

And although Jiang Yan was listening to her, his eyes gradually turned to Jin Yan, watching her busy around the stove.

The former Jin Yan gave him a particularly strange feeling, as if he was always out of tune with this world.

But this reunion, he seemed to feel that Jin Yan was slowly blending into this world, that she gradually became pragmatic, and that she would plan for daily necessities.

"The two of you are still chatting, I have already prepared the meal."

When Jin Yan brought the food to the table, both of them swallowed involuntarily.

Jin Yan looked at their reactions with satisfaction, and each of them filled a bowl full of rice, "Let's have a good meal today, to reward the running around these days, and taste what I cook."

Ever since she touched carbon water in the capital, she can't do without it now, and she has to eat a little every day.

But baked buns can't be eaten all the time, the two of them are not good at craftsmanship, and now that the weather is cold, they are too hard to chew.

Jiang Yan looked at the food on the table, it was very simple, there were only two dishes, but the steaming food always gave him the taste of home.

"Eat quickly, there is no next meal after eating this meal!"

Jin joked with them out of intimidation, but he served a bowl of soup first.

This winter bamboo shoots pork ribs soup is really good, the winter bamboo shoots are fragrant and crispy, and the cured pork ribs are full of salty fragrance.

She scooped up a bowl for Jiang Yan, "You are not well yet, drink more soup."

Jiang Yan immediately took a sip and felt comfortable all over, "This is delicious, did you dig it just now?"

"Yeah." Jin Yan said while eating, "I only found winter bamboo shoots in this forest, let's dig some later and save them for later eating."

Jiang Yan nodded silently, eating seriously.

She looked up at Jiang Yan, the food on the table was steaming, making it seem like there was a hazy white mist before them.

The man seemed to be thinner than before, and looked more refined.

He always eats elegantly, but the speed is not fast and dissatisfied, and it is always hard to find fault.

"What is this yellow thing?"

"Big brother, this is a chestnut. I picked it up when sister Ah Yan and I were on the road. It's delicious."

Jiang Yan picked up another piece as soon as he heard it, and commented while eating, "This chestnut is quite sweet, why doesn't Ah Yan eat it, what are you looking at?"



Sensing his uncontrollable heartbeat, Jin Yan immediately lowered his head, "I didn't watch anything, I was just thinking about how we should sleep at night."

Jiang Yan nodded immediately, and muttered to himself, "It's more troublesome at night. Someone needs to keep watch at night in the wilderness."

"So you should keep watch at night from now on."

Jiang Yan looked at her aggrievedly, "Am I keeping vigil again?"

When he was in the mountain stream, he always kept watch at night.

Jin Yan snorted softly, "Then what should we do, you are the man among the three of us, we sleep in the carriage at night, and you can catch up on sleep in the carriage during the day, so it's decided!"

After eating and drinking, the three of them had to hurry up and work.

This ditch is slow to store water, so far they haven't even filled their kettles, so someone has to guard them, otherwise they won't be able to fill them up when they leave tomorrow.

Jiang Yan was not in good health, so he stayed here voluntarily, and it could also be used as a water storage bucket by the way.

She and Jin Jiaojiao took their things to dig winter bamboo shoots, and the bamboo forest is not that big, so they just searched in this area.

With sharp eyes, Jin Yan quickly found seven or eight of them, and asked Jin Jiaojiao to dig slowly.

The two went out for an hour and dug up all the winter bamboo shoots in the forest. When they came back, they just caught up with Jiang Yan to boil the water.

"We have quite a lot of winter bamboo shoots, let's boil them and dry them." Although it's okay to throw them over the fire and simmer, this method can also keep them for a month.

It is impossible to eat so many bamboo shoots every day. If we can't find anything else to eat, it will be even more difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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