fall into his palm

Chapter 1 Nightmare Newlyweds

Chapter 1 Nightmare Newlyweds
Today is Ye Sisi's big wedding day.

Other people's weddings are held in hotels or churches, only her wedding is held in the ancestral hall that enshrines the tablets of the dead.

Because her groom is Leng Shaoxuan, who is a dead man.

One night a year ago, Ye Sisi was driving home from the university town in Xiaoqu District, and found a person lying on the road.

After getting out of the car, he found a comatose man and sent him to the hospital for treatment.

The man died after the treatment failed.

Ye Sisi's kindness was not rewarded, and she was accused of being the perpetrator and sent to prison.

The Leng family, the most wealthy family in Jiangcheng, forced her to marry Leng Shaoxuan, who had been declared dead, otherwise she would have to pay for her life.

Either be a dead man yourself, or marry a dead man.

In desperation, Ye Sisi chose to marry the deceased.

It's better to die than to live, and only by living can you prove your innocence.


The guests dispersed, and there was a dead silence in the ancestral hall.

Ye Sisi was wearing a bright red wedding dress, kneeling in front of Leng Shaoxuan's portrait.

The groom in the photo has three-dimensional features and is extremely handsome, but his eyes are terrifyingly sharp.

Ye Sisi glanced at the photo, feeling that she was overwhelmed by the eyes in the photo, so she quickly looked away.

After staying in the ancestral hall until ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Sisi tiptoed out of the ancestral hall.

She wants to escape, she can't keep on keeping a memorial tablet to live.

Before the accident, Ye Sisi had a boyfriend, and her boyfriend was Leng Maoze, nephew of today's groom Leng Shaoxuan.

Leng Maoze said, let her pretend to agree to marry Leng Shaoxuan first, let the Leng family relax their vigilance, and take her away.

It was agreed to meet in the wing at ten ten, and now it is only three minutes away.

After leaving the ancestral hall, I came to the door of the wing room, and was about to open the door to enter when I suddenly heard a woman's voice.

"Maoze, are you so bad... Itchy..."

This is the voice of Lu Meiqin, the daughter of Dad and Xiaosansheng. Why is she here?

Leng Maoze's voice came: "Baby, don't flash, isn't this what you want?"

Ye Sisi kicked the door open, and saw that Lu Meiqin was entangled with Leng Maoze.

"You, you..."

Ye Sisi's back felt cold and her legs felt weak, as if all her strength had been sucked away.

Lu Meiqin put her arms around Leng Maoze's neck, and looked at Ye Sisi provocatively: "Sister, happy wedding! Maoze and I have been here twice, why don't you enter the bridal chamber, hahaha..."

Ye Sisi was so angry that she clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging into the flesh of her palms.

"Leng Maoze, why are you with her?"

"Sister, Maoze has been with me for a long time. The person he loves is me, and you, just go and be your widow. Get out, don't delay us from continuing to be happy."

Anger rose in Ye Sisi's heart, and she rushed forward to fight Leng Maoze and Lu Meiqin desperately.

Leng Maoze asked Lu Meiqin to hide first, and then shouted at the top of his voice, "Come on, Ye Sisi wants to escape, catch her!"

The servants and bodyguards of Leng's family rushed over after hearing the sound, threw Ye Sisi back to the ancestral hall, and closed the big cold iron gate.


Ye Sisi was exhausted physically and mentally, and collapsed on the futon.

In a daze, he heard footsteps behind him.

Ye Sisi was frightened, her sleepiness disappeared, and she quickly got up.

This is the ancestral hall, how can there be footsteps?
Is it...

Goosebumps all over her body, hurriedly picked up a few sticks of incense, and went to light it in front of the white candle: "Lingling, don't look for me, I didn't hit you, I really didn't hit you..."

Before she could finish her thoughts, a hand was already strangling her throat from behind.

Ye Sisi turned her head abruptly, trying to see the people behind clearly, but only saw a black mask in a trance.

In the faint candlelight, the eyes behind the mask shot out a cold light, which was breathtaking.

It seemed somewhat familiar.

"Let go of me, who are you..."

The black mask didn't speak, but held her throat tighter.

Ye Sisi couldn't breathe, and felt pain like a needle prick in her chest.

The other hand of the black mask suddenly reached into her wedding dress.

Ye Si wanted to resist, but he was completely powerless, and he was pushed down on the futon...


When I woke up, I was still in the ancestral hall, the candles were flickering, and the wind was blowing.

The wedding dress was torn in several places, and the hickey marks on her body were still there. The pain was real, not a dream.

A touch of red on the futon is shocking.

When he looked up, he saw Leng Shaoxuan's portrait again.

That look is more familiar.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
Leng Shaoxuan has been sent to the funeral parlor for cremation, how could he come back from the dead and appear here, demanding himself...

There can't be ghosts in this world, it's impossible!
But if it's not a ghost, who is the black mask?

The gate of the ancestral hall was locked, how did he get in?

Early the next morning, the door of the ancestral hall was finally reopened.

According to the rules of the Leng family, Ye Sisi, the new daughter-in-law, had to serve tea to greet her.

After washing up, Ye Sisi changed into plain clothes.

She is a top student at the Law School of Jiangcheng University, and also the campus belle of Jiangcheng University.

Tall, with a standard goose-egg beauty face, and a pair of peach blossom eyes that are always watery, and can seduce people at a glance.

It's a pity that she has an unlucky face and an allure, but she has become the most beautiful widow in Jiangcheng.

Ye Sisi was escorted by her servants to the main hall.

The old lady of the Leng family sat in the middle with a gloomy face. When she saw Ye Sisi, she coldly shouted: "Kneel down!"

Ye Sisi hung her head and refused to kneel.

Ex-boyfriend Leng Maoze rushed over and kicked her on the knee, "Bitch, how dare you not kneel!"

With pain in his feet, he fell to his knees on the floor with a plop.

"Ye Sisi, since you are married to Shao Xuan, you must fulfill your duty as a wife!" said the old lady Leng.

Do your duty as a wife?

How can I do my duty to a dead person?Is it impossible to be buried with him?

"Although Shaoxuan is gone, the children of Leng's family are all prepared to pass on their offspring when they are healthy. Now, as Shaoxuan's wife, you have to fulfill your obligations, go to the hospital for test tubes, and give birth to a child for Shaoxuan!"

Ye Sisi was shocked.

Leng Shaoxuan is already dead, and he wants to combine himself with the body fluid he left behind to make a test-tube baby?
Once the child is conceived, it is destined to be a posthumous child!
Why do such a cruel thing?
"Mrs. Leng...I..."

Before Ye Sisi could refute, Mrs. Leng interrupted her: "How dare you disagree? Then I will burn you to Shaoxuan! You'd better be obedient!"

"Give her to me, and I will teach her to be obedient!"

When a deep and magnetic voice came, Ye Sisi looked back, her eyes widened and her mouth opened wide in shock.

It was Zhang's face, the same facial features, and the same eyes as the portrait hanging in the ancestral hall.

It's just that he was sitting in a wheelchair and his face was slightly pale.

"Leng Shaoxuan, you...how are you still alive?"

(End of this chapter)

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